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Posts posted by taconui

  1. IC: Divinex What in the world....? Divinex noted the presence of two Ta-Koro guards some ways off, through the dark, confusing stumps of the forest. Since he had nothing better to do than just sit there, he watched them walk for a bit. He turned on his Mask of Stealth.The two Matoran passed someone that looked like a Toa: they failed to notice that they were passing anyone, and continued on their way. How attentive. The Toa looked like he was up to something dastardly, although Divinex couldn't divine just what that dastardly deed might be. Divinex moved a little closer, hiding behind trees so he wouldn't be seen, in the event that his buggy Kanohi malfunctioned (again.) What am I doing? I'm no hero, I haven't been one for eons... He didn't know why, but something compelled him to investigate... OOC: Permission to interfere, AuRon?

  2. IC: Akinii"Onu-Koro? Sounds okay to me," Akinii said. "Out of curiosity, what's the weather like there? So far, it seems like every Koro has its own everything..."

  3. IC: AkiniiAkinii turned to Plagia, saying "By the way... Where are we headed? If you don't mind, I'd like to keep gallivanting around this island with you for a while, at least until I figure out who I am and whatnot..."

  4. IC: Akinii"Hello," Akinii said to Jaron. He would have recommended a drink, had he had any knowledge of drinks whatsoever. Unfortunately, he didn't, so he didn't bother saying anything else. IC: DivinexDivinex was absolutely miserable. He'd never been so confused in his whole life about anything. He hated being confused.When Laihna had died, Divinex had reacted almost without hesitation: he'd never doubted the "fact" that his friend Akinii had been responsible. Was he? Divinex had no idea what to do. Should he go and talk to Akinii about it? Should he just kill him? Karz... OOC: If anyone happens to be outside Ta-Koro and doesn't have anything better to do, feel free to interact with Divinex.

  5. IC: AkiniiAkinii watched Rynekk leave. Oh, Mata Nui, what do I say now? He would have said something, but he was at a loss for how to console Plagia, or if he should even try. Um... Why must I be so awkward? I'm such a bloody introvert... IC: DivinexAfter exiting the gate of Ta-Koro, Divinex headed towards the Charred Forest. He didn't really know where he was trying to get to, nor did he care: he just needed to get away. Entering the edge of the forest, he sat down to catch his breath, with his back against a tree. He leaned back against a tree, and took a deep breath. Oh, Laihna... What have I become? Karz.

  6. IC: AkiniiAkinii stood up slowly, willing his shaky legs to work. His entire body ached with pain. "Well?" he said to Divinex. "You gonna kill me or what?" He threw his swords on the ground. "Shoot."IC: DivinexSuddenly, Divinex was completely befuddled. For the first time in what had surely been forever, he felt confused about what was right and what wasn't. Is it right to kill him? he wondered. He was conflicted with a maelstrom of emotions, all threatening to rip his mind apart. He killed my friend... But does that make it right to murder him? Is it right to lower myself to his level? Is he telling the truth? Did he actually kill her? Or did I just assume that? He snapped. He couldn't take it anymore. He turned and ran in the general direction of the sun, away from Akinii.

  7. IC: Divinex Crud. There was no way that Divinex would have any chance against both Plagia and Rynekk, and he knew it. "Fine," he said. "Have it your way. Would you mind letting me out of your trap, Makuta boy? Or do I have to melt through it myself?"

  8. IC: AkiniiAkinii looked to his right and dodged an incoming blast of fire from Divinex by mere inches. He looked at Rynekk. "What she said," he said quietly even as he caused large chunks of ice to form on Divinex's various limbs, utilizing what little moisture there was in the arid air of Ta-Koro. Divinex stumbled a bit under the weight, and Akinii ran at him, with his fist rearing back to hit Divinex. Unfortunately, the Toa of Fire dodged Akinii's attack, letting the Toa of Ice run by him in his haste. He then gave the lanky Toa a powerful blow in the back with his mace, sending Akinii several feet away in the general direction of Po-Koro, with a nasty bruise on his spine. Akinii crumpled to the ground, nearly blacking out in pain. Divinex walked towards him, gathering fire in his hands...

  9. IC: AkiniiThe Toa of Ice shrugged. "You took a swing at Plagia. If you decide to leave peacefully and go do something else, I'll leave you alone..." he said nonchalantly. He looked over at Plagia, and saw that she was under attack from Divinex. He headed Plagia's way, tossing a large salvo of ice shards at her assailant, even as Plagia launched a veritable storm of electricity in all directions. Unfortunately, Akinii caught a little bit of the blast, which hurt, unsurprisingly. Ow.IC: DivinexOf course, Divinex had it a lot worse: lightning is very difficult to dodge, especially when you're attempting to dodge something else at the same time. The Toa of Fire hit the ground hard. The combination of ice and lightning made for a very painful experience for the vengeful Divinex, and he yelled out in pain.

