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Posts posted by Chro

  1. Smart choice by Virse, even though it came about by mistake. :P


    KO distribution is dependent on how much the GMs feel each attacker contributed to the kill. For example, last round, Limos sapped all of Xaeraz's strength til he was an inch from death, then when he was finished off by Elittra, both Elittra and Limos got credit for the KO.



    Medbay.... or comfort sector.... or a half-dozen other places in between.


    The way I understand it is that a contestant who has been killed in the arena is teleported to the medbay and than brought back via magic-sciencey stuff. They then wake up an unknown amount of time later when the player starts posting as the character.

    They are revived in the med-bay via the Infinite System, but some fighters remain unconscious and are moved to other areas so as to not clog up the med-bay, which is why they wake up in a variety of locations.
  2. You can attempt to grab and throw the opponent all at once, but then the opponent could say "he missed the grab then spun around trying to throw me anyway"... so I'd advise the second method

    Though I already feel like I've got a good handful of characters, this one was too interesting to pass up on. Toa of Data, anyone?


    Name: Arkrax


    Species: Data Elemental (Toa)


    Power/Weapon 1: Flight capabilities. Can speed along as fast as a Kadin user, but also maintains fine enough control for hovering and slow glides.


    Power/Weapon 2: Limited Light Control. An inherent ability of the device he inhabits is the projection of a hologram as an interface that functions as Arkrax’s form. He has the ability to turn this hologram solid for combat, but any damage it suffers is mimicked in his data and does not recover faster than a normal being can heal. This hologram is also necessary for his extended vision. His light abilities also include projection of other hard light objects connected to his form (i.e. blades), wide beams, or lasers, but not the manipulation or absorption of existing light.


    Power/Weapon 3: Limited Data manipulation. When in physical contact with a purely mechanical construct, his data can enter their processors and take control. Can be used as a type of mind control, or simple data manipulation, including erasing or adding to the system memory. He has grown extremely adept at using this skill, but a being with enough willpower can force him out or even damage his own mind.


    Appearance: In his default form, Arkrax appears as only a small, black, smoothed triangular box. It is nearly featureless beyond a small aperture on one corner. When he projects himself as a hologram (hard light or projection), he takes the form of a Toa of average build. The original colors of his armor have been washed out into a ghostly blue glow. His armor is smooth beyond the intricate circuitry etched across his body. His eyes glow a blinding white behind his Komau’s visor. While projecting, the device remains positioned inside where his heartlight would be, and significantly jostling (aka stabbing) it can disable his image for a time.


    Bio: Arkrax used to be a noble Toa, defending Matoran and fighting villains. As time went on, he faded into history. With his destiny apparently fulfilled, he sacrificed his Toa power and took up his life as a Turaga. The Matoran never sought his guidance, but he didn’t complain. He never served for the glory.

    Those days were days of peace, but they did not last. A new threat arose, and new Toa were sent to fight, but never returned. The village was left defenseless until they came offering protection. A tall being known only as “The Shadowed One” and his associates. In return for turning away the menace, they wanted Arkrax. The Turaga happily accepted to protect his home, unknowing of the trials he would face.

    The Hunters had discovered a powerful digital storage, and they wanted to know just how much it would take. Arkrax was the perfect opportunity as a forgotten and desperate Turaga. As he stretched out a hand to touch its smooth surface, he vanished in a flash of light, only to reappear in a sea of binary. He spent countless years grasping at his new form, but when he finally managed to trigger his projection, he found himself cast aside in a storeroom in the Odina compound. It was far too easy to escape and find his way back to his home, only to find it broken and devoid of life. He did not cry. He did not swear revenge. He simply turned away, trusting Destiny to guide him to where he was needed next.


    Personality: Despite his every reason to turn against the world, Arkrax is perpetually optimistic. He is a perfect standard of uprightness and service, though he no longer considers himself a Toa. He strives to prevent suffering by any means possible. Speaking takes far too much energy for him, so he prefers to remain silent and in the background except when he is needed.

    Arkrax approved.


    And said KO attack hasn't come yet, right?

    I have no idea. I'm at work, was just checking the discussion topic. :P

    It hasn't happened yet. Ismekne's team attacked just before Virse and Buzzz could execute her.




    @ArcticFreeze - This? I'd always interpreted the main section of the city - i.e. where this battle is taking place - to be the "fortress"...

  4. Uh

    IC(Ismekne): The Ga-Toa moved forward, warhammer out, swinging toward Buzz. Something hit her back, and she felt something tear. Buzz flew away. Wasn't fast enough. 


    CRACK. Something hit her warhammer from the right, and her wrist exploded in pain, being dislocated at an unnatural angle. Her eyes saw the dragon through tunnel vision. The hammer clattered to the floor. Her left hand found her wrist. Push. POP. 


    Her wrist popped back into place, and she fell to the ground unconscious. 


    OOC: The glass shards hit Ismekne's back, Okvaung's strike hit that warhammer the wrong way which dislocated her wrist. Very painful. Is isn't "dead" yet, but if she doesn't get up, she soon will be, I expect.


    Does this not count as a KO? She's explicitly stated to be unconscious
  5. What if a shape-shifter was to take on the appearance of a member of the other team?

    *Snaps fingers*


    The team marker sash would give them away. Unless their shapeshifting is illusory rather than physical, in which case they could shift that too.  



    So, is that Nibbs approved or..?


    Yes. Dragon no. 5 Nibbs approved.  



    Name: Tirkah

    Species: Glatorian

    Weapon/Power 1:A large projectile launcher, capable of tearing holes even in Protosteel. Resembles a human Hecate II in both appearance and power. Wiki link for the curious: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PGM_Hécate_II

    Weapon/Power 2: Chameleon suit. Allows Tirkah to blend with their environment, rendering them hard to see. This suit also provides adequate armor protection, and can turn blades and even small projectiles.

    weapon/power 3: Machete


    Appearance: Blue under the Chameleon armor, the armor itself defaults in a dull green. 


    Bio: Hailing from a world where the Makuta took over both the Matoran Universe and Spherus Magna, Tirkah lived in a harsh unforgiving world, and the inhabitants developed weapons capable of punching through Protosteel armor.


    Personality: Quiet and reserved, unforgiving in battle. Male.


    Approved, but be careful about how much protosteel you pierce.  



    Also, revamped Tuyatkhamun profile. Hope it clears up what needed clearing:


    Name: Tuyetkhamun[/size]

    Species: Toa

    Power/Weapon 1: The seemingly endless array of paper bandages that clothe her are actually living things, capable of regenerating when damaged and possessed of unnatural prehensility. 

