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The Swimming Beard

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Everything posted by The Swimming Beard

  1. I lost Nuparu Inika's weapon. I haven't found it since.
  2. Gresh stars.He just looked weird, and was probably the worst of the already bad stars.
  3. Fire plus evil smile, or at least that's what I gather from your link.
  4. Granted, but htey are so crispy, they crumble when you try to eat them.I wish I had equipment for brain surgery.
  5. Granted. They both die.I wish I had a dental drill.
  6. Gelu.He did very little of anything that was important to the story.
  7. Granted, but they are bad ones.I wish for a space shuttle.
  8. Granted, but you get a horrible pain in your head.I wish I had a pet gorilla that couldn't hurt me, die, annoy me, hurt anyone esle, and was invincible.
  9. Granted, but you Get tired of it.I wish Spinax was my dog.
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