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Everything posted by Geardirector

  1. You know it's funny, I keep fantasizing about some Bionicle fans who happened to end up in filmmaking or something banding together to create a Bionicle TV show, sometime in the 2020's or something. One based on the original books and comics. The first season would be the first story year; quest for the masks, then the second would be about the bohrok swarms, then the Bohrok-Kal and so on.I have no idea why this idea keeps spinning around in my head, I guess it's partially becuase I'm a TMNT fan, and know for a fact that they have a history of adapations, there's even a new cartoon coming out this fall.
  2. Interesting, an entire fan-made universe for Bionicle fans to create their own stories in, that sounds cool.I'm working on a fanon Bionicle story myself, but I probably won't exert myself overly much to make it fit with this concept, for three reasons:1. It takes place 200 years after the original Bionicle saga, so it's a "alternate future" kind of concept, very much on Spherus Magna, not these other planets.2. It's already in progress on another site for fanon stuff3. it's a crossover with another franchise.I'd link it here, but I don't know if that's allowed, so I'll just leave it at that.
  3. Interesting topic, here's what I think the matoran attributes could be:Magnetism: I like the "Internal compass" idea, it makes sense.Plasma: I imagine them as living solar batteries, sunlight strengthens them, while lack of said resource weakens them. Barring that, I could go for something akin to conscious control over their own body temperature, able to raise or lower it at their whim.Gravity: I find that I prefer the idea of enhanced sense of balance.Plantlife: I actually imagined them as having enhanced senses, playing with the whole "in-tune with nature" aspect that comes with the element.
  4. Tekulo was just kidding: He has something of a penchant for such grand sarcasm. Your original assumption was correct.Further--and this is just a small nitpick about that otherwise spectacular joke--, strength is associated with Matoran of Stone and Iron--not Onu-Matoran. (That association between Earth and strength is actually just a product of Onua's use of a Pakari).~ BioGioI beg to differ..."But nothing before could equal Onua Nuva seizing her, lifting her high into the air, and slamming her down with every bit of force his own power and the Mask of Strength could afford him. Even for the raw might of a Makuta, the world spun."
  5. Here's my favorite."You play with pebbles, Toa, while your universe burns""Everyone's gotta have a hobby"- Antroz and PohatuOK, so I don't know if this categorizes more as a comeback or not, but it's still my favorite
  6. I would have loved to see a movie detailing the plots of the 2007 storyline. It could potentially have been a grown-up action movie for the teenage and adult fans of Bionicle, with villains like Gadunka and the Barraki.This particular year is a veritable goldmine for engaging storytelling, we have Matoro's underlying character arc, and his encounters with Teridax, everyone's desire for the mask and so on. It would have been awesome.
  7. Antroz, because he didn't underestimate his opponents and preferred a fair one-on-one fight to stabbing enemies in the back, but also knew when to play it sneaky.
  8. Exo-Force was sort of a "phase" that I went through, for a while when I'd lost interest in Bionicle for a bit (don't worry, it's back in full force now). Anyway, during that period me and my younger brother did get really invested in the Exo-Force line, it seemed like a fairly inventive spin on the "robot takeover" scenario.My favorite human battle machine is easy to pick out: Stealth Hunter, because it's basically a giant robot ninja, how cool is that?My favorite robot one would be the Shadow Crawler, it was just a really creative design.
  9. If I could pick a Rahkshi power, I think it'd be Weather Control, because that would basically make me into Storm from X-Men. This power gives me simultaneous control over ice, snow, lightning, air and water, how cool is that?
  10. Actually, on second thought, maybe Sonics instead. I mean, just think of all the stuff you could do with the power of sound. Not only can you blow stuff up, but you can also create forcefields and fly by projecting sonic waves the way you want.However, that's not the main reason I would prefer this element. I've always said that one of the main problems with reality is the lack of background music, with the power of sound I could do something about that. I could be a walking jukeboxIt could also help in more subtle ways, I could mimic people's voices, or make myself completely silent, I could deafen others entirely and use echolocation.Yeah, definitely sound.
  11. For me, it would be Gravity. The ability to control one of the fundamental forces of reality itself would always be useful:)
  12. Hmm, I'd probably go with either the Kanohi Kakama, Mask of Speed, or the Kanohi Matatu, Mask of TelekinesisBy the way, has anyone taken the time to figure out excactly how fast the Kakama lets you run? Is there a thread somehwere for that? And if not, where would I post it?
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