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Posts posted by taconui

  1. Sooo... This is probably a question that's been answered numerous times, but I'm having trouble finding any good answers to it; what can Toa of Magnetism do that Toa of Iron can't? Also, what can Toa of Iron do that Toa of Magnetism can't?EDIT: If there's already a topic that answers this question and I just missed it, feel free to redirect me to it...

  2. IC: Akinii"As far as I can tell, yes," Akinii said. "The only thing I know is that a Toa of Fire with anger issues claims that I killed a friend of his a while ago; he didn't elaborate any further, as he was kinda busy blasting flame at my face..."

  3. IC: Akinii"Hey, wait up!" Akinii sprinted after Plagia, using his Kanohi Calix to move a little more quickly, getting to Mussiki before Plagia. "Sorry, Mussiki: we weren't sure whether you wanted us to follow you or not."

  4. OOC: Wow, your sig is hysterical, Void... :D makes me laugh every time I see it.IC: AkiniiWhoa. Akinii returned said bear hug, managing to keep it from being awkward. Plagia has transformed into a hugger in the last two minutes.... How intriguing. "Thanks," he said, smiling.

  5. IC: AkiniiNaturally, after Plagia had left, Akinii had decided to follow her, grabbing his weapons and heading out the door of the club. It was a bit tricky to keep up with her quick pace, but he managed to not get lost in the process, and nearly catch up to her. "Hey Plagia, what are you... Oh." Plagia was already berating a sobbing Mussiki, who was hunched over someone's grave. What in the... "Um, Mussiki? What's going on?" he said.

  6. IC: DivinexKarz... Divinex wanted to put in his two cents about this Rahkshi thing, but he wasn't sure what to say. "Um..." Divinex twiddled his thumbs, feeling silly for not having any ideas about what to do.

  7. OOC: Sweet, thanks! IC: Divinex"Hey wait, hold on a sec," Divinex said to the guard as he briskly walked away. "Aren't you going to need help with that? A lot of help? I might be able to knock off a couple Rahkshi for you..."

  8. OOC: Ah, the light dawns! Thank you, Eyru Bieber, that's extremely helpful. Btw, may I interact with your character Oreius? If there's Rahkshi involved, I'd like to be in on it if that's ok...IC: Divinex As Divinex walked through Ta-Koro, he noted that the local hospital had been flattened and was now a smoking pile of Manas manure. He asked a Ta-Koro guard whether everything was under control, and the guard tersely replied in the affirmative, saying "yes, yes it is under control: bugger off, will you? I'm busy." Shrugging, Divinex walked away. Shortly afterwards, he noticed another guard mention something about Rahkshi invading Po-Koro. Intrigued, Divinex said "Excuse me, did you say something about Rahkshi?"OOC: That's Oreius Divinex is talking to... Feel free to not reply if you've already got enough peeps involved with this and don't need one more person to muddle it up...

  9. OOC: Oh. Sorry about that, I'm smart aren't I? :D IC: AkiniiAkinii reached out and shook Mussiki's hand. "I'm Akinii, Toa of Ice and master amnesiac, and this is Plagia, Toa of Lightning and master villain-destroyer. Nice to meet you, Mussiki." Akinii looked at the city of Onu-Koro, and was impressed. The tunnels leading to this village had been a tad dark and weird for his liking, but the town itself looked like a fine place to reside.

  10. IC: DivinexDivinex decided to head back to Ta-Koro, see what he could see and find something to do. He got up, headed for the gate of the city, and walked into town for the second time that day.OOC: Divinex open for interaction... Although somehow I doubt that anyone will be free to interact, what with this whole convoluted hospital storyline that I am completely confused by...

  11. IC: Akinii"Onu-Koro in general is where we're headed, for no particular reason," Akinii said to the musicial Matoran. "We'll probably drink a little, save villagers from horrific deaths, beat up baddies, you know: whatever comes up."

  12. IC: DivinexNaturally, as soon as the mysterious Toa had started moving, Divinex had quickly lost track of him, missing the destruction of the hospital and not helping anyone or anything. He'd given up after a while, and headed back towards the Ta-Koro gate. Now what? OOC: Any epic fights or plots Divinex could get involved in? I'm bored...

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