    Power/Weapon 2: Can generate ink than can be used to write sorcerous sigils that have either a mental or physical. The physical effects are essentially the ability to change matter from one form to another. So for instance a sigil could be written on a wall, and the stone of that wall the sigil was touching could turn to acid. Not the whole wall, just whatever the ink was touching. Solid steel could be turned into pliable much with enough ink and time. The effects will only take place once the sigil has been completed. 

    Power/Weapon 3: The same ink can also have effects on the mind when drawn upon anything that actually has a mind. The mental effects could broadly be compared to a Komau, being able to manipulate the mind and anything connected to it. So, just as the Komau could be used to tell a person they are feeling intense pain, the sigils might do likewise once applied and completed. Like the physical-effect sigils, they only affect the area they have been drawn on. If a pain sigil is being drawn on an arm it will only cause pain in that arm. So it would be no use drawing a sigil to cause blindness on a leg. Legs can;t be blind, it would need to be around the eyes.

    Appearance: The most obvious visual cue to set Tuyetkhamun apart from anyone else is the whole “covered in bandages” thing. They swaddle her from head to toe, uneven and twisted, dusty and yellowed. Here and there some of her original body pokes out, but its all armour with no tissue on it, the colours faded and paled. There is also her Kanohi, carved of alabaster and modelled after a noble Mahiki only much more stylised in decoration. It resembles a Matoran face, capturing an expression of serenity in a few stark and simple lines…except its missing the lower left quarter, a jagged wound that reveals her desiccated and fleshless jaw beneath. 

    Bio: In the Time Before Time, when the world was newly formed from the very bones of the earth, it faced a terrible threat. The Makutekh, the one who was many and many who were one. A dread threat formed of darkness and fear, that began to swamp the world, devouring all light in its path. One hero stood against the darkness; the great Toa Helryhkte, guardian of all that was gold. She rallied te forces of the world to stand against the dread Makutehk…but it was not enough. The power of the shadow swarm was all-consuming, and could only be slowed not stopped. So Helryhkte turned to one of the few options left to her: the Book of Life. A dangerous artefact crafted by the Great Beings and long thought lost, supposedly containing the very life force of the universe within in words. Helryhkte found it. Helryhkte opened it. And Helryhkte read it. 

    The raw power of the Book was transferred into Helryhkte, binding itself to her spirit. And she turned the power of creation against the Makutehk, destroying them utterly. There was a downside to this victory. Maybe due to an ability to contain the Book’s energies, or perhaps an overuse of that power, or maybe karma punishing her for taking the power to create life and perverting it to cause death, Helryhkte was transformed. It was as though she were consumed by the Book, paper and ink engulfing her, swaddling her within a fibrous prison and steadily eating away at the body within. But to great Helryhkte this did not matter. She had work to do. The Makutekh may have been destroyed, but their absence left chaos. Cities that needed rebuilding, people that needed feeding, power vacuums that needed filling. Helryhkte set out to help those she could, her newfound power drawing many to her cause. In time, the energies of the Book finally become too much for Helryhkte and she passed that power onto a successor, who continued her good work in her name. Many owed gratitude to the descendants of Helryhkte.

    In time, owing gratitude become owing allegiance. And eventually, under the guiding hands of the current bearer of the Book’s power, Ptuyet, an allegiance became an Empire. 

    The Empire and the dynasty that rules it has lasted up to the current day, weathering such challenges as insurrection under the Prophet-King Vakameses and the civil war caused by the usurper Nefergali. It holds all nations, all lands, all peoples under its aegis. They are the Empire’s to command and control. The current ruler of that Empire is Tuyetkhamun. While a Matoran she was one of the closest confidantes of the previous Empress, Cleokama, and was rewarded for it with inheritance of the throne. She has been a…firm ruler, to put it mildly. An autocrat who believes her word is absolute law, that her every action is both just and fair because it is her that is doing it. 

    Though the Book’s powers have been watered down over the millennia that it has been contained within mortal shells, it is still substantial enough that Tuyetkhamun is feared enough that she need not know fear herself. No-one in her universe dares to go against that. It has made her arrogant and proud, this knowledge that armies will flee at simply the sight of her. Such a shame that no-one in Bionifight has heard of her before. 

    Personality/Other: A self-obsessed egotist used to having legions of adoring servants attending to her every whim. Bionifight has been a rude awakening for her, one which has made her temper short and anger fierce


    Approved! Thanks for clarifying.


    I'll see you folks in a few hours.

  6. I don't fully understand the third power. She can generate a sphere that teleports her to wherever she throws it? It's an ender pearl


    Does Vorzin's cloaking power cloak his team indicator as well, or just his body?

    It includes the sash. The team markers are, for all intents and purposes, holograms (or whatever you want to call it,) except they're affected by powers. So if Tomo turned into a giant sphere the sash would expand to fit it, and if Selaphiel went intangible it would go ghosty along with her. If anyone has specific questions about how it'd work feel free to ask.

    Name: Kaipatu

    Species: Unknown (similar to a Toa but with no elemental powers and much taller and beefier)

    Power/Weapon 1: A rifle that shoots bullets, similar to a human AWP, but slightly more Bionicle looking. It has a scope.

    Power/Weapon 2: A Kualsi in the shape of a Great Komau

    Power/Weapon 3: A large katana

    Appearance: Kaipatu is about the size of Brutaka, and as muscular. His hands end with claws, proper claws. He is predominantly green, with accents of copper. His mask is copper. The bottom of his katana is made of a rahkshi staff. His eyes are deep purple.

    Bio: Kaipatu is a Rahkshi hunter. After his village he was the protector of was destroyed by Rahkshi, he swore vengeance against them, and the Makuta. The rest of his past is a mystery, with clues of dead friends and scarred early life.

    Personality/Other: He is male. He is cold, but caring to those who need it.


    Kaipatu approved. Had the katana been a third power instead of a weapon, I may have not approved since he has a size advantage... but you're good to go now, I think.


    So I heard y'all removed the character limit. You may come to regret that :P

    I present for your appreciation and commentary:


    Name: Venga

    Species: Rahkshi

    Power/Weapon 1: Seventh level Adaption. Can instantly perform “evolutions” of physical form or mental state to cope with environment or enemies. These adaptions must be reactionary, he cannot simply decide, for example, to become completely heat resistant. He has to encounter someone using heat-based attacks, or become placed in a high-temperature environment. His adaptions also do not allow for any major shapeshifting. If fighting someone fourteen feet tall he could not “adapt” into being the same height. His power only covers lesser acts of change, such as growing gills to cope with being underwater or thicker armour to cope with stronger punches. These adaptions can also stack upon each other, so if fighting a wielder of lightning whilst in a polar landscape he could become insulated to both the electricity and the cold. Throw more hazards at him and he’ll simply adapt more to cope with them. He has some level of control over the changes, so if facing a Ta-Toa and Ko-Toa he could force himself to become resistant to temperature extremes rather than constantly have to switch between fire and ice resistance

    Power/Weapon 2: Flight. Being a Rahkshi gives several advantages. One of these is the ability to switch his exoskeleton into a mode capable of taking to the air. It does require he take a specific position though, with legs jutting out in front of him, the overall effect looking like he’s piloting some invisible, airborne canoe. Manage to break or remove even only one leg and he’s grounded. 

