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Posts posted by taconui

  1. My first Bionicle set (like many others here) was one of those Matoran (they might have still been called Tohunga at that point, I'm not sure) from McDonald's (when I was five or so.) I got Macku. Then I started investigating Bionicle a bit more and I really liked it, so I got Toa Mata Gali and I've been a Bionicle fan ever since.

  2. IC: Akinii finished off his drink and put it down. He did like it, but it was a tad stronger than what he was used to (whatever that might have been.) "Sure, I'll give you a hand. What do you need me to do?"

  3. IC: Akinii took a drink of his scotch and was surprised by the strength of it. He valiantly swallowed and said, "I have even less to tell, honestly... Somehow, I woke up this morning underwater, so I panicked, swam to shore, and found my way here. I don't remember anything else than that, except my name." He took another drink and valiantly swallowed again.

  4. I didn't like the 2010 sets too much, but the story was alright... Personally, I enjoy the alternate universes, and I always enjoy those moments when something you thought was set in stone gets turned on its head and you find out that Mavrah is still alive or whatever: it's what makes Bionicle so amazing, honestly. One thing I didn't like were all the silly promotions, especially Free the Band, which was incredibly lame. Every segment of Bionicle has their own pros and cons, but I like them all: I particularly enjoyed the Voya and Mahri Nui parts, which had a totally different feel that I've always enjoyed (although the Hordika part wasn't all that strong.)

  5. IC: Akinii sat at the counter, trying to figure out where he should go next. The Skakdi bartender came up to him, asking if Akinii wanted a drink. "Uh, sorry, I don't have any money..." "Then get out of here, I don't have time for you." He pointed a thumb towards the back of the inn. "If you're looking for work, the Infernivika needs sailors, and they could probably use a Toa." Akinii considered for a moment. "Thanks for letting me know, but I don't think I'll ask: right now, I just need to figure out where the hey I am." Shockingly, the bartender looked surprised. "You're in Ga-Koro, obviously. Now can you leave me alone?" Akinii asked if he could sit at an empty table and gather himself for a bit. Grudgingly, the bartender obliged and Akinii sat down.OOC: oh yeah, Akinii is open for interaction, if anyone cares to know.

  6. IC: Akinii walked into Ga-Koro. He was surprised by the apparent strength of the lily pads this watery village resided on. Still, he felt a bit shaky. He continued on into the village. He noticed a flyer that had been spiked into the wall of a hut, which asked for recruits for some sort of sea voyage. Interested beings were supposed to go someplace called "the Black Spot inn." [What an inviting name...] Akinii decided to pass on the voyage prospect: he'd had enough of open water. However, he did think that just going to the inn wouldn't be a bad idea: perhaps he could learn something about where he was and what was going on. After a few minutes of asking for directions and getting lost, Akinii found the inn and strode in. He looked about the inn, realizing that his unusually tall stature and Toa status made him very conspicuous in this inn full of Matoran and Skakdi. He headed over to the bar and sat down amidst the curious looks he kept getting from those Matoran that weren't completely inebriated. [Maybe I should get out of here...]

  7. OOC: at the moment, I'm using an iPad and therefore am unable to change fonts, formatting, etc. on these posts, as I am at a total loss for how to code it in manually. Therefore, for the moment I will be putting brackets around a phrase to indicate that it's supposed to be in italics, [like this.]IC: Akinii burst out of the ocean waters by Ga-Wahi, gasping for air. He clambered out of the ocean onto a conveniently placed boulder, filling his lungs with oxygen and coughing out water simultaneously. He muttered a Matoran swear word. [i hate water,] he thought angrily. After a few minutes of heavy breathing, he took in his surroundings. Water. For the next 500 yards. Before land could be reached. He swore again.He suddenly realized he had no idea where he was, or why he'd just woken up at the bottom of the ocean. Confusedly, he looked around some more. [Where the hey am I?]Another few minutes later, after swallowing some more water (and coughing it right back up) he was on land. [Finally.] He noticed a small village of some kind that was placed on some giant lily pads. [Great. A village built on lily pads. Brilliant.]

