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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by CeeCee

  1. Gotta be Po Koro. I love mystery nd finding out all matoran weren't good was shocking back then.
  2. Im sorry. I known its sad that Im proud of this but I have to share
  3. Wel of you watch the scene where Jaller gets his Hau, the mask changes shape. I always figured the masks know who's wearing them.
  4. Oh sorry by original I meant set colours. I have all 2001 kanohi but I'll only sell duplicates
  5. I have a set of silver and gold mata Kanohi for sale. Also a aqua Kakama and a copper Huna. Interested? Also I am willing to trade you any of the original Mata masks
  6. Now, be realistic. Don't just go with Kopaka because he's "soooooo cooooooooool". Chances are he would probably hate you and actually personally, in real life I feel he would be quite intolerable. So, unless you like those sorts of people, and they like you... be sensible. Well relatively... lets not suck allllll the fun out of it. Think about what you are like and what characters would like you back and vise versa. And on the flip side, which characters would you dislike?
  7. The second one. I thought I made that pretty clear. No. You did. Its me confusing myself as per usual
  8. OKAY EVERYONE STOP! Are we saying that this is a new colour all entirely or are we saying this is different to the one that came with the set. Because if we are talking about the first question then the answer is: No If its the second then: Yes!!!!!! *Ahem* Thank you.
  9. Sorry, I don't believe there is a light trans blue that comes with any set. It's a misprint.
  10. You may have the Derp Virus I believe so haha. To be faired just woken up. Do you have both masks to compare?
  11. No they are very different. I have both too as well as the yellow one. Edit: Sorry, must be on drugs. No I think they are the same mask. I thought you were talking about the dark blue and the light blue
  12. I think you misunderstand. The original set looks bulky. I wanted this one to look slender
  13. Want to be my boy friend?

    1. Chro


      Well you're my Evil Friend, and I am indeed male, so why not

    2. CeeCee
  14. Although what I will say is that if it is Bionicle then I cant see them flat out stating it so thats really not a massive factor. I will also say that I dont think it will return and I myself dont really want it to, unless they bring back the old building system.
  15. Now these aren't revamps in the sort that are increased in size or complexity so dont go clicking the links and expecting anything of the standards of some MOCers. The story is that I got all the Toa Mahrii sets about a year ago, and well... to be honest I wasn't that happy with them. My main gripe was with Nuparu who just looked horrible in my opinion. He looked like a man of brute strength and at least I had never seen him that way. Thats why I decided to alter them. These are not so much revamps as they are alterations of the current models. I did this for three reasons really 1. I wanted them to still be consistent with the rest of my collection 2. I dont have many spare pieces 3. Well... Im just not a very experienced MOCer, or a MOCer at all really So here they are: Kongu Cant say I really changed much on Kongu, seeing as its really just added a piece on his torso. Just thought I'd add him in anyway. Hahli Okay, so even though I dint change Hahli that much, over all I feel she is one of the most aesthetically pleasing. Really all I did was raise her neck, and change her torso up a little. It may sound small, but an experienced MOCer like myself, found it quite challenging to all put together. Its also probably unnecessarily complex to because Im sure someone could do it in half the parts I used. Hewkii I actually changed this guy up a fair bit. Gave him new limbs which look a bit more fitting for him in my opinion. I also changed up his torso and gave him a Cordak bow as his weapon. Nuparu This was the one that actually changed the most. I really really didnt like the set and was actually the reason why I decided to change the others in the first place. I dont think are many pieces on him that came with the set at all. I do have both Jaller and Matoro, but to be honest I thought they were quite nice sets so decided to leave them. So, please. Say what you feel about them. Just remember the three points above. Thank you! Imgur Libary
  16. Honestly, I can't really tell yet. Although it have heard from a lot of places that it harkens back the original in many ways. I'm normally okay with this. As long as they give the characters a bit of uniqueness.
  17. How come? What turns you off about it?
  18. Anyone seen the new Rebels Trailer. It looks surprisingly good from what I've seen.
  19. (Repost) Here is a photo of most of my collection. Unfortunately I couldn't fit them all on top of my vivarium. https://i.imgur.com/Kzutax0.jpg Sets: (2001) Toa Mata, Tohunga(x14), Turaga (2002) Toa Nuva, Bohrok, Bohrok Va, Exo Toa (2003) Bohrok Kal, Rahksi, Hahli, Takua and Pewku, Jaller and Guuku, Takanuva, Makuta (2004) Toa Metru, Vahki, Metruan, Nivhahk and Dume, Nidihiki, Krekka, Lhikan and Kikanalo (2005) Toa Hordika, Visorak, Rahaga, Roodaka, Sidorak, Keetongu (2006) Toa Inika, Piraka, Voyatoran, Vezon and Fenrakk, Brutaka, Axxon (2007) Toa Mahrii, Barraki, Nocturn, Maxiloss, Gadunka (2008) Makuta, Mutran and Vican, Icaraxx Toa Ignika (2009) Big Mata Nui Most of this I have got since 2012. I had a collection roughly half the size of this but accidentally got thrown away in 2007ish I still plan to add and intend to get most, if not all sets from 2001-2008. Still debating whether or not to go beyond that. Also the post above reminds me of masks. I have(to my knowledge) every mask from 2001 including misprints. No prototypes though.
  20. Be it past or present, what is/was your collection like? Here is a photo of most of my collection. Unfortunately I couldn't fit them all on top of my vivarium. https://i.imgur.com/Kzutax0.jpg Sets: (2001) Toa Mata, Tohunga(x14), Turaga (2002) Toa Nuva, Bohrok, Bohrok Va, Exo Toa (2003) Bohrok Kal, Rahksi, Hahli, Takua and Pewku, Jaller and Guuku, Takanuva, Makuta (2004) Toa Metru, Vahki, Metruan, Nivhahk and Dume, Nidihiki, Krekka, Lhikan and Kikanalo (2005) Toa Hordika, Visorak, Rahaga, Roodaka, Sidorak, Keetongu (2006) Toa Inika, Piraka, Voyatoran, Vezon and Fenrakk, Brutaka, Axxon (2007) Toa Mahrii, Barraki, Nocturn, Maxiloss, Gadunka (2008) Makuta, Mutran and Vican, Icaraxx Toa Ignika (2009) Big Mata Nui Most of this I have got since 2012. I had a collection roughly half the size of this but accidentally got thrown away in 2007ish I still plan to add and intend to get most, if not all sets from 2001-2008. Still debating whether or not to go beyond that. What are your collections like?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CeeCee