    Power/Weapon 3: A naginata, named Diretooth, in which the hooked blade can be unscrewed, allowing it to also function as a sword and quarterstaff if the need for either arises. [Note: Assuming he is in contact with it, Venga’s adaptions will be passed on to Diretooth if needs be]

    Appearance: Venga’s purple and black colour scheme has been modified slightly into a more harlequin-esque affair; what is black on one side is purple on the other, the twinned colours dancing round each other in a two-toned tango. The culmination of this is his head, which is split evenly between black on the right and purple on the left. Other than that mismatched design, Venga has an overall average build, sporting the usual eight-feet-tall-and-slender-with-it build of his kind. 

    Bio: Venga was created by Makuta Icarax during his attempted conquest of the Northern Continent. Manas were all well and good for the brute force required  for a good old conquest, but occasionally methods more subtle were required. An assassin, an infiltrator, a hunter. Venga filled all these roles. Icarax had a habit of throwing him into scenarios that were supposed to be nigh-on unwinnable, the idea being that either the Rahkshi would succeed and become more powerful due to his experiences and lessons learned…or wasn’t as good as he needed to be and would perish for his inadequacy. That Venga is still alive and has reached the elusive seventh level of kraata evolution is testament to his skill and long career. This is not to say he had a smooth and easy ride. At some point he lost half of his the armour comprising his headplate, and since his powers do not allow him to heal it had to be replaced there and then in the field with the most compatible parts they had. It was this that gave him the dual coloration that he decided to go full out with.

    After Icarax’s campaign was ended by the return of Teridax, Venga found his pursuits becoming more grounded in the mundane. With no grand sieges or pitched battles to take part in Venga was reduced to the role of glorified thug. Someone annoyed Icarax but the Makuta couldn’t be bothered to go after them himself? Off went Venga to remove the problem. Someone in Icarax’s service was trying to escape? Off went Venga to bring them back…or to remove the problem once again. Sure, a position many would consider enviable, but it was unfulfilling to the Rahkshi. He was suited to much better things than such trivial grunt work.

    Then he got called up to Bionifight. A contest to see who was the best fighter throughout multiple dimensions? Oh yes, that had elegance, that had worth! And a sideline to see who could hunt down these Infinite Gems, who could track them and withstand their guardians? Oh my yes, this was sport!

    Personality/Other: Venga is a formidable warrior of much skill and experience, which probably make him more deadly than his abilities ever could. He does however have one weakness. He’s a bit of a glory hound. Before he was used to the strict discipline of Icarax, where failure meant punishment. But in Bionifight? In Bionifight he could even die and there’s no problem! So without any risk of consequences, he has a tendency to avoid easy routes to success if he think it will make things more entertaining for himself



    Name: Tuyetkhamun

    Species: Toa

    Power/Weapon 1: The seemingly endless array of paper bandages that clothe her are actually living things, capable of regenerating when damaged and possessed of unnatural prehensility. 

    Power/Weapon 2: Can generate sorcerous ink than can be used to write certain sigils that have a physical effect, usually destructive. The symbol has to actually be written out, and only once it is completed will the effect take place. If written for a destructive effect it will last as long as the material it is placed on survives. For example, write a mark for acid on a wall and it will steadily eat through that wall, only ceasing once it has burnt through to the other side.

    Power/Weapon 3: The same ink can also have effects on the mind when drawn upon anything that actually has a mind. They have the same rule about only taking effect once they are completed, but often come with the caveat that they need to be applied very specifically. A sigil designed to stop sight, for example, would be useless scrawled on someone’s arm. 

    Appearance: The most obvious visual cue to set Tuyetkhamun apart from anyone else is the whole “covered in bandages” thing. They swaddle her from head to toe, uneven and twisted, dusty and yellowed. Here and there some of her original body pokes out, but its all armour with no tissue on it, the colours faded and paled. There is also her Kanohi, carved of alabaster and modelled after a noble Mahiki only much more stylised in decoration. It resembles a Matoran face, capturing an expression of serenity in a few stark and simple lines…except its missing the lower left quarter, a jagged wound that reveals her desiccated and fleshless jaw beneath. 

    Bio: In the Time Before Time, when the world was newly formed from the very bones of the earth, it faced a terrible threat. The Makutekh, the one who was many and many who were one. A dread threat formed of darkness and fear, that began to swamp the world, devouring all light in its path. One hero stood against the darkness; the great Toa Helryhkte, guardian of all that was gold. She rallied te forces of the world to stand against the dread Makutehk…but it was not enough. The power of the shadow swarm was all-consuming, and could only be slowed not stopped. So Helryhkte turned to one of the few options left to her: the Book of Life. A dangerous artefact crafted by the Great Beings and long thought lost, supposedly containing the very life force of the universe within in words. Helryhkte found it. Helryhkte opened it. And Helryhkte read it. 

    The raw power of the Book was transferred into Helryhkte, binding itself to her spirit. And she turned the power of creation against the Makutehk, destroying them utterly. There was a downside to this victory. Maybe due to an ability to contain the Book’s energies, or perhaps an overuse of that power, or maybe karma punishing her for taking the power to create life and perverting it to cause death, Helryhkte was transformed. It was as though she were consumed by the Book, paper and ink engulfing her, swaddling her within a fibrous prison and steadily eating away at the body within. But to great Helryhkte this did not matter. She had work to do. The Makutekh may have been destroyed, but their absence left chaos. Cities that needed rebuilding, people that needed feeding, power vacuums that needed filling. Helryhkte set out to help those she could, her newfound power drawing many to her cause. In time, the energies of the Book finally become too much for Helryhkte and she passed that power onto a successor, who continued her good work in her name. Many owed gratitude to the descendants of Helryhkte.

    In time, owing gratitude become owing allegiance. And eventually, under the guiding hands of the current bearer of the Book’s power, Ptuyet, an allegiance became an Empire. 