  10. OOC: Thanks, Void! Your patience is appreciated.IC: AkiniiAkinii attempted to move backwards, out of the way of Rynekk's fist. The punch grazed the Toa of Ice, leaving little in the way of damage, although it hurt like heck. He returned the favor by yanking out one of his swords, coating it in a thick layer of ice, and swinging the weapon powerfully towards Rynekk's legs.IC: Divinex Divinex activated his Mask of Stealth, moving nearer to Plagia and to the right. Setting his mace ablaze, he threw it at Plagia, then ran towards the Toa of Lightning, getting ready to send an intense blast of fire at her. Naturally, his unreliable Volitak bugged out right after he chucked the mace. Man, I need a new mask.

  11. OOC: Wow, sorry Void: I didn't see your post way back on page 110 or whatever it was, and thought you were just taking forever to reply... Fail by me.IC: AkiniiAkinii nimbly dodged the stone blast, then ran up to Rynekk and leapt into the air, swiftly throwing his right foot at Rynekk's head. IC: Divinex After (kind of) recovering his strength, Divinex attacked Plagia with a thin, powerfully intense stream of flame, which was aimed at the Toa of Lightning's face.

  12. IC: AkiniiWell, she seems to be OK... Akinii ran and did a front flip over Plagia and Rynekk, blasting a sizable amount of ice down towards the Makuta-following Toa of Stone.IC: DivinexDivinex took some time to recover himself: his surroundings were still spinning around, thanks to Akinii. Ow.

  13. IC: AkiniiAkinii heard the sickening sound of a large mace smashing into metallic armor, and groaned inwardly, even as he whirled around and gave Divinex a mighty hit in the face with the butt of one of his swords. The Toa of Fire went down. Akinii helped Plagia up off the ground. "Are you OK?" IC: DivinexOw. What... The... Karz??? Divinex managed to clear his head somewhat, and threw a salvo of fireballs at Akinii's unprotected backside, hoping to catch him off guard.IC: AkiniiAkinii had been expecting Divinex to attack him, and sent out a blast of ice towards Divinex, which stopped the latter's fireballs from getting anywhere near Akinii. Simultaneously, he sent a thin, powerful stream of ice at Rynekk's face.

  14. IC: DivinexDivinex managed to deflect the sword that was flying at his head, but he didn't quite get the other one, which smacked into him, leaving what would probably become a sizable bruise in a minute or two. He retaliated by leaping at Plagia and swinging his mace in a powerful arc at her midsection, hoping to knock her into the ground...OOC: What did Rynekk and Akinii do last? I can't remember what was exactly going on, and I can't find the post(s)...

  15. IC: AkiniiAkinii dodged the spear using his Kanohi Calix and quickly blasted a large hunk of ice at the lower half of Rynekk, making it shatter right before it would (hopefully) smack into Rynekk and send him reeling. I wonder how skilled this fellow is... IC: Divinex Divinex suddenly leapt out of his alcove, deactivating his Mask of Stealth. Over his dead body (literally) would some other being kill Akinii: he wanted to keep the privilege to himself. "Hey! This Toa's mine to kill!" Not waiting for Rynekk to answer, he set the earth beneath the Toa of Stone ablaze, then pulled out his mace and ran straight for Rynekk, pulling back his weapon to strike...

  16. OOC: Oh. I don't know where I got the idea that Rynekk was a Toa of Fire... Sorry.IC: AkiniiWhen Rynekk charged at Plagia, Akinii instantly reacted, silently leaping over and giving Rynekk a swooping hook in the face, hoping to stun the Toa of Stone into submission. You mess with Plagia, you mess with me...

  17. IC: Akinii"Wha...?" Akinii didn't know who this Mata Nui person was either, unsurprisingly. The Toa of Ice decided it'd be better if he didn't ask more questions. He trusted Plagia, but he wondered if there was any truth to what Rynekk was saying. Somehow I doubt it... Akinii considered telling Rynekk to leave, but decided not to for the moment: if the Toa of Fire threatened Plagia in any way, Akinii would be ready.

  18. OOC: SO many posts, wow...IC: Akinii Makuta? When Rynekk said the odd name, a slight chill came to Akinii: he didn't know why, but something about it seemed evil and twisted. Of course, Rynekk also didn't sound like he was talking about his favorite person in the world. Akinii nudged Plagia, and said, "Uh, sorry to butt in, again, but if you don't mind my asking: who's Makuta?"IC: Divinex Divinex, who was still watching Akinii and company intently, was shocked. He's tangled up with Makuta? Divinex was far from being a hero of any kind, but he hated pathetic Makuta followers with a passion. In fact, he hated them almost as much as he hated Akinii. I wonder whether this Toa is a willing servant of Makuta?

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