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The Legendary TNT

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Blog Comments posted by The Legendary TNT



    Seems prett good


    >Funnily the saying about pictures being worth a thousand words was written... in words.

    I mean, shouldn't they at least have made a picture abo

    ut it?
    Technically, words are composed of letters. Letters are glyphs, and glyphs are pictures that have a specific meaning or represent a sound in spoken language.


    That means that every letter is a picture. As such, the value in words of a word can be determined by multiplying the number of letters it contains by 1000. :P


    So let's do a little math here:

    Let's say we have a word w with n letters in it. The value of picture p = 1000w

    or alternatively, p = 1000nl, l being the value of one letter, and n being the amount of letters in that word.

    But if every letter were to be a picture (l = p), then p = 1000n*1000np

    And then 1000n*1000n*1000np. And then 1000n*1000n*1000n*1000np. And so on for all eternity.


    Since the function is recursive, it either means every picture is worth an infinite amount of words, which directly contradicts the statement that a picture if worth exactly 1000 words, and is therefore not a viable solution, or it means your theory is incorrect, and in this case I'm going to have to say it's the latter.


    And this is why I hate stupid cliches...

  2. I have most of these... Nerf guns are like my second favorite toy of all time! I would make you an offer, but I have half the stuff up there (including the Titan). However, when you take them apart, do they still work like they should? I want to take apart my old firefly and see about it's wiring and firing mechanism.

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