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Everything posted by Wazdakka

  1. I can't claim I'm an expert, but I do not believe so. That said, if they did sell large quantities of certain pieces (at a good price), I would certainly buy them.
  2. I am very disappoint in you. Do graphics really mean everything? I mean, your signature indicates that you play Minecraft, which certainly doesn't look realistic at all. You are "very disappoint" made me smile. Well, I was mainly thinking about the second game - Fallout 2 has similarly shoddy graphics and it came out years later. I am certainly not a person to prize graphics over gameplay value, as I have all three Marathon games (even older than Fallout), the first two Halos, and, as you mentioned, Minecraft. That said, I watched a few videos of the early games and compared them to the modern Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, which dissuaded me completely. In addition, it just wasn't pleasant to look at. All dark, boring, grainy textures that even Marathon could outdo in variety and general aesthetic appeal. However, I feel that to completely disregard the graphics in a video game is just as bad as exclusively prizing them. If a video game looks good and is beautiful to look at as you play, then that is certainly a bonus.
  3. Well, lag is a problem that can make even the best moments the worst. Thankfully, I've never really had too many problems with it. I've had worse lag on Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2 on my personal computer than any games on my Xbox 360.
  4. IC: "The Wanderer" The cloaked Toa slowly shuffled backwards along the Ta-Wahi beach, his eyes darting from side to side as he tried to make out the locations of his antagonists. Then the red Skakdi who had punched him lunged out of the smoke in front of him, simultaneously reloading his sphere launcher and firing a blast of lava from his other weapon. They were close, but "The Wanderer" was able to shoot off one of his metal cylinders right into the path of the blast. It melted into glowing, liquid metal mid-air. The momentum of the two attacks canceled and the glowing pool splashed mere centimeters from his feet. He realized that he could not simply continue a slow retreat from this particular Skakdi, as he had been doing all along. It was time to do something more unpredictable, something the Skakdi would not expect. Counterattack. As the red Skakdi raised his now-ready sphere launcher, the Toa of Magnetism stuck out his hand and exerted his control over Magnetism on the lava launcher. He pulled. Very. Hard. OOC: Up to you if you want Hakann to lose his grip or keep control or whatever.
  5. I've been playing Halo: Reach's campaign on Heroic, and I can see why it'd be a major pain on Legendary. I don't know... might try it eventually. That said... to those of you who have both, which do you like better: the space sequence in Reach (Long Night of Solace in Sabre) or in Halo 4 (Midnight in Broadsword)? Personally, both were great with their own strengths. I like how it's a larger, more-open space in Reach, and it really reminded me of Star Wars Battlefront II (nostalgia), cruising around and tearing apart the Corvette, then boarding it. Awesome. That said, Halo 4's section was essentially Halo's Death Star Trench Run and it was awesome. It was fast-paced and crazy, where you and your friend are frantically trying not to get blown up by turrets or killed by your own piloting incompetence as Earth and a beautifully rendered skybox fly past you. Reach's skybox was cool as well for the space mission, but I loved the craziness of the one in Midnight.
  6. It's good, but a Mata-Nui tribal-esque beat would have made it even better.
  7. I considered downloading Fallout... but then I saw how terrible the graphics are.
  8. I have to say that I really like the propellers. Unobtrusive, yet pretty similar and functional. Yes, rhotuka were fun to play with when I was younger (who am I kidding, they still are), but I always wanted to have a propeller-propelled Bionicle. Pohatu scratched that itch, but this movie-accurate Norik does it better.
  9. I think Lewa is an improvement in flow and detail over Kopaka, but he looks really feminine given the tiny waist compared to his shoulders and hips. He has an hourglass figure, practically.
  10. I am always inspired by a promise of explosions. I like it. Except that all of the "a"s look exactly like the "o"s. Regardless, he has my vote.
