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Posts posted by Chro

  1. Whoooa man. That's a lot of damage, are you sure about that? Sanguivox has armor, Bast isn't like inches away (maybe a couple yards)...

    I'm hesitant because I feel bad about scoring a hit that significant.


    (But yes that's how the system works: you gain one AP for every point of damage you do to an enemy character.)

  2. Name: ShadowVezon

    Species: Skakdi of Shadow

    Weapon 1: A modified Super Scope with a Bayonet attached to the end. The Super Scope can fire normal small shots, and can also fire a charged shot. The shots are made of energy, and so cannot be affected by magnetism.

    Weapon 2: Axonn's Axe. Bought for 9000 Widgets, it can fire energy blasts from the tip and acts like a boomerang when thrown. It is very heavy however, so ShadowVezon normally keeps it on his back.

    Weapon 3: A Joy Buzzer attached to the right hand. It can be removed however.

    Appearance: Looks like Vezon, but with scarred black armour and a rugged trenchcoat. He has a holster on his back for his Axe, and another for his Super Scope.

  3. Thanks for bringing that up, SV...

    Rekhhur whips the bullets back at ShadowVezon

    Um... yeah, that one doesn't make a ton of sense.


    @Dallior - now that SV's posted, after you do, I shall. When you do so, please keep in mind the fact that Sanguivox should not logically be aware of Bastigan's presence... that'd be metagaming.

  4. Alrighty.


    IC: Skull Spider (Skull Carrier)


    Crud crud crud crud crud crud!


    The Skull Spider scurried off as fast as its little legs could carry it, considering how full of scrap they were. It made its way through the crowds, dodging crushing feet and crawling into the comfort sector to find and hopefully exchange duties with its fellow spiders. It scurried into the nearest room, sensing its partners within.

    Out of curiosity, how can a four-legged arachnid-like creature run while carrying material between its legs?

  5. Though I did mention in his bio that he can reach hot enough temperatures to literally burn the air. You guys did also overlook the whole Cafeteria incident where he flash-melted the tables and boiled the ground beneath a certain toa of gravity.

    Overlooking something, and ignoring something because it was impossible and ridiculous are two very different things. :P

     Basically this. I personally interpreted it as Tahnok attempting to do those things, rather than actually doing them, since they were a little unlikely.


    So... can I get a summary post of who's in the arena still, or did the battle end? I haven't really been on in a while.


  6. OoC: Um, Sanguivox is currently riding a wave of water towards ShadowVezon.

    Right. And Bastigan is standing next to the water, with Sanguivox's back to him, firing his shotgun.


    I assumed that Sanguivox would be surfing the wave "sideways", like actual surfing (which is also what Tahu and Lhikan did when lavasurfing) - rather than standing straight forward - allowing Bastigan to appear behind his back and target him from that angle.


    He can't be attacked while in epic battle frenzy mode.

    Uh, yes he can. He isn't in his battle-frenzy mode yet, right? That's when he's at 5HP.


    Besides, NSV has to reply before I can respond.

    I know. I'm not going to make a Bastigan post again until after SV and you have posted.
  7. IC: Skull Carrier (Skull Spider)


    Looking around itself, the Skull Spider finds it quite the coincidence that the Mask maker would drop it into a bin of scraps. It begins to collect some scraps to bring to its master, then scurries off. Meanwhile, the spiders with the fallen villager have finished weaving a nest. The Skull Carrier himself sleeps, awaiting the return of his fellow warrior.


    OOC: Welp, scrap that whole "defend self with boulder" plan, despite that overlooked fact that Tahnok had instantly melted the floor underneath a Toa and flash melted numerous tables in the same instance. It is in his bio that he can instantaneously flash melt things, ya know.

    I believe the operative term was if it channels enough power, and to me it seemed like Tahnok quickly and hastily tried to melt things rather than pouring a lot of his energy into it.




    The Salesman was straightening the masks on his desk when he heard a sound from behind him. Something had fallen out of his waste bin. With a sigh, he walked over to pick it up.


    But what the Salesman saw was not what he expected. A few fragments of broken masks, yes, but...

    The Salesman's view moved gradually upwards, looking across the floor away from him.


    There was another mask. With legs. Scrabbling away from him across the Commercial Sector.


    The Salesman's eyes widened. He scrambled to his feet and rushed off to find Venom Huntress.

