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Posts posted by Chro

  1. Round two announcement post (IC) coming later today!

    Everyone's excited about infinite characters and I just finished my second profile. 
    Name: Selaphiel
    Species: (Alternate Universe) Modified Zyglak
    Power 1: Physiology: The Zyglak species of Selaphiel's universe lack the protodermis consuming disease and Pit Mutagen resistance of their MU equivalents, but possess a unique ability to match their unique societal role. Instead of possessing near-invulnerability against EE-powered attacks, they are extremely resistant to all forms of generated-energy attacks (meaning that, for example, neither a Toa of Gravity nor a Rahkshi of Gravity would be able to use their powers directly on Selaphiel; this might be how a Zyglak works in the MU, but it isn't clear, so I wanted to make sure). The AU Zyglak species is otherwise physically identical.
    Power 2: Kinetics: Due to her introduction to the mutagenic substance that produces Bohrok/Krana-Kal, Selaphiel possesses the ability to create, control, and absorb kinetic energy, much like a Ta-Toa could Fire (including energy system). She is greatly skilled in absorbing kinetic energy and deft in manipulating it; energy creation, however, takes quite a lot of energy and is only used when she is unable to generate or acquire it through other means. Some example manipulations of kinetic energy include: absorbing an object's kinetic energy to negate its movement, infusing kinetic energy into a strike to give it more force, or redirecting kinetic energy to create a rebound. She has spent decades honing and exploring the power's uses, and is extremely adroit in its use.
    Power 3: Self Density Control: Due to her mutation, Selaphiel's body was severely modified and naturally reverts to intangibility, forcing her to concentrate when she wishes to physically interact. Due to living with this ability for many years, she is able to control her density with great skill and precision (think Zaktan; she's been forced to live with being an intangible being unless she directly focuses on staying at normal density). When at very low densities she moves via self-propulsion (once again, think Zaktan). When completely intangible, or at a low enough density, instead of using her sensory apparatus and normal physical functions, Selaphiel becomes what is essentially an Iden user's spirit: invisible, moving via flight (not at great speeds; think a Kadin user), and impalpable (no weird possession of course, or any other of the mask's powers/conditions). While intangible she cannot use her kinetics power.
    Appearance: Of average size for a Zyglak (nearly two bio), Selaphiel is best described as wiry; lean and powerful, but not particularly hefty or brawny. Her skin is varying shades of gray, ranging from ash to charcoal, covered with with argent-coloured designs similar to those found on the Bohrok-Kal's foreheads. Her eyes, due to the mutation, are a dead, unreflective gray, disconcerting in their lack of apparent emotion. Her clawed hands are the most obvious indicator of her dangerous nature, but there is something else, a subtle atmosphere of sinister intentions that is infused with every one of her physical features.
    Bio: Hailing from a universe where Makuta and Toa competed to rule an empty GSR, and Zyglak, Vortixx, and Skakdi worked with Matoran as labourers, Selaphiel was the result of a Makuta experiment in applying, among other substances, the mutagenic substance responsible for Bohrok-Kal to other beings. Created in hopes of designing a being that could overcome the stalemate created by their Toa opponents, Selaphiel was introduced to both the mutagenic substance and Kraata in hopes of being the prototype for an easily replicable creation. It didn't exactly go as expected; instead of gaining perfect control over Density and the elemental power of one of the Kal, Selaphiel received limited versions of the Density Control Kraata's power and an element none of the Makuta had ever encountered before. After recovering from the experiment and training with her powers, Selaphiel was launched directly into Toa-killing missions, leading to nearly a century of exterminating high-risk targets. The Makuta initially expected her to attempt to run or escape their power, but her mental state had been disrupted by her traumatic transformation, resulting in her current twisted state.
    Personality/Other: Selaphiel sees the world through a very dissociative lenses, suffering from PTSD-induced Depersonalization Disorder. She also displays disturbingly vehement bloodlust and self-mutilating tendencies, although due to her dissociation she has little apparent emotional reaction to her actions and their results. She is violent and minatory, but this is displayed only through physical acts, not emotion or expression, resulting in a dissonant illusion of impassivity.
    EDIT: Fixed one of the power descriptions; it was from an older version of the profile.

    (not at great speeds; think a Kadin user)

    Doesn't a Kadin user fly faster than an Iden user? (And faster than Zaktan? :P )
    Anyway, for Selaphiel, no single individual power is OP... but altogether I personally think they're a little much. Basically the power of an Iden, density control, whatever Zaktan does, power resistance, and anything associated with kinetics... pretty much sounds like an unhittable character to me?
    As of now, Selaphiel not approved.