    The Empire and the dynasty that rules it has lasted up to the current day, weathering such challenges as insurrection under the Prophet-King Vakameses and the civil war caused by the usurper Nefergali. It holds all nations, all lands, all peoples under its aegis. They are the Empire’s to command and control. The current ruler of that Empire is Tuyetkhamun. While a Matoran she was one of the closest confidantes of the previous Empress, Cleokama, and was rewarded for it with inheritance of the throne. She has been a…firm ruler, to put it mildly. An autocrat who believes her word is absolute law, that her every action is both just and fair because it is her that is doing it. 

    Though the Book’s powers have been watered down over the millennia that it has been contained within mortal shells, it is still substantial enough that Tuyetkhamun is feared enough that she need not know fear herself. No-one in her universe dares to go against that. It has made her arrogant and proud, this knowledge that armies will flee at simply the sight of her. Such a shame that no-one in Bionifight has heard of her before. 

    Personality/Other: A self-obsessed egotist used to having legions of adoring servants attending to her every whim. Bionifight has been a rude awakening for her, one which has made her temper short and anger fierce



    Name: Skrall

    Species: Skrall

    Power/Weapon 1: Skrall physiology. Though only around the same size as a Toa, just over seven feet tall, Skrall is much more physically capable in every way. His strength, speed, agility, reflexes, endurance…bar the use of masks (he cannot match a Pakari or Kakama, for example, but he could give a Calix a good run for its money) they are all vastly superior to the other Spherus Magna races and a good portion of the Matoran Universe ones.

    Power/Weapon 2: Standard Skrall sword, plated with exsidian to make it tougher and more durable, though this doesn’t turn into some slice-through-anything-razor. It still has the launcher leading up from the hilt, though he has no Thornax to arm it with.

    Power/Weapon 3: Razor shield. In addition to being very weighty and very spiky it has the ability to absorb any elemental energies that touch it. The idea being that it prevents possibilities such as one of the Fire Tribe heating the shield so much that Skrall drops it and leaves himself open to attack. This is not an “aura of effect” type deal, it touches the shield or no deal.

    Appearance: Well, he’s a Skrall. He looks like they all do, tall and long of limb. Though he’s actually one of the green-armoured clan, emerald and ebony mixing freely on his metal cladding. 

    Bio: Part of the military machine that was the Skrall tribe, Skrall was always present at the most pitched battles. But he was always placed in the rearguard or amongst the reserves, and as such could never accomplish any action that would earn him a treasured name. This absence haunted him. He wanted a name, needed a name. He started striking out on private missions of his own devising, heading out to take down dangerous creatures or scout forgotten outposts. This didn’t attract the attention he wanted, drawing the ire of his superiors rather than their approval. He found himself relegated to even more menial tasks. It was while on guard duty, well away from the just-launched battle of Atero that he was scooped away to Bionifight. 

    Its heaven to him. So many people to fight, so many new and interesting species to match wits and swords with! He has sworn allegiance to the Queen and Host, assuming that, if he defeats enough people and recovers enough gems, they will give him the name he so desperately craves.

    Personality/Other: Skrall is a fanatic. Give him a cause and he will devote himself to it, mind, body and soul. It is as though a part of him is missing, and he seeks to latch onto a cause or goal in the hope that one of them will be the right fit

    Skrall approved. Venga approved, but be careful with the adaptation. As for Tuyetkhamun - I'd appreciate more specificity regarding the limits of what the sigils can achieve.

  8. Round two has started!


    For everyone's information: the two teams "spawned" on opposite ends of the city from one another. And it's... well, it's a large town, I guess. The teams aren't close to each other yet.


    Since Shixahl's not in the round, someone needs to be moved from Muaka to Tarakava.
    On the bright side, that'll give us even teams.
    *Snaps fingers*

    We have an odd number of players available. Can't really make them absolutely even.
    (Plus, the team with one less has Skorm, who can split into two. :P )

    • Upvote 1
  9. IC: Prose/Mahri Nui/Team Muaka

    "Oh no."

    I was alone. Iskane, Daltrahk, and Kuro were nowhere to be found. I would have to find new allies.

    "Anyone need a power boost?" said I as I activated my Prosperity as a field effect encompassing the whole team.


    So everyone on Team Muaka gets a slight energy boost from Prose. As long as they stay around him.


    That's going to drain him really quick, though, I think. 38 people?

    Mahri Nui: Team Battle (2-team)


    Time to get started.

    "I welcome you all to the second round!"

    As each fighter appeared in the Arena, they would see many of their former competitors surrounding them. These were their teams: two large groups of contestants being pitted against each other.

    With a faint buzzing noise, a band of light appeared across each fighter's body, like a sash, crossing from right shoulder to left hip.
    One team found theirs to be yellow, with the emblem of a snarling tiger, while the other group's sashes were turquoise, with the emblem of a feisty sea-snake.
    If the contestants were to ever try removing or altering these sashes, they would find themselves unable to do so.

    "And welcome to the lovely city of Mahri Nui! Mind the ceiling..."

    If the fighters looked around, they would see low buildings stretching far - a city, of course - but high above, no sky. Instead the city was enveloped by the sea. From afar, it appeared to be one solid blue mass, but the true nature of the water was clear. It was held back by a dome that appeared to be made of nothing but air, solidified via some unknown technology. Though certainly unnerving, there was a certain splendor to it.

    "This is a Team Battle, as you can no doubt see by your placements in groups: Teams
    Muaka and Tarakava!

    "The team with the most knockouts at the end of the round wins! As for knockouts, you know the drill already - you'll find yourself in the locker rooms, med bay, or Relaxation Sector outside the Arena, sore but unharmed."

    The Host appeared in the very center of the city, above the buildings, knowing he could be seen by every fighter. He twirled, gesturing up at the beauty of the dome.

    "I wish you all the best of luck."

    Then the Host was gone. A moment later, his magnified voice rang out through the bubble:





    This is the second battle. If a character is engaged in a gem quest in the tunnels, then they are not allowed to participate in this round. Any character not involved in a gem quest is in the battle, except for Shixahl.

    After being knocked out of the battle, your character will be repaired and revived in the large waiting rooms/locker rooms connected to the Arena. From there, characters may venture into the hallways and the rest of the facility, as you would have them be doing normally.

    If your profile is approved during the round, your character does not join the battle; they appear in the locker rooms. If you complete a gem quest mid-round, you cannot join the round.

    Mahri Nui: Based upon an underwater city contained within a giant bubble, Mahri-Nui is an ordinary city battleground… although if a fighter manages to destroy the bubble, the flood of water that follows will incapacitate every fighter for several seconds, as well as unleash any predators that might have been swimming around outside the city. (The water outside the bubble has an automatic short-term mutagenic effect, allowing those immersed in it to become amphibious until removed from the Arena.)

    Team Battle: This game type functions similarly to Free For All, except that the fighters are divided into even teams. An MVP shall be selected from the winning team.