  8. Also, as a question to Anung Un Rama: Is the skull Spider the "broken Mask" the salesman threw away?

    Yes. It's now sitting in a trash bin full of broken masks behind his desk.

    He doesn't get many customers, so generally doesn't have to deal with broken masks, which means that he never actually empties the container, but it's filled up gradually over the years.

    Unneeded but fun lore. :P



    IC: Werl

    "Hey. I got an Idea. Howsabout you lend me that mask so I can scout ahead, mabye find the source of the pulse bolts"

    Not gonna work, by the way. Werl will find himself unable to use the mask. A decorative Kualsi is a decorative Kualsi.


    Think of this: I'm not gonna let someone make a character that uses a bag full of rocks to smash people over the head as a weapon, then let them take rocks out of the bag to distribute to their friends as weapons.


    But that'd be hilarious.

  9. Bastigan/19/6


    Bastigan grinned widely. The fight had turned away from him, and now he was free to attack anyone in the battle.

    Teleporting to the outskirts of one skirmish, Bast appeared silently behind Sanguivox and fired at the fire Toa.

  10. One must also take into account the fact that, if their MU character eats for sustenance or has alluded to being born, or otherwise implied the existence of reproductive organs, it's significantly more organic that canon characters are.


    *Snaps fingers*

    And since this has been Bionifeast in the Commercial Sector so far... :P

    • Upvote 3
  11. But I don't think Krana in G1 would be limited to controlling only Toa and Matoran, right? So why limit Skull Spiders in G2?

    That said... as far as gameplay's concerned in Bionifight... are you planning on trying to use the Skull Spiders to mind control people, or just use them to fight and scout?

  12. Uh, sorry about that. Editing.

    Thanks, no worries...




    Bastigan teleported a short distance away from the pair, then fired towards them both - aiming primarily at Sanguivox, though Rekhhur was well within the shot spread as well.

  13. IC: Venom Huntress-Commercial Sector


    "I am sorry.  I mistook that mask for a pest from my home."  She shot a glare at the skull spider.



    IC: Skull Carrier (Skull Spider)

    Again, if the spider had the capacity, it would have sighed, right then and there. Luckily the salesman hadn't taken the Villager's attack so lightly. The plan could continue, even if he was put in the bargain bin.


    - :m:  :a:  :k:  :u:  :t:  :a:  :s:   :w:  :i:  :l:  :l:




    "A pest?! What're you sayin' about my masks? Insolent!" With a huff, he dropped the broken mask to the ground, and idly kicked it; it hit the front of his stall and came to a rest. The Salesman stooped down and resumed collecting the other masks, but with a free hand, gestured towards the one leaning against the stall front. "What'm I gonna do with this now?"

  14. Magnetic field blocking shots? What? :|

    "Oi, sea-beastie, that's not your choice to make." Bastigan followed on foot, firing directly at the Mutilator.

    Actually, you know what, hold on a sec. You can't just pull a new power from nowhere. If I am correct, your profile post stated that the tentacles generate a weak magnetic field to hold enemies in place, yes? Nothing about using the field to cover your body and block shotgun shells.

  15. It's actually unknown whether Skull Spiders could affect G1 characters the same way as they affect G2 characters.


    So... Water pressure?

    Enough to slow you down and probably enough to make you uncomfortable - but unlike the actual ocean, it's modified by the Arena to do no more than that. Like, nobody's getting crushed by water pressure here.

  16. Oh. I didn't realize that Rekhhur had launched forward, I thought he just went up.




    As the sea-beast dropped, Bastigan stepped back and spun (left) to the side, so that his right side was facing Rekhhur and his body was parallel to the creature's sword. As his opponent stabbed, the blade scraped across Bast's chest from right to left, just as he teleported - appearing a few yards to the right of the sea-beast, firing a series of blasts towards its center of mass.

  17. Alright, disregard what I said above... posting now.


    Bastigan, of course, wasn't one to stand still like a sitting duck. His preparatory strafe caused him to move out of the way of the boulder, which struck his arm rather than hitting him full on. He whirled around to spy the sea-beast (again) about to be backstabbed by a fire Toa.
    Good. Bast decided to hold Rekhhur's attention by engaging him until Sanguivox could strike. Teleporting away from his position (so that Ghidora could not take him by surprise), but remaining within Rekhuur's field of view, Bastigan shouted at the Mutilator and fired tauntingly.
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