    Crusty's replacement. :D
    Name: Vorzin
    Species: Wyvern
    Gender: Male
    Power 1: Flight
    Power 2: Plasma breathing (Like fire breathing, just Plasma instead of fire)
    Weapon 3: Invisibility (Can't be seen, but can be heard)
    Appearance: Something like this, but with scales on the skin and spines on the head. (No credit to me for that drawing; I just found it on Google Images)
    Bio: A Wyvern from Bota Magna, Vorzin was the steed of a Bota Magnan Vorox. Eventually he rebelled because he's sapient, and then got teleported into Bionifight. Although he and Miras are from the same dimension, Vorzin came from a time thousands of years before Miras conquered Spherus Magna.
    Personality: Vorzin is a hunter, stalking his opponents silently before cutting them down from behind. He is a coward sometimes, but then, cowards live the longest. Most of the time.
    And now, time for a BZPRPG import:
    Name: Haarnak
    Species: Toa
    Gender: Male
    Power 1: Elemental Fire
    Equipment 2: Great Kadin
    Equipment 3: A rifle which can channel his Fire powers, emitting them as a beam of high-heat fire.
    Appearance: Here.
    Bio: Haarnak spent all of his time before Bionifight being an anarchist. His acts of terrorism include attempting to kill the Dasaka landing party in Ga-Koro and accidentally putting an arrow in Echelon's eye.
    Personality: He's an anarchist. A crazy one. Who has way too much power. Fun times.

    Vorzin approved, assuming the spikes on the body (outside of teeth and claws) aren't used in battle. And Haarnak approved. I'm admittedly a bit confused over the description "has way too much power" since he seems to have a somewhat average powerset (which isn't to say he couldn't be formidable if played well).

    * Quietly leaves new profile here *
    Name: Naberius
    Species: Toa (Gravity)
    Gender: Male
    Power/Weapon 1: Toa-level elemental control of Gravity
    Power/Weapon 2: Kanohi Mask of Intangibility
    Power/Weapon 3: A heavy weapon that seems to be a cross between a maul and a hammer. It is ¾ of Naberius’ height. He can use it very effectively.
    Appearance: His Mask, limb armor, chestplate, and feet are all clad in dark indigo-purple armor that is very shiny, since he keeps it so. The rest of his armor is black, and is not regularly polished as the indigo armor is. He is average Toa height, with the Inika build. He has medium armor, not exactly heavy or light. The armor is evenly spread, for a balanced build. His Mask of Intangibility has the symbol of his Makuta leader on it, as do all Toa in his universe. (I don’t have a design for the symbol… haha) The symbol is black, showing nicely against the purple Mask.
    Bio: In whatever random universe he came from, he was a guard for a Makuta warlord. (The universe he came from was basically feudal Japan… with differences. Makuta were the top rank, followed by Toa, Turaga, Matoran, and Rahi.) He proved himself many times to be the strongest in this Makuta’s group of Toa, and was therefore made the General of the Toa of the Makuta’s domain. He had an elite group of 19 Toa, which he led in battle before he was abruptly summoned to Bionifight.
    Personality: He is very dignified and treats all others with respect and general politeness. He is friendly, but his rough voice often perturbs others. He seems very peaceful and nearly pacifistic outside of battle, so it comes as a surprise when he becomes battle-crazed and bloodthirsty in a fight.
    Other: His only wish is to return to his world so he may resume protecting his Makuta leader… and hope he isn’t thrown out (or executed) for disappearing without notice. He has a high degree of physical strength, which he combines with his gravity powers to wield a heavy bludgeon-like weapon, which he facilitates using his Gravity powers. Speaking of Gravity powers, he mainly uses these to… “stabilize” his foes while he smashes them with his crushing weapon. He also uses them to put distance between himself and his enemies if need be, or vice versa. Oh, and he likes making small black holes. They’re not insta-kill, literal black holes, but...they really throw stuff around. A lot. EDIT: what appear to be  small spheres of gravitic force. They can either draw things in, or push them away, both at high speeds. In battle, he sometimes refers to himself as “the Deathbird.” This doesn’t make much sense, since he’s not very birdlike or elegant. Maybe there’s a hidden meaning only he knows.
    Also, to whom it may concern, I'll be posting as Zel'Sai in this color from now on. Just to differentiate.
    (Oh hey... 100th post. What a milestone.)


    Naberius approved!

  2. Name: Ardian (Somewhere between AR-dee-un and ARD-yun), goes by "Nine"

    Species: Toa of Light

    Power/Weapon 1: Control over the element of light, which he has spent decades of isolation honing.

    Power/Weapon 2: The Kanohi Sanok, the Great Mask of Accuracy, shaped like a Great Mahiki.