    Fighters currently in battle:

    Team Muaka (15, 9 KO)

    Xaeraz - Zephyr (7)
    Luroka - Ferronox (7)
    UltimoScorp - Kotak (7) KOTAK KNOCKED OUT BY KALE
    VahkiDane - Omega (7) OMEGA: 1 KO,
    Construct - Sudrec (7)
    Hunter Serge - Lekona (7)
    fishers64 - Ancient Darkness (7) A.D. KNOCKED OUT BY VORZIN
    Tenth Norik - Glass (7)
    I Am Ultron Six - Jorth (7)
    Manhunter - Selox (7)
    Daniel the Finlander - Dartakh (7)
    Ghidora - Halmos (7) HALMOS KNOCKED OUT BY ISMEKNE
    Miras - Miras (7)
    Alijar - Tanzah (7), Krantax (7)
    Burnmad - Artorre (7), Okavaung (7) OKAVAUNG KNOCKED OUT BY KALE/ACLARAUNG
    ArcticFreeze - Prose (7), Maglev (7) PROSE KNOCKED OUT BY SELAPHIEL; MAGLEV SELF-KO'd
    Tiragath - Tenjou (7),
    (Daedalus) - Daedalus Drachoren (7) DAEDALUS KNOCKED OUT BY ENVIRONMENT
    Ehks - Donrioda (7) DONRIODA: 1 KO, KNOCKED OUT BY VELIX
    Click - Virse (7) VIRSE KNOCKED OUT BY HOUND
    Petewa - Kopeyku (7)
    Valendale - Cast (7)
    Kovika - Sidonas (7)
    Onarax - Silvanni Zikkray (7) KNOCKED OUT BY ENVIRONMENT
    Gravity - Viitkaehl (7)
    Grochi - Vagust Joveo (8)
    Smudge8 - Buzzz (7) BUZZZ KNOCKED OUT BY HOUND
    Krayzikk - Noroi Shiru (7) NOROI: 1 KO
    Toru Nui - Navuru (7) KNOCKED OUT BY ENVIRONMENT

    Liuth - Fulmen (7)

    Team Tarakava (22, 12 KO)

    Ehks - Ten (7)
    Click - Mirror (7) MIRROR KNOCKED OUT BY WYRM
    Construct - Tomo (7)
    Portalfig - Onuvo (7)
    VahkiDane - Exsequor (7) EXSEQUOR KNOCKED OUT BY OMEGA
    Grochi - Aclaraung (7), Ilyin "Brokenwrist" Jerin (7) ACLARAUNG: 1 KO
    Xaeraz - Lord Halken (7), Riss (7) HALKEN KNOCKED OUT BY LANGMUIR
    ArcticFreeze - Kuro (7) KURO KNOCKED OUT BY WYRM
    Shadow Ignited - Zelnos (7)
    fishers64 - Ismekne (7) ISMEKNE: 1 KO
    Manhunter - Velix (7) VELIX: 1 KO, KNOCKED OUT BY DONRIODA
    Daniel the Finlander - Feli Gemshimmer (7)
    L'Etranger - Selaphiel (7),
    Smudge8 - Venom Huntress (7) VENOM HUNTRESS KNOCKED OUT BY WYRM
    Krayzikk - Zangah Sentoki (7)
    Sil - Raith (7)
    Zakaro - Zakaro (7)
    Bloody Nine - Iskane (7), Limos (7)
    I Am Ultron Six - Olari (7) OLARI: 2 KO
    Burnmad - Ardian (7)
    Miras - Vorzin (7), Haarnak (7) VORZIN: 1 KO; HAARNAK KNOCKED OUT BY TENJOU/NOROI
    Urchin - Zel'Sai (7), Naberius (7)
    Snake613 - Vakax (7)
    Uncle Chael - Damaka (7), Vegetoa (7)
    Silvan Haven - Kale Ironshaper (7) KALE: 2 KO

    Keeper of Kraata - Skorm (7) SKORM: 1 KO
    Tiragath - Maccha Yellow (7)
    Blade - Anna (7)

    Round two begins now.

    • Upvote 4
  11. Power/Weapon 1 & 2: (Bohrok) has the ability to shapeshift into other things after it has scanned them for their powers, looks traits and weaknesses. It gains both the look and powers of the thing it shapeshifts into

    Power/Weapon 3: The 12 Bohrok & Bohrok-Kal powers (can change to just the 6 original powers if need be).

    I'm a little concerned by the fact that you thought this might be approved.

    Did we accidentally approve something massively OP that served as a precedent?



    I'd like to remind everyone that the Host's Letter from the first post of Bionifight is played to each contestant when they appear. They're not totally clueless. :P


    Oh. So is it played through audio?
    I figure it'd be visible on a tablet thing while also being played audibly. (And new fighters appear in the Locker/Waiting rooms, or the personal quarters reserved for them in the Relaxation Sector, not the Training/Commercial/Knowledge Sectors. So they're not going to be standing in the middle of a group of people when reading/listening. :P)

    I honestly don't know what they'd do with it.

    Turn it in to the Bionifight staff? Trade it to another fighter?

    IC: Tahnok Nuva

    Pulling himself from shallow pool of lava, Tahnok glared at Werl. Not only would he have to replace his hammer, but his burned and tarnished armor as well. At least his body has a high tolerance for heat, else he might've lost an arm.

    "Next time, warn me when you are about to do something foolish." He grunted, flicked a now-harden piece of rock off his shoulder. "We need to move faster, or else that gem or whatever may actually get us."

    He looked at his prized Kualsi, wishing he didn't have to do this.

    "Do you think you can use this?" He said, handing the mask to the deformed Toa.

    Uh, no, he can't. A decorative Kualsi is decorative; when we give you three weapon/power spots, you can't loophole more in.

    If Tahnok and Werl survive and return to the facility, their armor and weapons will be repaired to exactly how they were when the two arrived in the facility, so no need to worry about that.

    If Werl did want to use the Kualsi, it would mean reapproving his profile with one existing power removed and replaced by the Kualsi.

  13. IC: Dartakh (The Host's room)


    My head spins for a moment after I appear at a completely different location. After the spinning stops, I examine the surrounding area: I'm in a small office with some really nice furniture, Tall Cloak Guy standing nearby. "So, can you do it? Do you need any instructions? Well, I doubt you know what the item looks like. It's a small metal thingy with a black button and an antenna. A rather strange device, should be near the bed I was sleeping on before I appeared here."




    "With pleasure. One moment..."

    The Host vanished.


    A moment later he reappeared. "Nearly forgot! Your other weapon, please..." and so saying, he plucked the tool from Dartakh's belt and disappeared again.


