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Posts posted by Chro

  1. Bastigan/20/2


    Bastigan decided that he'd run far enough. He spun back to see what was going on - just in time to see 0579 calmly approaching on foot.

    "Oi there, Numbers, whatcha think you're doing?"

    He teleported backwards and upwards, firing his shotgun at the attacker, hoping to be able to complete the action before being frozen.

  2. Bastigan/20/1


    Bastigan's eyes widened as he saw fishers rocketing down the slope toward him, atop a... a donut. Oh dear. I was hoping we wouldn't get anything from that dimension.

    He teleported out of the way as the donut-rider rocketed past, spying 0579 flying on a water-jet nearby. He aimed a hasty shot at the Okotoan's back before dashing away from the action to get a better vantage point.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Seeing a massive sea creature approach me, I conjure long metal shafts to skewer and halt it, then rip it apart.

    wait what

    did you just try to one-hit tear Rekhhur apart, or




    Watching all around with his gun raised, Bastigan was wary of the conflicts both below and above him.

    Down the slope: Unit, Rekhhur, Charlinia, and Elly (who was advancing upwards).

    Up the slope: Zakaro and Ferronox. This was a poor position for Bast.


    Bastigan teleported towards behind Elly, far enough away to be out of melee range. He raised the gun again and fired, preparing to strafe-teleport defensively.

  4. Bastigan/20/1


    Oh. Well, if the sea-beast didn't want to fight him, he'd oblige it for now. Bastigan teleported back up the slope, taking aim again - this time at Ferronox - and firing.

  5. Bastigan/20/1


    "Whoa!" Bastigan teleported laterally, dodging the water blast, and firing again to taunt Rekhhur. He knew Zakaro or Ferronox would attack the sea-beast from behind if he focused solely on Bastigan, and counting on this fact, Bast began to back away down the mountain, checking over his shoulder to make sure he wouldn't be ambushed by Charlinia, Unit, or any of the other fighters.

  6. Bastigan/20/0

    Bastigan watched as a sonic blast was launched at Charlinia. Best not to attack Unit, then, he thought. Charlinia was a primary target considering their environment, and the enemy of Bastigan's enemy was at the top of Bastigan's list of people not to kill.


    Turning his attention elsewhere, Bastigan saw a cluster of fighters surrounding Zakaro. He wasn't exactly happy about being earthquaked, of course, but it was no fun if the Toa of Earth was ganged up on so early.


    Narrowing his eyes and raising his shotgun, Bastigan teleported towards Rekhhur, ending up behind the sea-beast. Stepping backwards to preemptively get out of range of any retaliation, he fired two blasts at the back of Zak's attacker.

  7. Bastigan/20/0


    With a grin, Bastigan glanced up to see Zakaro creating an earthquake. He teleported himself into the air to dodge the tremor, and allowed himself to fall for a few seconds before teleporting safely back down. He would wait for the enemy to come to him.


    Name: Bastigan

    Species: Toa-like

    Power/Weapon 1: Moderate general durability/resistance. Bastigan is extremely resilient, far more than a normal being of his size and stature should be. This is a power based in means of energy or spirit, rather than physical armor.

    Power/Weapon 2: Instantaneous teleportation. Only works short-range or via line-of-sight.

    Power/Weapon 3: A shotgun. It is crafted from a special exsidian-based alloy that causes it to be immune to manipulation via powers in the vein of iron or magnetism. Bastigan's kept this weapon with him for a very long time, and it's proven almost as sturdy as he is. Due to some time-space shenanigans, Bast's gun doesn't need to be reloaded; it automatically reloads itself. From hammerspace.

    Appearance: Bastigan is a somewhat thin being approximately the height of an average Toa, clad in armor of silver and dark green, with bright orange accents on the shoulders, wrists, and knees. His mask, a slightly lighter shade of green than the rest of his armor, is shaped more like a helmet than a common Kanohi; it is somewhat boxy (vaguely triangular if viewed from the top), with a black visor resembling that of a Kaukau hiding his eyes.