    Power/Weapon 3: Ardian possesses a unique power, granted him through a contract with the ambivalent Sun God of his home universe. Ardian's power, known as "Jet Fists" is the ability to fire concussive blasts from his hands, which can travel through the air indefinitely, and deliver enough force to an opponent (or inanimate object) to break bones. The blasts travel fairly quickly, but are possible to dodge at mid-long range, and have the appearance of distortions in the air. This ability holds a 'charge', much like elemental abilities, except that the pool of energy is much smaller than with EE, and does not drain naturally. Once it is fully emptied, his obeisance activates, and he has 1 hour of time to fulfill it. Ardian's obeisance is kissing a male of any species. The kiss must be upon the lips, and the recipient must be living, but not necessarily conscious. Beings that are brain dead but whose bodies are still technically alive do not work. When the condition is met, Ardian's power refills again. He may refill it by kissing a man, even without triggering the obeisance by emptying his pool of energy. The obeisance is middling in terms of unpleasantness; more for the scarcity of strange men willing to be kissed than for Ardian's being straight. But hey, it's not drinking blood!

    Appearance: Ardian is a Toa of average height, with a muscular but agile build. He is of a stark white color, with dark gray joints and gold highlights, but wears a robe that leaves only his head, hands and feet poking out, with the latter two extremities being covered in gloves and sparring boots of the same color, respectively. This robe is a dull gray color, but has a brightly-colored emblem, that of the Sun God, emblazoned on its chest. When Ardian makes use of his power, and when his obeisance activates, the emblem begins to glow, the intensity of its luminescence dulling as he begins to run out of power, and then brightening again the closer he gets to the end of his hour. When the hour ends, it shines brilliantly, before promptly disappearing from existence, along with the rest of the robe, and its wearer. Ardian's mask is the same bright white color as the rest of him, but the rest of his wardrobe causes it to appear rather incongruous. Additionally, his scholarly looks invite insult.


    Ardian hails from a universe united under one religion: The worship of the mighty Sun God, also known simply as the Sun. The Sun is ambivalent, protecting the sentient races from calamity, on the condition of being worshiped throughout the land. The presence of various types of apostates, whose goals range from not having to worship the Sun to live under its protection, to outright wanting to claim the mantle of immortality and challenge the Sun's rule, demanded the creation of a divine organization to root out heretics and protect the worshipers of the Sun. This organization was the Inquisition; the glorious enforcers of the Sun's will. They train their students in monasteries, teaching them the religion of the Sun, as well as rigorously training them in use of their elemental powers, unarmed combat and swordplay. It is believed in the Inquisition that one must become well-versed in fighting with one's fists before one can be taught to fight with a sword, the student being granted their blade immediately after a becoming an initiate inquisitor. When a monk becomes an inquisitor, a formal ceremony is held, and then the monk enters into a private communion with the Sun. During this communion, the monk in question makes a contract with the Sun. All Contracts made with the Sun allow the mortal signatory to make use of a specific extraordinary power, at the cost of having to perform a predetermined action after using this power. The action is, at best, neutral, and at worst, extremely unpleasant. It was immediately after making this contract that Ardian disappeared from his universe, summoned to the Bionifight without having received his sword. Due to his training, he is excellent with his elemental powers, unarmed combat, and swordplay, though the latter requires use of a hardlight sword. While he has not yet used his contract ability, they are fairly straightforward to use, and he is both aware of what it is, and what his obeisance is, so he suffers little from his inexperience.

    Personality/Other: Ardian is male. He suffers from prosopagnosia, a condition which makes him unable to distinguish faces. Ardian, in particular, has the most severe degree of the condition, which prevented him from making any sense of faces, whatsoever. Through much practice, and much memorization, he has learned to distinguish facial expressions in the faces of Toa and Matoran, as well as to recognize the people closest to him. The latter is obviously useless for the tournament, however, what with being plunged into a group of people he does not know. Another affect of his prosopagnosia is that it becomes harder for him to tie specific bits of knowledge to people, such as name or occupation, people's brains generally storing such things by putting them to a face. Additionally, Ardian is color-blind, which further reduces the ways he can distinguish between other individuals; he is restricted to build, armor shape, wardrobe, and similar factors in strangers, with things like voice, or gait and other mannerisms, coming into play with people he knows better. As for his actual personality, as difficult as his condition made it (especially in a monastery, where everyone dresses similarly), Ardian became a social butterfly. Though he can be somewhat overbearing at times in his religious zeal, he tends to be a generally agreeable person, and easy to be around.


    Credit for the contract ability name, "Jet Fists", goes to Blade. If she would rather it not be known that she was the one that spawned that name, I can remove this sentence. =P


    I've talked to you about Ardian... despite his concept's basis in a series of jokes, I'd be willing to accept him if he's treated mostly seriously. Ardian approved.



    I've had this guy waiting in the wings for if one of my others died, but it seems his time has come. :evilgrin:


    Name: The Wyrm. 

    Species: Unknown.

    Power/Weapon 1: Shadow Sting: a rapid-fire Rhotuka launcher. The Rhotuka possess a Vacuum-based power, sucking in all of the air in a ten foot radius of wherever the Rhotuka impacts, before releasing it with explosive force. 

    Power/Weapon 2: Dark Whisper: A Twilight Blade, forged in the shape of a falchion, that he has spent decades mastering the use of.