  8. Name: AkiniiGender: MaleAlignment: GoodMask: Kanohi Calix (looks very aerodynamic, with a bulbous front and modern bike helmet top)Species: Toa of IceAppearance: Akinii is a lanky, taller than average Toa who is agile and quick (though not particularly strong.) He carries a pair of well worn short swords for speedy attacks. He has not mastered his control over ice just yet, generally relying on his speed and Kanohi Calix to confuse attackers.Personality/History: Akinii is quite awkward when talking to anyone who he isn't attacking, which comes as a surprise to many considering his deftness of hand in battle. He also doesn't smile much. Despite his lack of charisma, Akinii cares for his friends and will go to any length to protect them. As far as history goes, there isn't much: Akinii has no memory of anything except his name and how to beat the ###### out of anything. Look below for more details.Weaknesses: Akinii usually doesn't do too well against beings that can control fire. He also isn't all that strong and doesn't have much armor or muscle.EDIT: Adding another character like a boss...Name: DivinexSpecies: Toa of FireGender: MaleAlignment: Makuta-hating Lawful Good (A bit like Venom from the Spiderman movies)Kanohi: Volitak. Shaped like a Mask of Shielding.Weapons: Divinex carries a powerful mace. He also always has a couple of daggers on him, for throwing.Appearance: Divinex has mostly black armor, with red and orange accents. He is not very tall, at least for a Toa.Personality: Divinex was, at one time, a good Toa of Fire who was friends with Akinii (before he lost his memory.) Divinex also was good friends with a female Toa of Magnetism named Laihna. In a tragic accident, (which I haven't figured out yet,) Laihna was killed and Akinii was blamed (although he didn't actually do it.) In a rage, Divinex found his one-time friend and fought him ferociously. After a long, painful battle, Divinex eventually smashed Akinii far into the waters of Ga-Koro. When Akinii never came back up, Divinex left him for dead.Recently, Divinex found out that Akinii was still alive (by means I haven't come up with yet.) Now, Divinex has set out to kill Akinii once and for all.Weaknesses: Divinex does not do well in cold places. He can also be outsmarted when he is in a blind rage over Akinii, and he is not too proficient with his fire abilities.EDIT: Divinex is no longer totally evil! He still doesn't like Akinii though... Hmm... I think his alignment is "It's Complicated" now. We'll see.EDIT: I feel like adding another character. So I am.Name: ViseSpecies: ToaMask: Kanohi Sanok (looks a lot like a gray Kanohi Huna)Alignment: GoodElement: MagnetismAppearance: Vise is a somewhat short Toa, with yellow eyes. His armor is a dark matte gray, with bright yellow highlights here and there.Weapons: Vise's preferred weapon is a powerful energy longbow. Thanks to his Mask of Accuracy and power over Magnetism, he rarely (if ever) misses.Personality: Vise is a cocky, confident Toa, and something of a braggart. He is very proficient with his magnetism abilities, and likes ambushing foes. He is also a joker, and enjoys annoying his enemies (and allies) with a seemingly never-ending string of jokes even as he shoots them in the face.History: Vise has a painful history; he was part of a very small group of Matoran of Magnetism, who lived in the Le-Koro jungle and more or less kept to themselves. Some time ago, a band of thieves found their outpost, killing all of the Matoran except Vise, who was out when the attack happened. He wandered about Mata Nui for a while, trying to come to terms with what had happened. He later found a Toa Stone, and transformed into a Toa. He has more or less come to terms with his past, and rarely mentions the event to anyone.Weakness: Vise isn't the fastest Toa in the world, nor is he particularly good at hand-to-hand combat, which can be a problem sometimes, unsurprisingly.


    EDIT: I've been gone for like a year, and I've decided to come back to the BZPRPG and start anew. All of my previous characters no longer exist. Why? Because I have nothing better to do.


    Name: Rhinal

    Species: Toa

    Alignment: Good

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Tall and thin, with yellow eyes. He is very streamlined. He has cadet blue armor with matte silver accents. The cadet blue is basically the color of this text.

    Personality: Rhinal is a bit on the shy side. Unless he knows and trusts a being, he won’t say very much and will try to avoid that being. Once he does come to trust someone, however, he becomes more friendly. However, even among close friends he is still very careful with what he says, and he takes a fair amount of prodding before he’ll do anything more than make small talk. Although most beings like him, they are usually confused by his hesitancy. He never brags about his abilities, and he tends to be very self deprecating.

    History: Rhinal was a Matoran on another island other than Mata Nui and Voya Nui. This island was entirely populated by Ga-Matoran. He was one of the only males, so he was always a bit awkward with a lot of the others, although he did have a reasonable amount of friends. After a while, he found a Toa Stone and transformed into his current form. The next day, the island was attacked by Visorak, and although Rhinal did his best with his new abilities, he was unable to save all but one of the Matoran and ended up in a boat with that Matoran, a female Matoran named Mihal who was his best friend. They sailed in the boat for months trying to find land, and eventually Mihal died from exhaustion, despite Rhinal’s best efforts to save her. Rhinal finally landed on another island, all alone. He stayed there for a couple years, and ended up perfecting his water abilities since he had nothing else to do. He then decided to leave his deserted island and find an inhabited place, and after a long journey he landed on Mata Nui, in Naho Bay.

    Mask: Kanohi Calix (looks like a sleeker than usual Kakama)

    Powers: Rhinal is a Toa of Water, and he is very talented with his abilities. He prefers to use strategic tactics with water, rather than just throwing massive waves at everyone. He is also naturally agile, with an uncannily good sense of balance. Even without his Calix, he can do parkour, and with his mask, he is basically the Bionicle version of the guy from Assassin’s Creed on Mountain Dew or some other addictive substance. He carries no tools, as he didn’t have time to grab any before his island was destroyed and there was nothing on the desert island he found that was suitable for swordsmithing.

    Weakness: Rhinal is vulnerable to beings with control over sonics and electricity. He is also not very strong, so although he is quick, he doesn’t pack the greatest punch with his fists or feet.

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