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Everything posted by Ibdidbobblybomus

  1. You get wacked by giant man with a giant newspaper with giant Tacos and giant sauce and giant sofas.I wish I was able to translate everything.
  2. I take Roodaka and Gali to a party in the death star.My mask.
  3. I bring Tahu's worst enemy. Hamburgers. I accuse of him being Iron Man, he then goes into Rage mode, goes into SuperNova, destroys America but still Fudging Justin Beiber lives in a bunker underground.I take all the Bohrok-Kal and shoot myself into space to claim the Mask.My mask =3.
  4. Pohtatu Llama Nuva. Like a Minotaur, but more ugly.They rescue Matua when...
  5. My mama is Gali Nuva. She no like bullies. You dead.My mask.
  6. I steal your Faxon and make Vakama drunk through trickery. It was horrible. You died.My mask.
  7. IC: XantahlmThe tall warrior did stride casually, but almost to cheerfully to make others stand back. Matoran stared at this unusual Toa, but he made his way to a green coloured hut, right at the edge of the village, and the ocean. The tides swayed back and forth and the glistening moon, bigger than before, shone brightly amongst the tranquil sea. "I did make it. 10,00 years of time jumping, dimension travelling and I finally made it here. I spent most of my life to end up where I began it." His mind carried on down a unending river, getting more confused and spellbound ever second. "I need to get noticed around here. But how?" Xantahlm turned around to see the many huts; roughly able to be climbed on.He smiled.
  8. Matua was in drag. He and the Llama went out of control...
  9. I saw Teridax doing the Hula with a cupcake hat. TOPPEDMy lava Board that I made is impervious to everything, including interwebs.
  10. I don't know what to say... This is horrible. She didn't deserver to die. No one does. If it was a murder they are a monster.Wishes to her Family and friends.
  11. HOLD NERD RAGE JAMES DON't LOSE IT >.<Some bored kid with weird hair and a bowling ball necklace.
  12. Wellllllll, look along the borders and you'll see my puzzle. I don't recommend TOE for kids, I just at first thought it was, but now I take it back.
  13. OOC: Yeah, I won't use both elements. It was something that would happen in my characters history.IC: Xantahlm"Alright, alright." He said as the figure walked away "Mata Nui it was just a joke. I've been through alot to not just get stressed again." The Toa looked back over his shoulder as he reluctantly made his way to the collapsed Ice-Warrior. "Why is he unconscious? Anyway, I don't see how you'll have to watch someone who can't blink. Well, I'll be sight-seeing I guess. It has been over 10,00 years since I've been here."Xantahlm stood up, turned around and strode to the glass door, the moon shining upon it. "Oh, and why the disguise?" he said, looking over his shoulder while opening the squeaky door.
  14. IC: ZarigamiThe Fau swamp's stentch had been umbearable. But finally now Zarigami had the docile jungle all to himself. Burn it? No. Not yet. I need an audience first. The mud squelched against the mech's large metallic feet, the Gukko birds squeaked and squawked and the wind blew calmly against the tall towering trees around him. Now, time to get a real weapon. OOC: Zarigami to Po-Koro
  15. Kopaka and Gali get drunk. Real drunk. Run for your life.My mask.
  16. Fear fears me. TOPPEDZaktan is dumber than me.
  17. OOC: Yeah, I couldn't post 'cos I was on hols. But now I'm BACK.IC: XantahlmThe Toa poked his head around the door, like a small hunched Turaga in a comic book."Ah yes" He said, a smile behind his Purple Pakari "Great Mask of Illusion, now could you come outside, on this beautiful night? Don't worry, I can stop the high tides. I need to party." The Toa sank behind the door, he was definitely excited.
  18. I trained you. Topped YOYOMy Kikanalo is bigger than you and the universe,
  19. Digimon is the Anime I like watching. Well watched.I hope the new series will get a good Dub though.Go and watch it, it's kinda good. My av is a Digimon actually.In reality I haven't watched that many Anime(s). I did watch tales of Earthsea, that will NEVEr leave my head now. Looked nice kiddy film. My god was I wrong. It just didn't need to be like that. Oh well. I just LOVE Digimon.Oh noNo one can figure out my puzzle. No one! MWUHAHAH
  20. :o Digimon fans 4EVA
    1. dotcom


      That is a sentiment I agree with.

    2. Ibdidbobblybomus


      High Five.


    3. Ibdidbobblybomus


      I am so adding you as a friend now.

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