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Everything posted by Ibdidbobblybomus

  1. No I'm not, but the CIA guy beside me is. Run away.TPBM wants to reply to 'describe the persons's avatar'!
  2. So.. Spyrotannah is pondering, so she/he must be good in English, but she can not put things into words.... CONTROVERSY
  3. Granted, but the CIA take it as Alien Machinery, and once again you are Autopsied since they already Autopsied you and you should be dead, so the pain is double and you are cremated and your family are to. Just letting you know.I wish Digimon was popular everywhere.
  4. You go to court claiming to blow Area 51 off the lid. (was that right) Spyrotannah enters and "heats" up the place (God I love corny puns) And then Simon Cowell and Kreos fall in love with her (It is a her? ) and they all leave. The end. You get Autopsied anyway.
  5. Yes I do, I also like how me and you are creating inter-threads between games in the 'most recent' thingy.TPBM is Taka Nuvia
  6. You don't have Pet Insurance so now he is mine. MWUHAHAHAI am unkillable by anyone. That means you aswell Kreos.
  7. Iy was too short for your taste and the CIA send you into Autopsy for your responsibility on Spyrotannah. Again.I wish Digimon was popular and good
  8. That purple avatar dude thinks it is funny. Anyway...Spyrotannah. My god. A firebreathing Singer? Call the C.I.A. Again. Autopsy time"!
  9. You are pranked at Halloween everyday by gangstas and such. National Geographic discover you, and you are put into an Autopsy section of area 51, with all the other wishful people I've been made be discovered by the governmentI wish everyone knew what Digimon was. And liked it
  10. Yep. I should be listening to 30STM but this PC has lost it's soundTPBM knows what Digimon is
  11. You are, too successful. You are stalked all your life by everyone. Including old people.I wish I was immortal and could free run and no one could catch me
  12. Nope. I know limited Japanese though.TPBM can translate Sono oraka kaijuu to English
  14. yOU ARE THE WORST SONGWRITER AND I KILL YOUI wish I was a immortal Lion
  15. I also do not recognise and imply that my finishing statement is a non-transparent delicacy that is bestowed by many of people above that may is not the answer many do not think it is at not any other moment in time.TPBM understood can type that in new languAGE
  16. O-O --Why!!!>>>???!?!??!"?£??"?!?$!?>$>>"£%>$"% Wahhhhhh!!!! Temporarily.WAAAHHHHHTPBM has eyebrows (I am secretly working for the C.I.A. and MI5, shhh! Don't tell nobody)
  17. Granted, but the government kill you using a funded Balck Ops and do an Autopsy to explain this super-natural activity.I wish I had facial hair
  18. 4/5 I probably wouldn't recognise your name but I do know who you are......... I want to say something but... Oh well.
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