    Power/Weapon 3: His species possesses a natural ability similar to the Rahkshi Power of Chameleon, allowing him to seamlessly blend into any environment at will. 

    Appearance: An agile, amphibious being, The Wyrm has smooth, slimy skin that is normally various shades of swampy green. He’s roughly the height of a Toa, with two sets of knees on his muscular back legs and a frill of spines around his serpentine head, which connect to a ridge that runs along his back and tail. His light bone structure and the webbing on his clawed fingers and toes allow him to cling to almost any surface, increasing his mobility and flexibility in combat.

    Bio: Originating from a world where the Great Cataclysm brought about the end of almost all life within the Matoran universe, the Wyrm was descended from a species of amphibious Rahi who emigrated to the half-sunken island of Mata Nui and evolved to a high level of sentience, forming a peaceful society in the mangrove swamplands that covered almost all of the island.

    Centuries later the former inhabitants of Xia, who had used their technology to escape the apocalypse and survive in the ruined Matoran Universe, emerged from the tunnels, seeking to claim the island paradise for themselves. War broke out, with the Vortixx, who'd had several hundred years to build up their arsenal, gaining the upper hand.

    The Wyrm, more warlike then the majority of his peaceful brethren, formed a group of guerrilla fighters to hamper the Xian advance, arming themselves with the enemy’s weapons and using their knowledge of the swamps to their advantage. Then, at the turning point of the struggle, he was snatched away to be part of Bionifight, leaving his people to fight a war they were woefully underequipped for.

    Personality/Other: Pragmatic and prone to violence, the Wyrm is willing to do whatever is necessary to ensure his people’s survival. He has no understanding of the concept of honour, and favours all kinds of unorthodox tactics to ensure a swift victory. Guerrilla warfare and surprise attacks are a speciality of his, and his love for his people is rivalled only by his undying hatred for Vortixx.

    MOC: http://i.imgur.com/Ukm09U7.png


    A rapid-fire air-based vacuum/concussive whatever Rhotuka seems a little strong when you've also got active camouflage and a pseudo-powered light blade. I'd say nerf one of the weapons? Wyrm not approved.



    Name: Lord Halken von Zakaz III Esq.

    Species: Skakdi

    Power/Weapon 1: Impact Vision. Halken can hit any inanimate object he can see with a sudden burst of tremendous, violent force. While this cannot damage the object too much, it can send it flying incredible distances.

    Power/Weapon 2: Power disabling. Halken can disable any powers a single opponent has, as long as he has seen them in use before. Halken can only disable one person at a time like this, and the further away his target is, the harder it is to keep them disabled. In addition, Halken must address his target to disable them, preventing him from disabling from a position where he cannot be attacked.

    Power/Weapon 3: Hardened Senses. Halken can withstand incredible amounts of sensory and mental assault with only mild discomfort, allowing him to fight the most vile and underhanded rapscallions hand to hand with minimal difficulty.

    Appearance: Halken looks every inch the ridiculous character he is. A custom made, pinstripe charcoal black three piece suit with its jacket missing, a  white button up shirt with the sleeves “torn” off (more accurately, they didn’t quite fit over his muscular biceps,) a golden monocle filled with shattered glass, and a pair of dress shoes that have been broken open by his clawed feet make up Halken’s enigmatic wardrobe. Otherwise, his limbs and spine are a dark gold, coupled with brass armor and claws, and piercing silver eyes. Halken also possesses a unique spine arrangement, having three rows of long, straight spikes on his back, an almost unheard of occurrence.

    Bio: Halken is from a version of the matoran universe where industry managed to proceed in vastly different directions from canon, leaving the islands massive industrial cities ruled by elite citizens. He is the third bearer of his name, and only the latest in a long line of gentlemen hunters hailing from the vast steam powered city of Zakaz. His ongoing quest: To find the deadliest rahi in the matoran universe and beat them in a rousing match of fisticuffs, old bean! What ho! He has bested the Kanohi Dragon the Krahka, the Tahtorahk, and has even outboxed a herd of Tarakava with both hands broken. His latest target was his greatest challenge to date, however, as Halken planned to duel the Mountain of Xia itself. However, besting these ruffians in this gentleman’s tourney shall have to suffice instead! (tales of Halken’s exploits may be prone to exaggeration, take them with a grain of salt and a pinch  of moustache wax)

    Personality/Other: Halken is boisterous, loud, jovial, and always ready for a fight. He will challenge anyone to a “rousing bout of fisticuffs” for laughs, but never pulls a single beefy punch. Halken has no sense of personal space, often getting very buddy-buddy with people he never met before and inviting them on one of his hunts. He prefers his steaks raw, his women (and men, and non-binary friends) loyal, his fights exhilarating, and his trophy room well-adorned.


