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The Legendary TNT

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Everything posted by The Legendary TNT

  1. :blink:Out comes Pewku with a Hau and fire powers.In goes a one year Vahi.
  2. So, with all of this old concept art coming in, I was wondering if it was canon or just semi-canon. For example, the toa seed pod stuff might be semi canon or not canon at all, but what is and isn't?
  3. Dangit! My mouse is stupid sometimes. Could somebody close this topic?
  4. Kraatana mutates, gets hungry, and eats his face.Gali using the telescope on the cliff to chart the Red Star's position.
  5. Does the shield do anything at this point? I have a Kopaka char, but it seems like all it does is sit there.
  6. Let me rephrase what I was trying to say.Rephrase: All lumberjacks have the same voice.THAT'S what I meant to say.
  7. Useless MNOLG update: added a view of the cliffs and a flowerpot.

  8. Out comes... 2007 Nui?*Shoves it into the pool* (Yeah! That's how you're supposed to post!)
  9. lol, that's awesome!I think he sounds like a lumberjack. Because all lumberjacks have generic voices.
  10. I don't think Greg can answer that with Lego keeping BIONICLE "in their back pocket." I remember he wanted to show the hand of one in a comic, and Lego didn't want that to happen.
  11. OK, so I have a long term plan. I will be writing a VERY long epic that takes place on Mata Nui about 250 AGC. At first it will be just stories, but I'm hoping I will be able to make MNOLG style movies to go along side it. Now there have been big projects before on here that haven't been finished, so please don't get too excited. Should I not be able to finish, I don't want people hating me. So, just wanted to put that out there (longest status update ever).

  12. I'm gonna have to read this epic of yours...What if it even went to a point beyond our reality? What if it birthed another universe? Another dimension?@The First Shadow It'll be awhile. A LONG while (I have big plans).
  13. I'm contemplating entering this; so yeah, it would be nice if you extended the deadline.
  14. Save it some where you can remember where it is. You can find this info here: http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=10
  15. Look near the top right of the keyboard. On mine, it's above Backspace.
  16. That or we'd be those weird islands just off the coast that's part of the mainland culture, just way different and weirder.And, y'know, on fire and all.I always thought the blogs would be provinces that are privately owned of something like Puerto Rico. Or the Philippines during the U.S. colonization days. Maybe the blogs be like Scottland in the U.K. honestly the blogs are a phenomena that is almost hard to make a comparison to real life countries.They're airships! Sailing the blogosphere!On fire!Let's hope there isn't a Hindenburg incident.
  17. It's just a theory.Yes, it is. I was just telling you that it is one that has already been disproved. I was always a fan of it, but we can't have everything. =/Awwww!
  18. That last panel is awesome! However, when doing lightning, don't ever use the bolt in paint. Take the color yellow and use the line. make sure the line is sized to one pixel. Draw a line. Draw another line connected to it. Repeat until satisfied.
  19. Also, the GB's did not create Spherus Magna; they live there.I sometimes wonder if the GB's were humans that came to Spherus Magna. Probably not, but you never know.
  20. I'm in love with the Nui Blaster! It's my baby! Fire once and never have to fire again. Although, I wish there was a big explosion whenever fired.
  21. I think he means the send-back malfunction, not revival all together.Remember, the only thing wrong with the Red Star, mechanically (that we know of), is that the send back is broken. People could die and go to the Red Star as much as they please. (Sorta)
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