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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by CeeCee

  1. Littereally just decided to doodle. Figured it was nice enough to colour in. It has some problems, I know but its just a rough little sketch. Makuta Ithrulla(also known as the Pheonix because of her flame coloured wings) was one on the friendlier Makuta. She believed that she had such power so she could help the Matoran effectively and rule over her island fair and just manner. Unfortunate, the other Makuta sought her as weak and had her executed in front of her people. Then, they leveled the entire island, with inhabitants still there. While living, Ithrulla was kind and caring to all those who showed her respect. She chose to distance herself from many of her Makuta Brothers and Sisters and she differed in ideologies greatly.She had an especial disliking for Makuta Gorast, however respected Makuta Antros greatly. To those who disobeyed her or broke the rules in her realm we treated accordingly, generally by death. Possible related figures showed that crime rates were 40% lower than the next island up.
  2. Hi guys. I havent really been in the RP much recently and every time I try to join back, I seem to lose interest fast because I find it hard to set the ball rolling with my own quests and such. I really want to be involved with the main story(if there is on the exists). I dont mean a prominent character that has a huge say in the turn of events, I just want lots of action and fun for my characters. I have no qualms about who I play with, just want to play. Anyone got any suggestions?
  3. AHHHHH. I missed your Birthday. Welcome to manhood buddy. Its not that different.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mare Tranquillitatis

      Mare Tranquillitatis

      Well, I've got a checking account with money in it and the card takes money from there. This makes it a... credit card, I guess. ( but I'd barely use it once I get a prepaid card, like PayPal, which should be a debit card )

      (note: all technical words were found through Google Translate, so I don't guarantee a faithful translation :P )

    3. CeeCee


      If the money is yours its a debit. If it isnt its credit.

    4. Mare Tranquillitatis

      Mare Tranquillitatis

      Then they must be both debit cards.

      ( I don't get it, though: why do we call them "credit" cards over here? That's not rational... )

  4. Kazi was a white Bionicle supremacist.
  5. He also had a beast of a sniper and an awesome smile. He is the best Inika. Except Kongu of course.
  6. Bye

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tahu3.0


      ha ha ha haaa funny

    3. Underscore


      Don't scare me like that...

    4. CeeCee


      Back from my Hiatus guys!!!!!

  7. 1v1 IRL. I actually never understood what people disliked about that set. I think it had to do with the mask. Something about the tubes making it look like she had facial hair or something. But I think she rocks those nasal tubes. dude yea when it was 2006 i thought that Hahlly was a boy thanks to the tubes in her mask Hahlly was a boy in Inika form I thought Joking aside, Personally cant beat Kardas Dragon
  8. I hear this opinion a lot. My opinion is slightly different. Considering how much more difficult a successful BIONICLE revival would be than creating a new theme from the ground up, I am confident that BIONICLE wouldn't be brought back unless the LEGO Group were prepared to devote the appropriate thought and care into doing so. How is your opinion different exactly? You're both saying you wouldn't want it back unless it had a good story. Something I agree with entirely. I think he just means there is no way they would bring it back and it wont be good. So if its brought back, it will be good. Although "good" is a subjective term but still
  9. Hahaha, it happens to the best of us. I can give you these for free, so long as you are okay paying the postage. Bare in mind, I live in the UK, so if you dont, it may be cheaper to use this site and buy from a seller from your country. Its up to you.
  10. Yes, you would have thought that it would have set the bar. What happened to Templar, are they still making games?
  11. I do very much like this MOC. You are getting better and better. Arms, torso and back are very good. Not to sure on the HF plate as a chest. I think you should have left it off. Would also have like to seen more Dark orange parts here and there. Ever all, pretty darn good.
  12. 3/5 Ive seen you around a few times
  13. Back to CeeCee. I guess its time to change the Av back too. It was good being your Evil Friend but this is something I must do.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. CeeCee


      Ah. I remember you well brother. Names change, but we as people stay the same. Actually. We change too come to think of it. There blows my deep speech out the window.

    3. Voxumo


      While I do too tend to change my name I always include Vox somewhere in it.. And Unikitty don't forget that my reign of evil is still around.