    Personality: A happy-go-lucky guy in spite of experience that would make most closed-off and cold, Bastigan has given up on taking life seriously, adopting an absurdist standpoint that allows him to be outwardly optimistic, polite, and generally positive even in the midst of conflict. At times, Bastigan seems to have some otherworldly nature about him, due to being so seemingly unfazed by violence. The flip side of his perpetually upbeat and unaffected persona is that he seems to lack the ability to make real personal connections, instead treating basically everyone just the same.





    yeah yeah personality's totally unnecessary

    and I know it's odd that I of all people would include personality when I don't need to

    let's hope I have time for this because I can't even say how much I hope I'm able to play this to the fullest


    also gotta fix the seven feet thing again

    With a groaning noise and a crash, the multitude of attacks that had been pounding the bubble finally took the toll that many of the fighters had foreseen. With a crash, a hole began to expand in the side of the bubble closest to Team Muaka. At the other side, however, fighters of Team Tarakava had also attacked the bubble, and the first hole weakened the bubble just enough for a second one to form. Now, water began cascading into the city, rushing through streets, destroying everything in its path as the bubble gradually disappeared.
    Certain fighters were, no doubt, able to survive the flood. Others were not so lucky. From Team Muaka, Virnar, Silvanni, Zephyr, Ferronox, Omega, Glass, Daedalus, Kopeyku, Sidonas, and Navuru were swept away, crushed, drowned... while Onuvo, Xira, Raith, Daltrahk, Iskane, Limos, Evix, and Vakax fell from the ranks of Team Tarakava.
    As for the remaining contestants, they would find in very short order that the mutagen present in the water would be taking effect, rendering them capable of breathing water. The mutagen also slightly increased visibility for the fighters, most of whom would otherwise be blind in the deep-sea darkness, though even with the mutagen in effect visibility would be significantly lowered. Third, the mutagen allowed the fighters to speak in such a way that they would be audible even through the water, for communication is the most important aspect of team rounds.


    These boons allowed them to survive initially. However, the ocean was still finding its way into the city, so danger was still very much present.

    • Upvote 1
  10. I still feel like people are exaggerating the power level of Rahkshi, but that's just me


    All the Nui Stone really does is allow the user to manipulate/absorb more elemental energy anyway, though I guess the absorbing Toa Power bit could be considered some form of an autohit (?). They already approved a Mask of Emulation Nuva, have characters running around with possibly OP psychic abilities, and, to my knowledge anyway, only questioned a player's use of an Avohkii because the character in question didn't have a sufficient enough backstory to explain how they obtained it at the time.

    I questioned it beforehand, and recieved no answer, so it appears that I'll be just as surprised as you guys whether it gets approved or not.

    I was okay with the Avohkii because it's... well, it's not really that powerful of a mask... it's just control over light and a tiny bit of peace powers (and we've seen how well peace powers work out)


    I'd probably approve the Nui Stone if it was sufficiently nerfed (although the staff hasn't conferred about Amori yet so IDK)

  11. I don't want them killed. Maybe the Host may choose to return them to their universe because they aren't great fighters.

    No such luck. ;)


    But your characters dying permanently in Bionifight obviously doesn't mean that they're affected at all in any other project of yours.

  12. Yeah, I'd think projecting yourself forward that quickly would be possible, and certainly dangerous, but likely suicidal... unless you had a long stretch of space in which to slow down or something like that. Which Maglev lacks.

  13. It simply makes the fighters capable of aquatic respiration.


    OOC: Open for interaction, whether it be with a member of team Muaka or team Tarakava.


    IC (As Fulmen): Fulmen's world was enveloped in a blue swirl as he was pushed by a gushing wave. The toa of lightning flailed helplessly as the tsunami thrashed him around. "No..." The Vo-Toa choked on the water as he gasped for air and struggled to reach the surface, just like he did when he was a matoran.


    This confuses me. Why is he drowning? For that matter, why's he in water at all right now? :P



    Very well.... does that mean we're all about to die?

    About half.
    Ah, Mahri Nui, the Host mused. There were some interesting memories of glorious battles in old Bionifight tournaments...

    The bubble, of course, was the ever-present issue literally hanging right above the heads of all the fighters.


    In one of the Host's particular favorite battles, a fighter had unwisely punctured the bubble on impulse. Another had taken advantage of it, wiping out many of the fighters with an electrical attack. As much as the Host had loved the action, he had been prevailed upon to change the makeup of the Mahri Nui Arena so that such an event would transpire... differently.


    A red light began blinking on the control board.


    The Host sighed. The bubble was about to pop.

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