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Everything posted by Wazdakka

  1. IC: Torvoth The Vortixx glared at his Toa companion. "I thought you said we could find stuff in here. Right now - I've found darkness, rocks, and more rocks, but I wish there was something... better?" Ardoku gave him a tired glance that most persons would have understood as meaning "shut up". Torvoth was not most persons. As he opened his mouth to continue, no doubt with something of great wisdom and intelligence, he paused. "Hold up. I think I hear something." The irate Ardoku sighed and stopped, while Torvoth craned his head this way and that, trying to glean some hint of sound. Right as he was about to call off his auditory search, his keen ears picked up a noise. "Do you hear... footsteps? Big footsteps?"
  2. Since the 2014 sets are being released elsewhere in the world, I once again beseech any helpful persons from the United Kingdom to aid me in my quest.
  3. Can't make it tonight, sadly, so don't wait for me. Have fun!
  4. Me be there whenever. Send me a message for when it is.
  5. I didn't get anything that I really wanted except for the things I bought myself. My gifts included: Peppermint Bark, money, Dawn of War II: Retribution, and Halo: Reach Legendary Edition (minus DLC).
  6. GTA and Battlefield, though both are on multiple consoles. Assassin's Creed.
  7. XboxLive Gamertag, for all interested parties, is in my signature. However, if you don't want to look at that, it is "PluggedSky51173".
  8. Uh. Yes. I'm pretty sure every Transformers fan likes some aspect of Generations, be it the GEEWUNNers finding a rebooted piece of their childhood, or modern fans finding great toys and characters. Y'know, this thread is devoted to Transformers.
  9. IC: Torvoth As they marched out of Onu-Koro, Torvoth was curious as to the origins of the tunnels that came into view when they reached the far outskirts of the village. "Hey, Ardoku?" "Yes?" "Where are these tunnels from? Who made them? I haven't really been outside much, as of late."
  10. And how. I hear folks in Russia are working on a total conversion of Skyrim into Bionicle. Link coming soon. Ahh, yes, my people. I'm Russian - behold the brief translation. Work is slow. Thank you. I actually remember this from a while ago, when they only had one Toa created. It's nice to see progress. Also: I don't know about hijacking Pelicans on Reclaimer, but I know you can do it on several of the Spartan Ops missions, as well as Infinity - just look it up on the Youtubes. Easter eggs: Um. All the Halos. Can't choose.
  11. I'm up for a game night in the coming days. That said, my Live subscription ends on the 1st.
  12. IC: Torvoth "Oh, man! An adventure!" the lean Vortixx grinned excitedly at Ardoku. "Let me go pack my bags. Oh, wait... "The Judge", check, Chainblade, check, cunning intellect of dubious sanity... I guess I'm ready!" OOC: So sorry, Toa Onaku - I somehow missed your post.
  13. I'll play, but as my character was left aboard your ship, I need to know if you're going to play.
  14. ARGH! Why did I not see this earlier...(sigh) Currently, it's "Shoot Many Robots". Is this any good?
  15. ALERT! ALERT! EERT! EERT! Steam Holiday Sale 2013 is a go! This means, buy the games while they're cheap - Counter-Strike, Batman, Just Cause, Bioshock, Dawn of War, many triple-A titles are at great prices.
  16. IC: "The Wanderer" One moment he was nearly being gassed, the next he had been yanked on to a sled by another Toa. Not "Forerunner". The Toa of Magnetism was filled with rage. Not only was "Forerunner" still fighting, but Kaunis was dead, and he did not want that happen to the Toa of Smoke. However, he realized with great self-loathing that he was most upset about the fact that he had been "rescued". Regardless, he did not want this newcomer here. He clenched his right fist and hurled a powerful punch into his rescuer's face.
  17. Have you contacted Steam support? I've heard that they are pretty worthless, but it's worth a shot.
  18. In my family, my parents are either too lazy or too nice and thoughtful to buy me Christmas gifts. Instead, I say, "Hey Mom, I want such-and-such" and she says "Okay, go buy it" and then wraps it when it arrives. Thus far, I've bought myself the Halo: Reach Legendary Edition (minus codes) and Dawn of War II: Retribution. I actually got to keep the game itself for Reach when it arrived a couple weeks ago, but the rest of the bonus content awaits. If I get money for Christmas, I would like to invest in the Steam Winter sale. I'm hoping that Space Marine and Counterstrike: Global Offensive go on sale.
  19. All these horror stories about lag make me doubly thankful that I don't really have it in Halo 4 or Reach.
  20. If Hero Factory was like this, then I'd buy all of the sets in a heartbeat. Love the beefiness of them and the detail.
  21. IC: "The Wanderer" The red Skakdi did not even bat a proverbial eyelash at the magnetic pull, instead whipping up his other arm to launch the same type of glowing sphere which had laid the Toa of Smoke low. The cloaked Toa swiftly realized that he could not shatter the sphere with a projectile of his own, lest the gas catch him. However, he raised his other hand over his upper chest, pushing against the zooming ball with the greatest force he could muster in the split-second that it took for the sphere to fly from the weapon to his body. Once again, he could not defeat momentum, and the sphere gently hit his cupped palm. But it did not split. Even though the gas was still mostly contained, he could faintly hear a hissing as the jitter gas leaked through microscopic holes. He hurled it away at the still advancing Skadi's face and simultaneously leapt backwards, using his mastery of Magnetism to boost him even further, leaving several meters between him and his grinning aggressor. Still, the mere second that the thimbleful of gas had reached him, he still shuddered and his stomach rolled over and contorted inside itself, forcing him to stagger backwards as he sought not to vomit. OOC: I know that the gas won't affect Hakann, but my character does not.
  22. I guess I did not phrase my ideas in the best manner. I could simply put it as, "I don't like how it looks". Ta-daa! That said, I get that my Marathon to Fallout comparison was not the best one to make. I'm also pumped for Destiny. Still haven't pre-ordered it yet.
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