      I wish. Although I was actually referring to fhe kind with the machine

    3. Voxumo
    4. CeeCee
  22. What are you talking about? Warm Gold is pearl gold at least by Bricklink's naming standards, and has been the most common gold color since at least 2006. Do you mean Sand Yellow Metallic (Bricklink's Flat Dark Gold), the color used in Takanuva and other sets from 2005 and earlier? Personally I prefer Warm Gold to most of the other colors that came before it, especially now that it's more consistent than it was at the time of its debut. It's a far more vibrant color than Sand Yellow Metallic, and generally more versatile than Metalized Gold (Chrome Gold). Yeah sorry thats what I mean. Sometimes I get a little confused with all the names of colours. But yeah thats just my personal taste.
  23. I know this may be a weird one, but Warm Gold. I cant say Im a huge fan of the pearl gold TBH. It seems quite cheap and tacky to me.We never really got much warm gold after 2004 and I think its stopped being made completely now,
  24. I know many people here will disagree with me but I've grown bored of the sets. Ever since 2011 it's just been the same things with different accessories or gimmicks(at least the heroes). Yes IFB was quite different and a bold move, but once you take out the mini figs out of the equation they are just more if the same. Again just talking about heroes here. The villains never intrigued me in the slightest. I don't mean the sets aren't aesthetically pleasing, most of them are. But Bionicle brought a lot if new things to the table ever year. Yeah course sine things were over used, but not like the extent of Hero Factory. I bet there aren't any real new moulds in HF over the past few years that aren't masks or weapons. As far as characters go it's not to bad. I guess it's like a blank canvass to project your own art into so there's something in its favour. I do like HF but I just don't live it. And this is coming from someone who is indifferent about Bionicles end.
  25. I've sinned all 7 sins.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      There is no sin eight. Everyone knows that.

    3. Voxumo


      *looks to MEF and smiles*

      Well come on down friend.. been saving a place for you..

      *Holds out a can filled with indescribable gruel*

      Feel like some pork and beans? best thing down here

    4. CeeCee


      I have no use for food when I'm dead.

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