    Another instant later, the Host returned to the office with a flash, handing Dartakh his requested item. "Use it well."


    "Now, if you will excuse me, I have a very important announcement to attend to post-haste!..." Dartakh found himself transported to the Lower Hallways once more. The Host teleported himself to the Control Room...





    _____________________[OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT]


    "The second round of combat will be beginning very soon!

    If you are a new contestant, welcome! If you were here for the first round, I hope you're looking forward to a second chance at victory!

    Unlike the first round, you will be allowed to opt out of this battle. Simply proclaim so verbally, you will be allowed to remain where you are, and one life will be docked from the Infinite System.

    I do sincerely wish the best to all of you in the Arena... see you in round two!"

    • Upvote 1
  14. Seems I did.



    Well here is the third and final character I will make. He is basically made to be a walking Maglev Train, minus the train but multiply the pain.


    Name: Maglev (alternate Polarity)


    Species: Toa w/ Two Elements


    Power 1: Magnetism - His natural Toa power. Because of enhancements, his powers of magnetism are limited to defensive abilities and for mobility. He can bring up trace metals from the ground to create armor for himself like a Rahkshi of Magnetism. He can also purify metals. Combined with his artificial electricity powers and ice powers, he has the ability to perform magnetic levitation, allowing him to fly.


    Power 2: Ice - This power is his second natural Toa power. An odd ball it may be, but it has many purposes. The first is to help convert the metals on his body into superconductors, and combined with electric current and magnetic energies, he can achieve flight through magnetic levitation. He can use ice to make walls and structures as a defense, and can create a variety of weapons to attack with.


    Weapon 3: Tesla Coil System - He is wrapped in coils that lead up to the wearable electric generator on his back, giving him an electrical field he can control. This is not exactly the same as having the powers of a Toa of Lightning/Electricity as he is limited to control of an electric field emitted by a tesla system. Once he runs out of power he cannot perform any of the following. If the system is damaged he is at risk for injury. As for an attack, he can center his electric field on his fists for a nice shocking punch. He can also intensify the field to create a natural defense. Combined with his magnetic abilities and ice powers, he can perform magnetic levitation.

    Appearance: https://www.flickr.com/photos/128917462@N05/sets/72157648680626533/



    Biography: Maglev was formerly known as “North Pole” Polarity. His nickname “North Pole" was given to him by his colleagues due to his abilities over Magnetism and Ice. He was chosen for the Cybertech Initiative, involving two programs, the Cyber Program and the Tech Program, in which they randomly selected Toa for an experiment. Polarity fell into the Tech Program in which he was outfitted with the newly developed Tesla Coil System, a wearable tesla generator system that can create an electrical field around his body that can improve his fighting. He was then sent on a mission to defeat a Cordak arms dealer. Using his new ability to fly using electromagnetic levitation and his electricity in general, he was able to accomplish the task. Because of this, he was a success, and was then known as Maglev. He has continued to work for the Initiative since then.


    Personality: He may have been childish before the project, but he has matured since then. Ever since he learned of the risks behind his technology, he has made sure that he was prepared for anything. Like his prime counterpart, he is trustworthy, hardworking, and tactical. At heart, he just wants to find a way to live a normal life. But for now he is a loyal servant to the Cybertech Initiative, fighting for the goodwill and safety of his people. He is also antisocial, preferring to work by himself, but he can easily warm up to others.


    Maglev approved! Be careful with that powerset though, you've got a couple of strong ones (although I appreciate how you've limited them to be more fair).

  15. Ugh, things keep coming up today. Round two might start late tomorrow instead of midday, I guess. Re-catching up...

    Alright, Time to join the tournament! (WARNING: WALL OF TEXT)
    Name: Ignis
    Species: Toa of Fire
    Power/Weapon 1: Piston Halberd (An axe with an extendable handle. Adjusts at the user’s will. Length ranges from 0.5 to 2 Bio in length)
    Power/Weapon 2: Short sword for close-range combat, mainly used if Piston Halberd is inaccessible.
    Power/Weapon 3: Elemental powers of fire
    Appearance: Ignis is Incredibly Tall and well-armoured, with his primary red armour being strengthened with Plates of Bronze and Gunmetal-coloured Protosteel. His body has been physically damaged, but most missing components have been replaced with Machinery, Such as Gears replacing his shoulder muscles and Prosthetic feet for improved mobility.
    Bio: Once a renowned warrior on one of the southern Isles of the Matoran Universe, It was said that Ignis would slay 1000 foes each battle, and that his fighting skill was unmatched throughout the surrounding Islands. After defending his island from a horde of Visorak, he was spirited toward The Arena, and is now seeking challengers to fight.
    Personality/Other: Ignis is very arrogant, and constantly brags about his strength. In battle, he will let nothing get in the way of his target, but he tends to focus more on full-on attacks rather than defending or looking for a different opponent. His favourite past-time when not fighting is sharpening his skills in the Training sector or signing autographs for fans.
    There weren't as many limits in this as the standard BZPRPG, So I just kind of went overboard. Basically this guy's a Steampunk Semi-organic robot Lu Bu.
    I might put up an Image of what this guy looks like, But I think I'll do that If i get approved. I hope I didn't make this guy too overpowered...

    Pretty sure I approved this a long time ago, but you keep asking, so here's a reapproval. :P Ignis approved.


    Posting Dartakh's profile for reapproval. Changed weapon/power on slot 3.Name: DartakhSpecies: Male VortixxPower/Weapon 1: Protosteel longsword, kept in prime condition.Power/Weapon 2: Alrahmi shield: An ornamental, oval protosteel shield. It was forged out of two Kanohi Hau, and has the similar ability to create an energy field around the user, activated via a small button near the handle. However, the energy shield isn't as good as one projected by a proper Hau mask, due to being controlled by intricate mechanisms instead of pure mental willpower. While it can still absorb strong blows and attacks of any type, it eventually collapses and can't be recreated for a short time afterwards.Power/Weapon 3: An elemental energy disruptor. It's a a small, oval metal object of mysterious origin, A long, metallic antenna protrudes from it's front. There is a single, large black button with the letters :e: :e: :m_d: . When the button is pushed, the device emits a powerful energetic pulse, which makes a single individual in front of the antenna to temporarily lose the ability to use their special powers (Basically, all unnatural powers granting the user an ability to control something, be it an element or a sentient mind). The effect lasts for about five minutes, although this varies slightly. The device then takes roughly 2 hours to recharge.Appearance: He is average height for a Vortixx. The claws on his fingers are long. He is broad-shouldered and muscular beneath his natural armour, which is mostly black and dark blue. His eyes glow light blue. His back is riddled with green and red tattoos. His voice is deep and rough, and his body is riddled with numerous scars.Bio: Dartakh is an experienced mercenary warrior. He is a veteran of many wars, and has seen much bloodshed and carnage over the years. He used to work with a group of mercenaries called the Shadowknife, but all of its members except for Dartakh were slain in an ambush. He was quite traumatised by it, because many of its members were his longtime friends. Afterwards he traveled around the world, fighting hundreds of foes and participating in many wars and battles. Perhaps he was taken to join the BIONIFIGHT because of his experience.Personality: Dartakh is serious and cunning, and very patient. He trusts nobody, and lacks any sence of humour. It died along with his friends. Dartakh is willing to work for anyone who pays, as long as the work is about fighting others. He can't read and write. In battle, he is calculating, patient but also aggressive. He falls utterly silent during combat, and enters a martial trance. Basically it just means that his mind starts to purely focus on combat and nothing else. He usually spends a third of his day training, if possible. Combat and violence have become obsessions for him.