    4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Kaleidoscope Tekulo


  14. Actually, this is a really good collection! And also, I love how you made the other '01 matoran. Better than what I have! (I know, rookie collector=me) BTW, Lewa and Kopaka's arms are on the wrong way.Oh lord there's more from where this comes from. I got most of these today aside from the Toa Mata. I think I posted the rest of my collection last page. And yeah as far as arms go, I prefer them that way. Thanks though dude. Wow that's really nice I agree with nuparu the way you made the other matoran is really cool do you have other waves of sets like this? Thanks guys. Unfortunately I do not although I do plan to make a Metru Nui city with just under 100 Metrutoran with the masks in the link. Here is most of my collection. Some I couldnt fit on but I have all the canister and small sets I own on there, besides the Visorak and the Rahaga. I plan to pretty much complete my collection of 2001-2008 sets aside from the battle vehicles which I really dont care for and also the 01 Rahi. Link
  15. Yesterday I wrote a blog entry about what Bionicle did for me. I finished it, looked at it and deleted everything. It was just over emotional and cliche garbage. So I scrapped it. Then, earlier today, I watched the Bohrok Animations for the first time(Yes I know, tie me to a cross and burn the blasphemous). But while watching it I realised. Screw what Bionicle did for me. What about what Templar Studios did for Bionicle? They made the characters of Bionicle not just boring robotic heroes, but actually beings that had compassion just like people. My favorite scene in the whole of any MNOG product was the Po-Koro scene in the Bohrok animations. So much is happening with the characters in such a short space of time and its gread. First of we have a bit of humour when Hafu realises he has to break down his statues. I want to point out MNOG humour is just the best. But that humour soon vanishes as we actually see Hafu breaking down his sculptures in order to same Po-Koro leaving him trapped on the outside. Then we cut to Hewkii screaming about Hafu. So we see, just by that these two have a strong friendship. I think I love the fact that Hafu knows hes going to die in this scene and he is willing to sacrifice himself(and his pride and joy) to save his home and the Matoran inside. If thats not Bad*** I dont know what it. But then Pohatu saves the day by getting Hafu back into Po-Koro with the help of Hewkii. Then the two Matoran hug each other which is actually really touching. I know it may sound a little far fetched but Im not sot sure if the Bionicle story would be what it was if not for MNOG. I actually think they single-handedly set the tone of Bionicle with providing a template for the atmosphere. It also made us aware that these were characters on not just toys
  16. Guys ... It's not cute. I think the story as many deeper meaning so please don't go calling it cute when it's a complex piece of literature. Thank you. Seriously though.What I do think is lovely though is you've shown him the film and he's loved it so much to write a story, just like we all did when we were younger. Keeping Bionicle alive.
  17. In many ways though, I think its just because we arent kids anymore(or most of us anyway). Its like what happened with the Star Wars OT and the PT. Yes many people enjoy both mediums but many who were born in the time frame just dont get the same feeling as they did when watching those three films for the first time. Its the same with Bionicle. Most Bionicle fans will WANT with all their might to be sucked into the world of HF in the same way Bionicle did all those years ago, but they wont because were older and we have other things spinning through are heads and responsibility that make it hard to immerse yourself completely. Yes, maybe HF isn't the best example of immersion in a theme there is and Bionicle did a much better job in my opinion. But the fact still stands that most of us will never be sucked into a world like we did when we were kids. Its sad, but its true.
  18. Yeah.too much. Glad Im not the only one!
  19. Or you could say... there might be a cat fight...
  20. Wait, seriously? Yeah, I hardly played it. Truth be told I played it for the first time back last year. It was MNOG II that was my nostalgic game. Let me tell you this, for someone who doesnt have nostalgia goggles for it, the games is amazing
  21. Actually, this is a really good collection! And also, I love how you made the other '01 matoran. Better than what I have! (I know, rookie collector=me) BTW, Lewa and Kopaka's arms are on the wrong way. Oh lord there's more from where this comes from. I got most of these today aside from the Toa Mata. I think I posted the rest of my collection last page. And yeah as far as arms go, I prefer them that way. Thanks though dude.
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