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The Legendary TNT

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Everything posted by The Legendary TNT

  1. How do you know I lost if I wasn't playing to begin with? Mind=blown

    1. You just lost the game

      You just lost the game

      Everyone is playing, you lost by thinking about it.

    2. The Legendary TNT

      The Legendary TNT

      Oh. Doesn't that mean you lost too?

    3. You just lost the game

      You just lost the game

      Only when I login.

      Luckily, I barely ever do so. lol

  2. I've been on BZP for three months and a day! Woop!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hexann


      And me for a year, 15 days, 12 hours, and 49 min.

    3. Hexann


      Oh correction. 50 min

    4. The Legendary TNT

      The Legendary TNT

      ...I feel so silly...

  3. yup, somebody already did that (make an event, not use a Rahkshi attack).
  4. I think Hydraxon sounds like Clint Eastwood when he was young. (I'm posting these as I think of them, BTW)
  5. I imagine Kai sounding like a pirate (the Ga Matoran; not the ninja, because that would be off topic)! I just had to throw that out there.
  6. Oh, I want to tell you so much but I can't. So I won't . But know that I have already thought of a scenario where an even more powerful mask went haywire, but it would, again, spoil an epic I have not yet written. So if TK possessed someone like he did Lewa... depends. Is he as powerful as Mata Nui?
  7. Out comes the matoran, but he is a Toa now. Wondering how it happened, he trips and falls in.
  8. I go by the movies. I thought of Lessovikk sounding like Batman. Vezon has a kinda high pitched, gravely voice.
  9. Well, the original plan was to be able to fish there. However, they weren't able to do that.
  10. Um, there's beings like Toa and Matoran up there. It would put there lives in jeopardy.-There is a new post. View 1 post. "Oh"-The Iron Toa's right.
  11. I'm thankful for BIONICLE and all of the lessons that it taught me as well as all the fun I had (and still have).

  12. Out comes a Toa Hagah.In goes a noble mask of biomechanics.
  13. That... that... Darn. I want one now.I'd like shirts, subtle ones. Like one with just the UDD symbol on it or something. The sort of shirt that random people go "Oh, cool," but those in the know pass you by and give you a nod and a wink for.That's why I want a black snapback with a UDD symbol. That would be fy! Also, do you know how often I have needed a frisbee launcher? More than you would think.
  14. Out comes a BIONICLE Graphic Novel #4.In goes a noble mask of intangibility.
  15. I would tell you what I think, but it would spoil an epic I'm planning. But I think if you did combine them, it would be apocalyptic proportions.EDIT: Kanohi Kaita.
  16. Out comes a signed one. Signed by Greg Farshtey.In goes a noble Garai.
  17. No, because if the magnet was strong enough it could wipe all the info off the promo CD's. And I like promo CD's.
  18. Out comes the Nui Stone.In goes a noble Kadin. (kind of. Look through the topics at my posts.)
  19. Sure! But pace yourself, not all in one post.Update: Ga Koro scene added and birdseye Kini Nui added.
  20. So that's what a honey badger looks like! My life is compl- no don't say it.

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