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Lemony Lepid

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Everything posted by Lemony Lepid

  1. Part two almost done!

  2. you cannot destroy me, no more than you can destroy the sea, or the wind or... the void you are like the sea? the sea bares life! The sea Bore us! I bore you, for I am nothing. And out of nothing, you came. And it is into nothing, that you will go. You cannot destroy me, for I am nothing. -Poetry from the words of makuta himself.

  4. Nope, it was Reznaz, Sorry Rez! NEW COMIC UPDATE: comics fixed
  5. Who is PGSing? speak now or forever hold your lego pieces! soran,snicker,RG... OH YEA! it's flaredrick. giggles, Tecnokua, Terren, Malignus, TNG... Who am I missing? either that or there is another PGS spot open...
  6. I want to make a bionicle MMO, get it popular, and give it to lego before they sue us. how does that sound?

    1. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      should I use unity?

      I mean it is one of the three vertues...

      I'll have to look at it first.

  7. Star trek rocks. STO just makes it better.

  8. Im gunna fix my comics now... Eh, maby not. just squint, okay?
  9. just got mine craft for FREE! but I forgot how I did it... SO DONT ASK!

  10. Loganto style featuring a new look for me!

  11. heyyy funeh laidy! you like my logan style?

  12. This comic series is almost as good as gavlas so far! and there are only like... five comics! Exelent!
  13. What the truck!? That is insalting! right after I save them, too! meh, good thing I'm a matoran of plantlife. wait, what element is that? Lo? Pl? CONFUSION!
  14. you already have my info, just stack'em up and knock'em down! or something.
  15. That was TNG, he was on the computer playing halo and was kicking soran's butt. and it wasn't a wormhole, it was a needler explosion.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Unauthorized Autobiography

      Unauthorized Autobiography

      Yes, but when you shout "Help" it does sound like an A. At least if you shout really big time.


      And who's comics?

    3. Lemony Lepid
    4. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      Chen Chen... young son, you are not an amazing school guy or anything.

  17. New comic? thing went out the wazoo, please help, wind, somebody, anybody! anyway, http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/LogantoTheLeMatoran/happyface/LTLM/soaring_thru_d_skiez.png
  18. I thought your name said 'grandmother lehvorak', LOL.

    1. Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Grandmaster Lehvorak

      haha funny if it did that I would make your pretty dress and pumpkin carriage to send ya to that dance before midnight!

    2. Lemony Lepid
    3. Hexann


      You should use that name one time as a joke.

  19. is anyone alergic to nui rama?

    1. Katuko


      No, but I have arachnophobia, if that counts as a related "illness".

    2. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      good thing a nui rama isn's a spider like creature!

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