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Everything posted by Ibdidbobblybomus

  1. It is the DNA-Digivolution of the Mega form of Augumon and Gabumon given the controversial 'X-Antibody' bestowed upon most digimon as a way to cleanse the Digital word by their god, Yggdrasil.Mazeka has really let himself go, he's become a peapsquek
  2. Yep, even though I mostly fail at Bionicle Drawings. >.>'TPBM now knows I like CIA Autopsies and Digimon.
  3. I rule you and the real world. TOPPED>I can decript and translate everything.
  4. Actually it's about Swords AND giant cannons, look Omnimon up on the #######z.My god, the spy has really left himself go!
  5. How did you know I like them? :DTPBM is rich
  6. They're all dead now.The universe is underwater, so my rowing boat skills save me
  7. No way hosay sister (Clicks fingers and does a weird head roll)Seriously I'm the good one :PTPBM knows who Rainbow Dash is.
  8. The Scotland wall from long ago. It's gone from my mind now. GOd I'm so stupid sometimes
  9. I'm from the 'real' universe, so now I can be more evil than you.I am the best at row boating in all universes.
  10. Awesome.[please leave a more constructive post next time - Makaru]
  11. Granted, but you try to get some pizza and the CIA capture you and conduct an autopsy on you.I wish I was the replacement for the Grim Reaper
  12. Nope, wait. I do. TPBM reads a lot most days and realises this is a rigged question
  13. Granted, but you find no love, and the CIA capture you for an Autopsy (I like CIA autopsies.)I wish I was Immortal.
  14. I have 2 of every Bionicle Set.I have the biggest IQ in the universe, (That includes you Kreos)
  15. Nope. I eat souls and hope. For all 3 meals. Including Brunch.TPBM will translate Sono oraka kaijuu from Japanese to English
  16. You was but then your evil contraption made you an cool dude, and then you activated your 'deathinator' without aiming. The CIA Autopsy you again, and cremate you, again.I wish I made the best film in history >.>'
  17. Nope. I am interested in Dark Cultures. No, just kidding.#TPBM has seen a change in my Avatar
  18. Some dude is bleeding eye-juice... ew...Wait...Where's his nose? >.>'
  19. Granted, but now the book sucks you in and you are killed by Voldemort, and eaten by fluffy.I wish I good make the best film in history
  20. Sure, as soon as I get my new avatar FIXED.TPBM sees no difference in my avatar
  21. I have no idea who that is. TPBM likes chocolate
  22. Nope. 1, 2, 3, 4... 5...6....6!I guess several counts then.TPBM has will change their sig or avatar this week.
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