    Reapproved! Host IC post soon.



    Doesn't a Kadin user fly faster than an Iden user? (And faster than Zaktan? :P )Anyway, for Selaphiel, no single individual power is OP... but altogether I personally think they're a little much. Basically the power of an Iden, density control, whatever Zaktan does, power resistance, and anything associated with kinetics... pretty much sounds like an unhittable character to me?
    As of now, Selaphiel not approved.

    That's a really good question; BS01 says of Iden users that "their spirit can move at great speeds" and I had vague memories of Matoro using it travel really long distances, but I'm probably misremembering. I'll be sure to fix that if/when I repost (or edit) and give a concrete speed.
    I can definitely see where you're coming from with most of your concerns, but I'm not sure I entirely understand. The intangibility use of density control is purely defensive in every sense of the word; making the user impalpable goes both ways, negating any possible offensive uses (especially since the character in question is completely unable to use her other power while intangible). Power resistance takes away a slot that would normally be used to house an elemental ability, removing a lot of potential. Kinetics can be difficult, but it certainly isn't impossible to overcome; Selaphiel has to be putting some of her concentration into staying tangible just so she can use the power, meaning she therefore can't do extensively complicated feats that a normal Toa of a more mundane element could. If this was an RPG where a normal Toa was the status quo, I would absolutely understand and agree with your position, but it's one where a lot of characters could have far more powerful abilities, for example: someone with control over Light, Gravity, and who possesses a Kanohi Avsa. Selaphiel couldn't do anything about getting her energy drained, and just because a Light user can't effect her directly doesn't mean they can't still use their speed-of-light travel (and subsequent insane momentum) in combat to overpower her kinetic absorption ability or use Light manipulation to make themselves invisible and prepare a coup de grâce (or use Gravity to turn her environment against her). I'm thinking of several other examples (Earth, Ruru, a pretty much universally acceptable combination, could easily go toe-to-toe with her once she's physical) right off the top of my head, and looking through some of the other characters approved just today I'm seeing powers that would be extremely effective.
    Also, "Basically the power of an Iden, Density Control, whatever Zaktan does": I'd like to point out quickly that Selaphiel only has one of those (Density Control of self), with her power description using the other two to draw analogies. This was almost certainly due to poor writing on my part; my apologies.
    So yeah, I absolutely see where you're coming from, but I don't think unhittable is a particularly correct description, especially in a game full of very powerful characters. The only time when such a term could be unquestionably applied to the character is when intangible, which I believe has been used before on other profiles, which is also when she can't use her only possibly offensive power.

    Alright, thanks for explaining that. Selaphiel approved.


    Name: Tomo
    Species: Melding Universe Makuta
    Power/Weapon 1: Level 6 Quick Healing.
    Power/Weapon 2: Level 6 Shapeshifting. She has learned how to change her total body mass.
    Power/Weapon 3: Level 6 Elasticity.
    Appearance: Tomo's true form is unknown. She usually takes the form of a nondescript Av-Matoran with a Noble Miru.
    Bio: Tomo was one of the Makuta of the Melding Alternate Universe, trained to cast out her inner shadow and accept the light. She acted as a warrior for the Great Beings, assisting the Toa and Matoran in their maintenance efforts, and overall helping maintain society. During an interdimensional trip in which Rubakuta was escorting some of her Great Being masters as they went about their business, she witnessed the great Bionifight tournament, and she wanted in. So eventually, she got in, and here she is.
    Personality/Other: Genki (元気). This means energetic, and that's what Tomo is. Very outgoing, very fun loving, and very hyperactive, Tomo can be both very fun and very exhausting to be around. Almost always bouncing off the walls (usually figuratively but sometimes literally), she seems to only have two modes: off, and high. And she is almost never off. As well, she has a certain love of violence. Not the killing kind, but simply the fun, sportslike fighting kind. Once you can get her to calm down (good luck with that), she can be quite gentle and caring (due to her inner light alignment).

    Tomo approved, but be careful with the extent of the shapeshifting.

    How does this sound for Maccha Yellow!'s third power/weapon?
    Jikan Blade! : A stylized heavy cavalry sabre with a clock-face in the hilt. Besides serving as a trustworthy and well made sword, it has a special attack can be activated once* per fight. When the special attack is used, a single strike is "multiplied" and produces two simultaneous** strikes. Maccha Yellow! is able to aim the second strike as he pleases. For the sake of your sanity, the actual physics behind this attack are left an unexplained mystery
    *Fight being defined as any engagement between him and/or any allies and another enemy or group of enemies
    **The secondary strike must be physically possible to perform from the same position he makes the first strike from. For example, no combinations of posterior and anterior strikes

    With this changed, Maccha Yellow! approved.


