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a goose

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Status Updates posted by a goose

  1. I love you, man! XP

  2. I managed to set up my microphone. And it only took half an hour! :D

  3. I miss my bold text. ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. a goose

      a goose

      I know. It's kind of shocking.

    3. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Indeed it is. My favorite feature I've seen is the member title images.

    4. a goose

      a goose

      I quite enjoyed those. I'm glad I got the 5000 post image before my PMship ran out.

  4. I no longer hate my life. I now hate my ex.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      I understand.

      SO CRUUUUEL!!!


    3. JiMing


      Given that you were practically forced into dating someone, I had a feeling something like this would happen.


      But I won't say I told you so. Because technically I didn't.

    4. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD


  5. I noticed your quotes. Proditor agrees with the Kamina one.

  6. I now have a catchphrase! *Looks at Official TPTB Topic* I stand corrected.

  7. I only recognised you recently. Why do you change your name?

    1. Franco


      Because I'm a boss.

  8. I own the most-hated character in the BZPRPG. Yay.

  9. I read the news today, oh boy...

    1. Unauthorized Autobiography
    2. a goose

      a goose

      It's from a Beatles song, 'A Day In The Life'.

  10. I remember the days when you had more posts than me... oh wait, that was just the day before yesterday. Nevermind. XP

  11. I remember the days when you had so many more posts than me that I thought I'd never have that many. But I have over 5,000 now. :3

    1. The Invisible Handman

      The Invisible Handman

      Eh that's what I get for being lazy and having a 4 year break

  12. I see Sinina is now with Onyx.

    1. a goose

      a goose

      Will the Reichenbach thing be coming up?

    2. Simulacrum


      Yes, yes. I'm a bit swamped at the moment, but I should be able to get something up soon.

  13. I see you have a new av and sig.

  14. I see you have a new username. I preferred when you were invisible. =P

  15. I see you have changed your name. And avatar. And profile. And... Well, you get the picture. =P

  16. I see you're another fan of Once Upon a Time.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Unauthorized Autobiography

      Unauthorized Autobiography

      That serie isnt here yet. They have 'bin announcing it for like 1 month, though. xP

    3. a goose

      a goose

      It's still going through the first series over here. It comes on on Sunday nights.

      Rumpelstiltskin is the best character BY FAR.

    4. Unauthorized Autobiography
  17. I should have 10,000 posts by the end of next month if I keep up my current rate of daily posts.

  18. I was in a sort of melancholy mood, and remembered how fun it had been to post in your status, so... yeah. I know that you'll never actually read this, but I may as well pretend that you will. =P

    1. a goose

      a goose

      Hey. You might actually read this now. That means that I was wrong.

  19. I was just looking at the highest posters whose names start with P. I was on the first page. And the most recent person to join above me joined over 4 years before me. I think I post a LOT...

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. a goose
    3. 25K Now!

      25K Now!

      Very well then. I shall be off on a quest to reply to every single topic on the forum.


      Be back later.

    4. a goose

      a goose

      This I gotta see...

  20. i was not ready for this orange text

  21. I will miss you Stormeh. T_T

    1. Stormageddon


      I will miss you too *awkward hug*


    2. a goose

      a goose

      *Awkward hugs back*

  22. I would love it if you came back in order to vote for Fatal Error.[/askingyoutodosomethingyoupromisedtodoIRL]

    1. a goose

      a goose

      Please come back.

    2. a goose

      a goose

      I miss you. ;_;

    3. a goose

      a goose

      We lost by one vote, just like I told you we would if you didn't vote.

      I hope you're happy.

  23. I. Am. So. BORED!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      Your right... You are no longer a sinner.

    3. a goose

      a goose

      Correction: You should have said 'You're'.

    4. Dr. Giggles PhD
  24. I. Am. So. Bored. It's almost physically painful. T_T

  25. I'll never mention what occurred in that Skype convo.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. a goose

      a goose

      Hehehe. >=)

    3. The Swimming Beard

      The Swimming Beard

      If you don't want it known, why didn't you PM him?

    4. a goose

      a goose

      Oh, I'm mocking him, that's why I posted this. He messed up, big time. :P

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