    Name: Riss, AKA Sunburst

    Species: De-Toa

    Power/Weapon 1: Kanohi Mohtrek (Shaped like a Kakama)

    Power/Weapon 2: Elemental command of Sonics

    Power/Weapon 3: A protosteel microphone and stand that she can wield as a quarterstaff or use as a mic to amplify and channel her sonic powers. It’s also pretty good for making sure everyone can hear her singing.

    Appearance: At first glance, it would be easy to mistake Riss for some variant of matoran, given her small stature and skinny frame. However, she is a full grown toa, and has the energy to prove it. Riss is never still, usually either bouncing in place or dancing like nobody’s watching her. Her armor is mainly a light gray, accented by a black battle skirt and a shirt of white chainmail with black cuffs and collar. Most notably, however, is the pair of scarves she wears. One, a small, yellow one, she wears under the collar of her mail, adding a splash of color to her armor. The other is a larger, medium brown scarf, tied around her head behind her mask, giving the impression of twin pigtails, despite toa not having hair. Through a trick of the materials her armor is crafted from, Riss appears to sparkle and glitter in direct light, leading to her stage name.

    Bio: Riss has appeared on any number of interdimensional broadcasts, notable for never revealing her real mask or armor before now. Even more notable, however, is that her incredibly catchy music is made using only herself, as she uses her mask to summon past incarnations of herself as her own backup singers, dancers, and musicians. This, however, is Riss’ first time performing on a stage where the other players want her dead, but she’s eager to give it a try.

    Personality/Other: Riss is excitable and energetic, always moving, practicing her role in a routine, or singing something to herself, when she isn’t writing lyrics or getting her costumes together for the cameras. She’s excited to finally get to join the Bionifight broadcasts, though! She’s even got a very special song written for her opponents~


    HvZ approved; Riss approved. You get the same message I gave to Burn: remember to treat the characters with some degree of seriousness fitting for the RPG, in spite of their comical concepts. Also, in regards to Riss' Mohtrek, I trust you (Xae) as an RPer enough to know that you'll be reasonable about its use.



    Name: Selox

    Species: Altered Baterra
    Power/Weapon 1: Selox has the standard Baterra ability to shapeshift. He can only assume the form of inanimate objects, but his disquises are nearly flawless. He can shape his limbs to a limited degree, generating things such as shields and the like out of them.
    Power/Weapon 2: Selox has an Exsidian buzzsaw on his arm similar to a Skrall Sawblade Shield, but with deeper serrations. It also spins much faster.
    Power/Weapon 3: Selox has a retractable launcher similar to Kabrua's force blaster.
    Appearance: Selox is completely silver, Glatorian height. He looks much like a canon Baterra, but with his sawblade on one arm and the other arm has his retractable blaster.
    Bio: Selox was originally created by a Great Being who felt that a Baterra who could think, instead of mindlessly slaughtering all who held a weapon. But after he was powered up with his modifications and AI, he escaped his holding chamber. He used his shapeshifting abilities to evade the gaurds and get away. However, a Great Being remotely set ordinary Baterra to classify him as an enemy. It was when he was surrounded by them that he was taken to Bionifight.
    Personality/Other: Selox is dedicated to two things: Stopping conflict and improving himself. However, his methods of stopping conflict can be considered rather insane. For instance, he believes that winning Bionifight will help him stop the tournement and achieve both of his primary objectives.\


    Selox approved.



    Roman, Omega wasn't the only idiot to show up... :evilgrin:



    Name: Vaalku


    Species: Level 4 Rahkshi


    Power/Weapon 1: Silver Rain(a rifle-shaped device, in the spot of his left arm, can suck in all of a single power that an opponent has and put it to its max)


    Power/Weapon 2: Level 4 electricity


    Power/Weapon 3: "Wooden" leg(a wooden left leg infused with a Kualsi, allowing him to teleport short distances)


    Appearance: Oh look, a one-armed one-legged Rahk. Pitiful? Not in the least. Vaalku is an intimidating opponent, and he has the power to back it up. He has a white head, hands, and foot, while his leg, arm, and back are blue. His armour looks dented from the inside, making him look very bulky. His eyes are orange. And the Kualsi in his wooden leg is gold.


    Bio: Vaalku was a level two Rahk in a large school for Rahks, until he got his left limbs blown apart. He then tried to escape it, and secretly built the Silver Rain, sucking away the power of the school's overseer, Tridax. After he heard of Tridax's defeat, he used Tridax's destruction power to destroy the school, burying it in rubble. He spent another month defeating opponents and rivaling Rahks, until the disappearance of one of his friends made him go on a mission to locate her. He eventually built the wooden leg with a dead Toa's Kualsi, before being teleported to BIONIFIGHT.


    Personality/Other: Vaalku has all the Matoran values in his Rahkshi equivalent of a heart, causing him to find remorse in killing opponents. He is male.


    Vaalku not approved. That weapon alone might take up three slots, since it blocks someone's power, gives Vaalku a power, and serves as a weapon to channel the power.



