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Everything posted by Light

  1. I've wanted to punch HYDRA several times for the sheer lucridity of what they do and how badly it jives with the tone of the game, but dealing with it hasn't really been a priority of mine. Expect a change of that list if I can survive Spanish 3.
  2. Light

    Oh, tomorrow.

    Tomorrow is the beginning of my greatest endeavor. Tomorrow, I begin my attempt to pass Spanish 3 H without taking Spanish 2. Fun times. Tomorrow, I really hope we have a snow day. XD
  3. IC: "Aw crud. So much for surprise." Nate reached for his bow, knowing full well that the demon dog in front of him could get him at any instant. "I'll just be retreating down the hallway toward this conveniently placed library."
  4. Well, I've been gone to Cincinnati so... Apart from three fingers to the eye I'm fine, so I should be active again soon. Won't be on Skype till tomorrow though.
  5. Life happened. I used to write comedies/review and then I entered Tennessee's glorious public school system.
  6. I hate the word loot. A full list of what I got: Nexus 5 as a combination birthday-Christmas. (Yes, my birthday is in July, no, this doesn't have sanity) Google Play gift cards. Packing peanuts. My cousin packed a gift card in peanuts. The pun war has begun. A ton of wrapping paper (my other cousin has way too much time on her hands and decided to wrap my gift card in like fifteen different layers, all different patterns). A hundred dollars worth of guitar lessons. A trip to Great Wolf. Clothes. Phone case. Doctor Who socks. And, finally, a harmonica. I don't know what seized my aunt to get me a harmonica of all things, but I like it. My family on the other hand... There's only so many times one can hear a horrendous first line of Let It Be without wanting to kill the harmonica player.
  7. IC: Yes, the arrowhead landed in his hair. But the arrow wasn't something that put someone to sleep upon touching skin, it was a pellet that released gas. Which it was now doing, creating a nice little cloud around Peter's head. And he'd taken a big inhale when he started shouting. "Jeez, man. Chill." OOC: THis was intended from the beginning, I copied it off Green Arrow.
  8. Blazin' Souls.

  9. IC: "John. I've seen some ugly creatures in my time, but that beats them all." Nate sidestepped the falling Sierra, using her as a distraction to slip the head of a sleep arrow out of his pocket and throw it with perfect accuracy toward Peter's face.
  10. IC: Shutdown Tali gave Lynae a quizzical look. The way she was acting... More like someone closer than a friend just met today. She focused on Alec. "I'm up for it." IC: Alyssa's eyes blinked open, the incessant beeping of a comm waking her out of troubled sleep. Odd. Why did she have a control- Then, memories came flooding back. Borrowing the Thunder, an ancient, obsolete mech. Going to help evacuate- An explosion. Alyssa was okay. Whoever had built the Thunder had built the thing strong, even if it had looked like a pile of scrap metal before the detonation. The mech... Paladin was going to kill her. She shook her head and pressed on the "Answer Call" button on her headset as she kicked the broken cockpit open. "Erin, Seig... Am I glad to hear you." IC: Nate "Nope, I'm free. You wouldn't happen to know where the infirmary is, would you? Someone needs it."
  11. Ah, Cupcake Killer. How I wish I didn't live in the same house as you.
  12. IC: Tali muttered something under her breath about Warren's judgment and shook her head, stepping over to Lynae and Kristen, looking into the latter's eyes. "Kristen, calm down. John will get his, eventually. But I really hope it's not from you." "We've both done enough killing." IC: Nate whistled slightly as he walked through the halls of the Institute. Accursed shapeshifters.
  13. IC: "I can trust John, marginally, and can take care of him if need be. I have no idea who you are, or what you're capable of. Care to explain yourself?" Tali crossed her arms, the sleeves on her shirt pulling up and exposing the scars on the first few inches of her forearms.
  14. IC: Shutdown "Where the H### have you been?!" Tali pushed past John to glare at Kristen, then her expression softened slightly. "And who is that?" IC: Nathaniel Hawkins. How far he'd come. Well, he was still kinda in the same place, just with one critical difference. Shiloh and Dominik had drifted away, leaving Nate to bide his own time. Currently, that involved taking care of the more... Strange residents of New York and the surrounding area. Which is why he was now tracking Sierra, stepping over the Institute border with care. Nathaniel Hawkins, Monster Hunter. Nah, too stupid.
  15. I'm back, I- What in tarnokation happened here? Nvm I dun wanna know.
  16. Light

    song lyrics

    Ever felt that fear? The fear you'll never be good enough, never be strong enough, never compare- That she's just too good for you, just too beautiful, just Up There... Longing to know that No matter what you can see No perceived inadequacy Eventually You may be able to leap Up There. Trying not to fall Heartbreak below, that rift under you Taunting, beckoning And you'll be flying, flailing, falling Fading. Just wondering if this chunk of a song was any good XD Comments appreciated.
  17. Light

    Oh god

    Is "potion of strength" a metaphor for alcohol?
  18. @Sentry II: I cannot approve that profile as it stands. Ridiculous amounts of power with the only limitation being his emotional state... No. Not to mention that he has extra powers b=not listed in the power blank.
  19. Yes, a Nordic troll would be quite possible. The one in the story... Well, spoilers. Let's jut say that he's not quite what he seems. Locations would be added to the main topic. Bah. Cows are too small scale.
  20. In no particular order: The witch is mentioned in the intro. She's the grandmother. Rosamund Hood is the girl in the story, but because I didn't have relatively major sections of the profile done when I posted this last night at 1 AM (namely Personality and Fable), I didn't want to include it. Same goes for the witch's profile, which is also in a half finished state. Locations... The locations will have a form, and are determined by your story. Having them be solid and concrete in game is optional (and requires the form, which I'm working on), but I won't require you to fill it out for every location in your background. Only if you want it to appear as it was in the fable. Make sense? My brain is frazzled. Also, Starting Locations are mine, and Adders'. He's got some great ideas. These are merely the first strokes on a canvas, I'm not going to force you to start your chars here. A big forest, one troll: Trolls of this nature are extremely rare. In the Spiderwick Chronicles (just thought up this comparison) the only being with this level of power was the king of the nasty creatures. An overarching plot: There is one, and it pertains to the point immediately above this one. If I told you it'd be spoilers.
  21. OOC: Lloyd controls the Akiri of Po. Essentially what replaced the Turaga. IC: Tera followed the guards to the jail, watching as the Sergeant "questioned" the prisoner. She muttered the letters "B" and "S" under her breath.
  22. IC: Sidestep, keep dashing. Channel Pohatu. The distinctive slight energy surge and gust of wind belonging to a Kakama tore through Po-Koro, somehow dodging several pedestrians, on the way to the marketplace. The blur slowed as it reached the plaza, a female Po-Toa running at ordinary speed through the crowd. Unlike the unfortunate fugitive, Tera didn't have the same problem with crowds blocking her. They tend to part for the Captain of the Sentinels. A slight shink as she drew her longsword and shield, standing directly in Akura's way as the crowd closed behind her. "I highly suggest you surrender." OOC: @Onaku: Dr. O is right. There aren't many old sentinels left.
  23. Nero looks fine. +1 Backish. You need me, shoot me a message.
  24. The Doctor of Dunk.

    1. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      My favorite kind of Doctor.

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