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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by CeeCee

  1. IC: Kanja She gave the Matoran a look out the corner of her eyes, Normally she wouldn't offer help to a stranger, but it might help bring him more willing to follow her? "Need any help with that?"
  2. IC: Kanja Kanja gave the Matoran a suspicious look. She sometimes noticed the largest things from the smallest gestures. Maybe the Lesterin it but something seemed off with the Matoran. "I have a friend in Onu-Koro", she said calmly as to not threaten then Fa-Matoran."Hes an Inventor like you. An engineer". Kanja saw the Matoran still looked uneasy. She shrugged. "Personally I dont have a taste for the modern like many of you here, but hes my friend and he asked for you. Tepi's been through a tough time this past year or so. He won't leave his home and that's not the worst of it. I fear for what he might do."
  3. IC: Kanja Kanja laughed again. "Its okay. Youre not my type." she said, seeing Farzans embarrassment."Its not an insulst, but youll understand that sooner or later". She'd seen two many males make the same mistake. "And Im not here for you're things I'm hear for you actually"
  4. Again the story for Brain Attack was just Stop The Brain and for IFB was just Stop The Kaiju, that's it nothing else, they can add Nex and Stringer easy plus there was no need for a HF Episode at all, they could saved a lot of money not making at those at all and it would have been a lot better as well if they haven't add minifigure with the beast.Also before I any anything about molds, how much is it? Exact costs for a single mold are not known, except that it's considerably more than $20,000. My point is really that it doesn't matter whether the new helmets resemble the old ones the cost of nine new precision steel molds is still going to be considerably higher than the cost of seven. And the TV episodes are just as important from a marketing standpoint as shorter commercials would be, regardless of their entertainment or storytelling value. Being able to give each and every character a moment in the spotlight is important on that level even if they don't get ANY measurable character development. Don't get me wrong I also wish we could get Nex and Stringer machines and mini-robots. I'd love if Stringer appeared in the Combat Machine instead of Rocka, and if one of Evo's machines like the one that comes with Queen Beast had been colored orange and given to Nex. I loved that the Breakout sets were able to feature all nine heroes as well as a villain for each. I'm just pointing out reasons why they might have been cut. Nine main protagonists is a lot for a single year of sets, even in a minifigure-based theme. I agree. Although it saddens me that this may be the last we see of the two characters
  5. IC: Kanja She laughed. "What you wouldnt think a girl like me would be interested in this stuff?"
  6. IC: Kanja Kanja looked at the Fa-Matoran. She walked tyowards him, her walk always smooth and elegent. She hadnt trained to do it it was just how she walked, She only had a thin frame so she was light on her feet. "Hello there" she smiled, he bright yellow eyes looking down on the Matoran. She wasnt as tall as a Toa, maybe about shoulder height, but she still couldn't get use to how small the Matoran were. To think they were cute infants was incorrect. Some of them were as deadly as any Toa or Skakdi so she'd keep her guard. It was something she always found hard to hide though. She was always battle ready. "Hi". The Lesterin said, as friendly as she could mange.
  7. OT: Kanja The Toa of Air straightened herself into an elegant pose. Po-Koro. Wasnt much of what she expected. It seemed quiet tonight. She ventured forth, hoping to find something to keep her entertained. OOT: Kanja open for interaction. Like desperate need.
  8. So will it be released at the same time or will part 2 come sometime after part 1?
  9. You're such a hateful person.

    1. Protodite Karzahni

      Protodite Karzahni

      I pride myself on it.

    2. CeeCee


      But... There are many on this site that you love. You're just right in there on all the main cliques

  10. Oh god someone please help

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. Voxumo


      No no.. we have hopes that our plans shall work

    3. CeeCee


      We just doubt they'll happen

    4. Voxumo


      Exactly. We hopeful they will work but in the back of our minds we know they likely won't. It's like any comicbook villain... they knew their superhero will foil their plans eventually but they keep trying in hopes of one day they will succeed

  11. Come back dude ;,(

  12. I think I'm the same. Although at the same time I could name a lot because there aren't very many of us now
  13. Nice review of The mask of light. I pretty much agree with most of the plot flaws you brought up. I always felt like the mask leading them all over the island was so they could both realise their destiny and become closer. It also allowed the Toa to become united again. Don't know if that was what Lego intended but of so it should have been explained. I've always enjoyed your show and I look forward for episodes to come. Keep it up buddy!
  14. I guess that would make sense, although where are other beings that died like Botar and Matoro? As for Jaller I meant that if his destiny was to save Takua and sacrifice himself then I think it would make an interesting story arc if Takita brought Jaller back from wherever dead beings go who don't go to the red star. In a place where every one has a destiny for Jaller this would be the ultimate curse. You could have him contemplate if it was real or the Bionicle version of .
  15. This may be me getting confused with Bionicle lore here, but why is Jovan or any Turaga for that matter on the red star? As far as my understanding goes a Toa becomes a Turaga when they have completed their destiny, so what purpose do they serve any more in the eyes if the great beings. Also why Lhikan? I always thought it was his destiny to sacrifice himself for Vakama to set if a chain of events that led to what we were first introduced to. Also Jaller. Yes you could argue that he was destined to become Toa too but when he sacrificed himself for Takua, shouldn't that have been his fate? I would have preferred it if Takuta would have brought him back from the darkness so you could have a story line that essentially makes him the only being I the MU with out a destiny. That would have been interesting. I'm dire there is some logical explanation for this but still.
  16. I think it Might be Windus grand daughter. If he survived the window incident he seems like a Jedi who crossed the lines of light and dark quite unpredictably. Who knows what he got up to? He could have had several kids with several women for all we know?
  17. Um. Mask of Creation. Always wanted to play God. Theoretically I can then create other Kahnohi
  18. Please do this. Metru Nui was my favourite arc. I'd be a 100% supporter
  19. Yours truly...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CeeCee


      *bro hugs back with hidden knife behind back*

    3. Voxumo


      *Breaks away from the bro hug and rips his shirt off... revealing knife resistant armor. With a smirk he shakes his index finger at you*


      *Insert laugh*

    4. CeeCee


      *Bro hugs*

  20. On the contrary, I think the Mandalorians need to move away from a bit of that frat boy hoorah shtick. We've seen enough of it over the years. Time for some personality diversity. -Tyler Thank you! I was getting sick of it by the end of the series.
  21. I'm guessing and hoping it's an April fools joke. I can't eve makes out what mine is
  22. 7. I know it's basic but I think it suits best. Also whoever made the first one is legend.
  23. I think many people just got used to the name Makuta. I have to admit, calling Terridax The Makuta instead of a Makuta sounds a lot more ominous. Like The Devil as supposed to a Devul
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