    Uh hey Grochi
    How many limbs did our dragons have again? xD
    I started writing this post a meal, a nap and several hours of general 'doing stuff' ago, so I just saw your last post. =P
    Writing Okavaung in cyan because haha, pale turquoise is unreadable!
    Name: Okavaung (OAK-of-owng, translates to 'Royal Blade')
    Species: Sohllikan; Dragon of Bota Magna
    Power/Weapon 1: Most Bota Magnan dragons have latent psychic ability, although lesser dragons have underdeveloped abilities. Okavaung has an invasive mental presence, able to detect and speak to consciousnesses from far away. This effective range is even greater than that of Aclaraung, though Okavaung lacks the telekinetic abilities of his master. Through focusing on a single, near-by enemy that is weaker than him mentally, Okavaung is capable of eventually overwhelming them, breaking down their mental defenses and crushing their minds. This requires time, focus and a great deal of energy, however, leaving the dragon distracted during the act, and exhausted after. He is also capable of suddenly lashing out at an enemy mentally, subjecting them to illusions, such as seeing things that don't exist, or suddenly feeling pain where there is no wound.
    Power/Weapon 2: Okavaung has control over frost, including an innate resistance to extreme cold, and the ability to breath a jet of extremely cold air, capable of seriously damaging beings unlucky enough to be caught in it.
    Power/Weapon 3: If all Okavaungs are dragons, and all dragons are fliers, then which of the following is true? The correct answer is, "All Okavaungs are fliers."
    Appearance: Okavaung's scales are a gradient, darkening from a head and neck of purest white, to the icy blue that tips his tail and limbs. His white eyes are flecked with the same wintery color that adorns his translucent, light blue wings. He is very large, only slightly less so that Aclaraung, and built just as muscularly. He is head is topped by a single pair of vertically-arranged spikes, one of roughly a foot in length atop his head, arching backwards towards his body, and another, shorter one, in front of it. A second pair of spikes sit opposite each other, curving upwards from the sides of the tip of his tail. All along his tail are similar, single spikes, growing from small points near the tip, to the final spike of roughly a half-foot in length, right where his tail connects to his body. The main part of his body has a frill like that of his master, though only to the base of his tail, and shorter. It is the same translucent blue as his wings.
    Bio: The lieutenant of the proud Sohllikan, Okavaung is the right hand of Aclaraung, and has served him for millennia. The race of Bota Magnan dragons have watched their neighbors develop from warring tribes to the sky-faring dwellers of the floating city Larlak. In that time, it has countless times been necessary for Okavaung to lead his regiment of frost dragons, defending against the advances of the belligerent Glatorian. His prowess in battle, and as a general, caused one particularly bloody period to be known as the Cold Summer, in which his kin destroyed three different attacking forces in the course of a week, with several others being defeated throughout the rest of the month. Though the Glatorian do not remember the reclusive Sohllikan, or the many battles lost to them, the term remains among their kind as an expression used to denote misfortune or hardship.
    Personality/Other: Okavaung's treatment of strangers can only be described similarly to his breath: Cold. To his kin, he is loyal and considerate, albeit emotionally distant. While he is capable of profound acts of kindness toward the needy, he is also capable of seemingly heartless cruelty in the line of his duty.

    Disapproved because I can't read that text... *grumble*
    Oka approved.



    A rapid-fire air-based vacuum/concussive whatever Rhotuka seems a little strong when you've also got active camouflage and a pseudo-powered light blade. I'd say nerf one of the weapons? Wyrm not approved.

    Okay, that's fair enough. I've gotten rid of the rapid-fire aspect, so it's just an ordinary Rhotuka, and changed the power. Hopefully this seems reasonable to you.
    Name: The Wyrm. 
    Species: Unknown.
    Power/Weapon 1: Shadow Sting: a handheld Rhotuka launcher. The Rhotuka possess a disorientation power, which causes a temporary loss of physical coordination in the target
    Power/Weapon 2: Dark Whisper: A Twilight Blade, forged in the shape of a falchion, that he has spent decades mastering the use of.
    Power/Weapon 3: His species possesses a natural ability similar to the Rahkshi Power of Chameleon, allowing him to seamlessly blend into any environment at will. 
    Appearance: An agile, amphibious being, The Wyrm has smooth, slimy skin that is normally various shades of swampy green. He’s roughly the height of a Toa, with two sets of knees on his muscular back legs and a frill of spines around his serpentine head, which connect to a ridge that runs along his back and tail. His light bone structure and the webbing on his clawed fingers and toes allow him to cling to almost any surface, increasing his mobility and flexibility in combat.
    Bio: Originating from a world where the Great Cataclysm brought about the end of almost all life within the Matoran universe, the Wyrm was descended from a species of amphibious Rahi who emigrated to the half-sunken island of Mata Nui and evolved to a high level of sentience, forming a peaceful society in the mangrove swamplands that covered almost all of the island.
    Centuries later the former inhabitants of Xia, who had used their technology to escape the apocalypse and survive in the ruined Matoran Universe, emerged from the tunnels, seeking to claim the island paradise for themselves. War broke out, with the Vortixx, who'd had several hundred years to build up their arsenal, gaining the upper hand.
    The Wyrm, more warlike then the majority of his peaceful brethren, formed a group of guerrilla fighters to hamper the Xian advance, arming themselves with the enemy’s weapons and using their knowledge of the swamps to their advantage. Then, at the turning point of the struggle, he was snatched away to be part of Bionifight, leaving his people to fight a war they were woefully underequipped for.
    Personality/Other: Pragmatic and prone to violence, the Wyrm is willing to do whatever is necessary to ensure his people’s survival. He has no understanding of the concept of honour, and favours all kinds of unorthodox tactics to ensure a swift victory. Guerrilla warfare and surprise attacks are a speciality of his, and his love for his people is rivalled only by his undying hatred for Vortixx.
    MOC: http://i.imgur.com/Ukm09U7.png

    Reasonable indeed. Thanks! Wyrm approved.

    • Upvote 1

    IC: Dartakh (Hallways)


    Aha, that person looks like the Tall Cloak Guy! I shout "Wait, you bugger, I need to talk with you!" and walk after him. I hope he won't disappear like he did last time, although now there are no murderous Matoran or flying gems to distract him so that's unlikely to happen.


    OoC: Talking to the Host




    The Host turned with surprise as the Vortixx approached. "It seems I've let time get away from me, and I have a very important announcement to make soon... but if it's quick, what can I do for you?"




    OoC: ..Skakdi? Dartakh is a Vortixx :P


    IC: Dartakh (Upper Hallways)


    "I want to get one of my items that didn't appear here with me. How do you think I've managed to kill four Toa in the past? I used this item to disable their powers and afterwards spilled their pretty guts with my sword. Do you think I have any chance in this competition without this item? You've got some crazy creatures here with all kinds of unnatural powers.. and then there's me, a secular guy with nothing but his sword and shield. I just ask you to make this game a little fairer to me. I can give you something in return if you bring me this artifact, for example I can give up this armour or regulary clean that expensive cloak of yours. What do you think? Do we have a deal?"


    OoC: Talking with the Host

    Oops, my mistake. Confused the species names for a moment.
    Also, please post updated profile for reapproval in discussion topic.
    "If it'll liven up your presence in the Arena... by all means!" The Host grinned at Dartakh. "But it'd better be quick, as I said - I've got an announcement to make as soon as possible."
    He turned to walk away, before pausing and realizing that he'd nearly left the Vortixx behind. "Tell you what... might as well just come with me." With a flash, the two disappeared, teleporting to the Host's office.
    Upon arrival Dartakh would see that it resembled an ornately furnished study, complete with a pair of plush-cushioned armchairs for the Host and the contestant to sit down in.
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