    Name : Langmuir

    Species : Toa

    Power/Weapon One : Kanohi Taiho, Mask of Artillery. It allows the user to turn any object into a projectile. They can have a maximum of three objects "armed" at any one time, these objects will be held aloft in the air around the user and can be fired at their command

    Power/Weapon Two : Creation of Swords. Langmuir's original elemental powers of Iron have been limited and constrained, leaving him only the ability to produce swords and their ilk. Centuries of experience as a blacksmith and warrior have given him encyclopaedic knowledge of blades. Due to the Bionifight Universe's weakening, he is only able to produce a maximum of three swords at any one time. He has knowledge of various solid, lustrous metals. Allowing him to create weapons out of non-ferrous materials such as aluminum, sodium or lead.

    Power/Weapon Three : Eye of the Mind. A heightened capacity for observation, refined through years of experience in battle and hostile situations. He is able to remain calm and analytical under the mental and physical duress of battle, allowing him to plan out his actions and play to his foe's weaknesses and the environmental advantages and disadvantages. The ability to see the forest for the trees, the trees for the forest, the sharp pointy stick near the foot of the closest tree and the toxic mold growing on the northernmost tree, which would do well if smeared on that pointy stick

    Appearance : A sturdily built Toa, he wears the raw iron grey and burnt orange armor standard of Fe-Elementals. Possesses a fair amount of muscle from years as blacksmith and warrior, as well as his share of scars, burns and old injuries. In particular, a rough cough and badly healed rib from an encounter with a suicidal Fa-Toa in his past. The Kanohi Taiho resembles a more angular and heavy Kakama. Curving around to protect the rear of his head and lacking the slits and openings of the mask of speed. His armor is curved, asymmetrical and vaguely ornate, designed, repaired and upgraded over time to offer low-moderate protection from most types of weaponry, though it lacks any specialized defenses

    Bio : Former blacksmith, hero, mercenary, born again hero and now man-on-the-run. Once a versatile and kindhearted Toa of Iron, his elemental affinity slowly shifted to weaponry as he felt more and more like nothing but a sword himself. Loss of his original family and his adopted band of mercenaries, not to mention centuries fighting a war of attrition, have left him rather bitter and introspective



    Aaaaand profile number four.


    Name : Maccha Yellow!

    Species : Hero!

    Power/Weapon One : Knockback SFX! Maccha Yellow has the ability to create brightly colored explosions and smoke with his kicks and punches. These explosions don't do damage as normal explosions would, but possess a very strong knockback effect that can stagger large opponents and fling smaller ones several bio in the air or backwards

    Power/Weapon Two : Calling your shots! If Maccha Yellow is able to call out or name an attack or action, it gains strength. For example, a simple punch to his opponent's guard might do little more than jostle them. Were he to call out AMAZING PUNCH, they would be hit with a far greater amount of force

    Power/Weapon Three : Enemy scanning! When Maccha Yellow observes another combatant, he is given a rough read out of their aptitudes. Presented to him as numbers from 1-10 in several parameters.

    • STR - Ranking of their physical strength and power
    • END - Ranking of their overall toughness
    • AGI - Ranking of their speed, maneuverability and gracefulness
    • MAG - Ranking of their control and potency with their powers, elemental or otherwise
    • LUK - Ranking of the more subtle factors such as luck or charisma
    • SPEC - Ranking of their "trump card", whether this is a weapon, special attack or otherwise. Rankings are D, C, B, A and EX

    Appearance : A tall and heroic hero clad in bright yellow armor that conceals his identity!

    Bio : In his world, peace is the norm and the Brotherhood of Makuta and Order of Mata-Nui are little more than rival production companies. He was an actor in a children's show, playing the hero Maccha Yellow, the leader of the Toa Maccha Rangers! Upon his arrival to the Bionifight universe, he found himself in possession of the powers he once only wielded on television!


    Langmuir approved. Hooray for storm-of-swords.

    Maccha Yellow disapproved, only because that last power is going to be tough to work with in an RP setting like this. Perception of relative character aptitude/ability is subjective, especially when you're asking the character's creator and player, and the "enemy scanning" would rely on asking an unbiased (else inaccurate) summary of their own character's abilities in comparison to others... etc.

    So just change the third power somehow and you'll be all set to go.




