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Everything posted by Light

  1. If I disappear for any amount of time, you have been warned. I'll still be reachable on Skype. False alarm, I'll be about XD
  2. Light

    Tonight's Closing Thoughts #715

    I swear Eyru if you're using that crazy Celsius scale...
  3. Light

    Tonight's Closing Thoughts #715

    When it gets to 95, you have a right to complain. Edit: Derp fixed XD
  4. GM IC:It was toying with her, and she knew it. But somehow she still had the slightest bit of hope that this time... This time it would be different, this time it would keep its word, this time she could breathe easy.The innocent green field with a laughing brook running through it was innocuous enough, but it seemed somehow... Frayed at the edges, like every now and then you'd catch one of those glimpses out of the corner of your eye. You know, when you see something flash by in the middle of the night, and you stay as deep in your covers as possible, trying to convince yourself that the Eldritch beast you just saw was your imagination, was nothing more than an illusion conjured by a tired brain.But there was no bed to seek shelter in, not for her.Just an ever increasing, inescapable feeling of dread she'd gotten used to over this seeming eternity of torment.Another flicker, much closer.She jerked back, nearly tripping as trees began to grow, dark, gnarly things that obscured a sun rapidly turning blood red, the stream turning black with poison.Soon, it would be here, she realized. Come to offer the terms of her survival for yet another agonizing day.A solid flicker, and it appeared. Today, in the form of a boy. Yesterday, a massive wolf."Run," the monster said, the force of the thought behind those words pounding into her head like a ton of bricks. "Run, and they won't catch you."It smiled and was gone.She ran.
  5. A quick question from yours truly. Are y'all still interested in Twisted? If you are I'll try to finish it tonight.
  6. Thanksgiving is the best holiday. Anyone who says differently... I'm not arguing with you XD

    1. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Thanksgiving is most certainly the best. There are no annoying songs about it on the radio, and plenty of turkey. XD

  7. IC: Alyssa looked at Brando with a tiny bit of anger, but kept her mouth shut.
  8. Due to assurances received, y'all have my approval.
  9. IC: Psylocke didn't even turn around, still staring out of the window."If you'd been dead, you would not joke about it."
  10. IC: "CARTER, GET YOUR METAL BUTT DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!"A loud clunking headed down toward engineering, before turning back in the direction of the airlocks with a passenger.The dull suit had finally found its way around the ship, Terena hooking in.Carter may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but the suit was tough.
  11. Light


    Link Luigi Ridley Kirby Hades Ganondorf Fox Bowser
  12. IC: "Shoot. Sorry." Nick walked up to Lynae and Marianne, scratching the back of his head."It's amazing how long it takes to find a valet around this place."
  13. IC: Terena held a hand to her forehead, trying to ignore the klaxons blaring in both real life and her head as she fastened a deck plate down.The diagnostic systems were at fault for this, actually. The weapons powered up, and this registered as a clanging in the diagnostics.Brunhilde... What's going on?
  14. So long as you have House's approval it's fine by me. Cody +1 if that condition is met.
  15. Thanks. I have it back now, thanks to the efforts of Nocturne.(for someone who can program, C++ I'm not good at this)Anyway, that opens up the option of bringing all of them back.
  16. I.... Really don't know how to react XD
  17. Would you look at that :PSo, that's back XD
  18. Okay, scrublanders...I'm at a crossroads. I will be coming back, but I've been on a cold streak to see what it feels like.My involvement is going to be somewhat less. Tera is returning, and Marianka is on my list as well. Unfortunately, I don't have the computer savvy Silvan does, and I have no idea how many profiles are saved. I will try to bring Ihu back, but that's a sticky mess of reapprovals, I think.So, I merely have this question for all of you.Who do you want to return?
  19. I've got my fire back.

  20. Quit monkeying around, Onarax. +1.Sister of mine's psycho +1
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