    Well, I'll give this a shot.
    Name: Toa Virse 
    Species: Toa of Sand
    Power/Weapon 1: Elemental Control of Sand. Includes creation, manipulation, and absorption of fine-grained stone.
    Power/Weapon 2: Mask of Elemental Transmutation. Allows the user to turn their body into their element. The result is of equal mass to their original form. In her sand form, she can control the grains individually, but they must remain close together or she risks losing pieces of herself. The transmutation itself takes a few seconds as her body slowly changes.
    Power/Weapon 3: Heat Gauntlet. A large glove of dark metal that wraps around her left hand. When activated, it can produce high temperatures capable of melting through some weaker metals. Her primary use for the device is the creation of hardened glass weaponry with the assistance of her powers. She is able to create the shape of any weapon with sand, then run it through the gauntlet to slowly form the shape. Her typical shape is a large, wide-bladed sword she has grown accustomed to using, but she has formed others as needed. While such a weapon is in use, the gauntlet's heat powers are virtually useless, as removing the weapon from the hand would shatter it. The weapons, being made of glass, are not has hard as the finest protosteel, but they will not shatter in typical combat situations. This ability also consumes much of the gauntlet's power supply, meaning she can only form two or three different weapons per round, but usually will only use one.
    Appearance: Her original armor was dark orange and blocky, yet light, but she has since covered it in rough, jagged plates of tan to represent her element better.  She wears a large piece of cloth wrapped around her neck and mouth for protection in her native deserts. Her build is stocky, more for strong hits than agile motions.
    Bio: In the beginning of her existence, Virse was a Po-Matoran in a harsh world. The Great Beings of her universe decided to keep their creations on Spherus Magna to attempt to repair the damage done by the Energized Protodermis. Their plans failed, and the planet fractured, resulting in the Great Beings being taken from their world to dwell on one of the many moons created. Wars over resources broke out between the native Agori and Glatorian and the Matoran and Toa. So many were slaughtered, entire tribes were wiped out in the chaos of weapons and elements. Centuries passed, and an uneasy peace was established at last. The Great Beings have faded into myth and religion, creating a pantheon of elements and merits worshiped in the few clusters of civilization that remain. Most of the inhabitants wander the wastes of their home alone.
    Virse was one such inhabitant. She survived the great war through her courage, and was promoted to be a Toa of Stone. With the war over, she didn't know what to do anymore. She searched the deserts for a purpose, and eventually stumbled upon one. An old Turaga, living as a hermit in the middle of nowhere, found her near-dead with exhaustion and thirst and took her in. He showed her how he pushed past the boundaries of his element of stone and learned to control the sands that surrounded them. Through centuries of practice, she mastered this skill as well, but at the cost of her control of stone. She bid goodbye to the Turaga and set off to teach others to feel the calm of sand. It was then that she was taken and placed in the Bionifight tournament.
    Personality: Once a war-hardened veteran, Virse has learned versatility and peace from her training. Though she is slow to anger and quiet, part of her still yearns for combat, and she eagerly awaits her first battle. Her voice is soft, almost hoarse from years of disuse, through the cloth around her mouth. She does not find conversation with those she does not trust easy, especially with those native to Spherus Magna.



    Virse approved.




    Name : Vegetoa

    Species : Toa

    Power/Weapon One : Kanohi Kadin, Mask of Flight.

    Power/Weapon Two : Elemental Control over Light

    Power/Weapon Three : Warrior Race: Stocky and sturdily built, he possesses an enhanced degree of all-around physical attributes, much higher than those of many normal Toa, coupled with a lifetime of training in hand to-hand combat.

    Appearance : Regal and proud, he manages to exude the haughty air of the Prince he is despite his diminutive stature. wears primarily white armor, his natural golden coloration mostly concealed by his blue, unarmored garb. What that cannot conceal, however, is the rippling, hard-earned physique underneath, honed by a lifetime of training and battles for one purpose and one purpose only: to be the best.

    Bio : Comes from an ancient line of Warlord-Kings from an Island of Av-Toa. Raised from birth as the Prince of Light, a natural prodigy in both fighting, and in elemental control and power. Did all this get to his head?


    Yes. Yes it did. His love for the thrill of the hunt is only exceeded by his love of his own strength and pride, and he is very vocal about it. He will mince no words as to how lowly he thinks of you, if you're lucky enough to be worthy of consideration at all.


    might have more comin but this first




    Vegetoa approved... the whole "despite the concept's basis in humor I'd be willing to accept him if he's treated mostly seriously" thing applies, but mostly just in regards to the name.





    Salaphiel, Naberius, Haarnak, and Vorzin coming next post.

  3. Going through and checking profiles for approval.


    Don't forget Zephyr the Toa Supremacist in your group of Bionifight bigots =)


    I can't wait to see how this all comes to a head, though. If Voltex forces people to confront their characters' biases or what.

    Don't know if Voltex will, but I will. :P


    The impression I've gotten is that the Knowledge Sector contains information in pretty much every possible format, in order to cater to the expectations of the many different beings from their varying universes.


    Correct. Although I'd remind people to be careful in regards to what information they "discover" in the records; no meta-gaming please.


    We are now free to create infinite armies of fightbots.


    Dear god no.


    Not to mention that it sounds like the host's power borrowing, just as a weapon.

    Also. Realized what open and Xaeraz remind me of right now. That scene Fromm the emperor's new groove with kronk carrying yzma in that box on his back.

    The Host's power copying doesn't take the power from the origin, though - they can still use the power themselves.
  4. IC: Dartakh (Hallways)


    Aha, that person looks like the Tall Cloak Guy! I shout "Wait, you bugger, I need to talk with you!" and walk after him. I hope he won't disappear like he did last time, although now there are no murderous Matoran or flying gems to distract him so that's unlikely to happen.


    OoC: Talking to the Host




    The Host turned with surprise as the Vortixx approached. "It seems I've let time get away from me, and I have a very important announcement to make soon... but if it's quick, what can I do for you?"



    The Host decided that the fighters had probably calmed down by this point.

    He elected to go for a walk in the hallways to greet the new arrivals.

  6. Well since nothing was officially said about my character’s newer profile, I think I will tweak it a little. The power of light is pretty versitile when in the right hands, but in this case it seems too mainstream B)

    Name: Evix

    Species: Toa (specifically a Toa of Gravity)

    Power/Weapon 1: Elemental Power of Gravity

    Power/Weapon 2: A set of three incredibly dense, gumball-sized orbs of an unknown material; the surface of these orbs is incredibly abrasive. Evix keeps these orbs in an orbit around him most of the time and in a special pouch when not.

    Power/Weapon 3: Limited control/manipulation over kinetic energy:

    - Evix can absorb all kinetic energy from most physical attacks, rendering them inert upon impact as if they were only touching him

    - While a blunt attack will stop dead in its tracks, sharp objects will still be able to do harm to Evix despite losing the force behind it

    - Evix can also absorb kinetic energy created by himself if he so chooses (ex: punching a wall), but in doing so he cannot do any physical damage

    - The amount of kinetic energy absorbed is dependant on how powerful the hit was

    - There are a number of options Evix can choose from to do with the energy he stores, though only one option may be used at a time (per event) and has a significant cooldown period (through the duration of an event; so a single option may only be used every other event):

    1. Energize - All kinetic energy absorbed is instantly converted to elemental energy used to restore or increase Evix's existing supply of Elemental energy

    2. Rebound - Kinetic energy in contact with Evix is instantly reverted back to the object which was in contact with him, essentially doubling the impact backwards; this can also be utilized by Evix himself

    3. Amplify - Kinetic energy absorbed significantly increases Evix's physical and mental attributes, such as reaction time, speed, and strength, though the level of this is dependant on how much energy is absorbed and slowly decreases over time

    - When no options are chosen, Evix still retains a passive, less effective absorption ability and stores the energy within himself until he needs it; this energy dwindles over time

    Appearance: Lean and muscular, noticeable even though he is wearing armor. His armor is lightweight and carved with intricate patterns giving it the appearance of being sharp, mostly colored black and purple but with subtle hints of crimson and silver. He wears a custom, powerless, silver Avohkii replica.

    Bio: Before being thrust into this... predicament, Evix was a bit of an adrenaline junkie, often trying to find ways of getting into dangerous situations for the thrill of it. This has helped him gain valuable tactical knowledge as well as significant experience in fights, but he is still reckless at times when it comes to battle.

    Personality/Other: Evix has an incredibly passive and just personality, despite living for the thrill, and is known for his brutal honesty and patience. Being a bit socially impaired, he can be gullible at times.

    Apologies for all the attempts and reposts, but I want to get this right :)

    Evix approved. (Sorry for missing it again.) Remember, only one kinetic subpower per round or per quest.





    oh I get it because simon appears like three times in that picture

    • Upvote 2
  7. The extra armor on the legs makes it look like a girl at first glance (unless it is a girl) but other than that, I'd say you've done pretty well.

    It's a combat drone. I don't think it has a personality. :P


    I personally think the proportions were pulled off really well, leg bulkiness and all.

    • Upvote 1


    I think that's the first time anybody has wanted their character to perish

    That's actually surprising


    I'd figure some G&T folks are bloodthirsty enough for their cravings to be satisfied by their own blood


    Some G&T folks other than me, that is, because I'm totally cool with dying for a pyrrhic victory


    Yeah, but this is a story. Everybody wants their character to be the coolest one man army survivor person.


    Not meeeeeeeee~

  9. I'd say it'd be acceptable, then.


    Is there a limit to how many gem quests can go on at the same time then?


    There's no specific numerical limit, but it's as many as we can keep track of at one time. I'm very busy, and keeping up with stuff in the discussion topic is taking up most of my allotted effort for the RP; Tex and Blade are each involved with other quests and events. I think they can give a tunnel to the Daltrahk/Kuro/Prose group if they want to, but I suspect they'll want to wait til later.

  10. So the character has one elemental power per round based on environment, and it doesn't change midround? That'd be okay, as long as there was a limit on the variety of possible powers to be gained.

    Tahnok isn't liking how things are going for him. He might need to use Werl as a shield if his suspicions are correct.

    Please do.

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