  11. IC: Tovoth "Me? Idle chit-chat? Naw..." the black and silver-armored Vortixx shook his head. "But since you brought up the Kikanalo in the room, there's no escaping the stampede - what do you want to do now? If you say go back to bed, that's fine. I can stick around. Working long hours has made me invincible to fatigue." Torvoth yawned. OOC: Torvoth is prepared for whatever lies in store.
  12. Have you played any of the first 3 Halos? If not, I will summarize what I'm talking about. Master Chief (as a Spartan-II) does not get infected by the Flood, nor does his corpse get infected. The same goes for Avery J. Johnson (a Spartan-I). They are invulnerable to infection by Flood spores or infection forms. I'm not saying that they cannot be killed by the Flood.
  13. Member name: Wazdakka Answer category: 3 Question: So I decided to take this weird nerdy survey to rate Bionicle characters on their power from 1-5. Unfortunately, there seems to be a minor glitch with the program. When I entered "OVER 9000!!!!!" in Toa Lhikan's rating, I got an error message telling me to re-do the question. I entered the same correct "OVER 9000!!!!!" and once more the program did not accept it. Please help me figure out what to do. Is this supposed to happen? How can I solve this problem?
  14. When shielded, or unshielded only? WHAT? 343i, whuh ees you doin'? I'm pretty sure that we've got some canon conflict here the size of Alaska. I know Spartan-Is and Spartan-IIs cannot be infected, but Spartan-IVs can? I mean, it's a cool concept, but I really think that it goes against the flood-invulnerable Spartans that we have grown to know and love.
  15. IC: Torvoth "What were you saving those widgets for? The weapons you just bought?" Torvoth chuckled, only partly to himself. The Vortixx inventor then saw the rucksack that Ardoku was pulling on. "Ooooh. What's in the backpack? I used to carry around something like that, a briefcase, but then I stopped after everybody kept asking me what was in there. Actually, better question - what's that thing for? I mean, why are you putting it on now?" OOC: Talkative Torvoth is talkative.
  16. Awwww, what? I didn't notice that that was only for Xbox One. I was looking forward to getting it for Christmas. Thank goodness for a birthday in January. Helps clean up whatever you missed.
  17. Member name: Wazdakka Entry category: 2 Question: So I just became an OBZPC. Unfortunately, not everybody on this website is bowing before me and obeying my every whim. How can I fix this?
  18. IC: Torvoth Torvoth continued rummaging around through Ardoku's few belongings inside the dark hut. "But if you get hungry, how do you eat if you don't have anything here? Wait! Don't tell me!" he pointed a hushing finger at the Toa. He ceased his searching and scratched his chin for a brief moment. "I've got it! The answer, that is. It's a Toa thing! Maybe you Toa just never eat, and instead subsist only on the pure justice and altruism that emanates from your very being!" OOC: Torvoth is very smart.
  19. Ummmm... no. LEGO Digital Designer has nothing at all to do with what parts are still in production. Ordering things that you build on LEGO Digital Designer as physical sets has not been possible for over two years, and even back then there were plenty of parts on LDD that weren't available to order — you had to be in the specific mode for that service (LEGO Factory/LEGO Design byME), and the other modes never served any function other than simulated LEGO building. There are plenty of parts on LDD Extended that have not been in production since the 80s or 90s, and like the Kanohi Hau or any current parts in the software, they can be used in ANY color. Aw, come on, way to spoil the fun. That said, I'm always impressed by the amount that you know everything Lego. I always leave your posts a bit more educated than before.
  20. I like the beefiness and Keetongu-ness of it, but I think that the legs are a bit too wide in comparison with the arms, while the black and silver shoulders seem to get in the flow of the color scheme for me.
  21. Member name: Wazdakka Answer category: 2 Question: So I just became an OBZPC, but now whenever I go on BZPower, my computer screen begins flashing different colors very quickly and a voice ominously intones, "ssssstudddyyyy for yooouuur freeeennnchhh tessssst". Is there any way that I can make this stop?
  22. IC: "The Wanderer" The red Skakdi's fist flew like ball from a cannon towards the dark-cloaked Toa's face. He was only able to slow the Skakdi's fist down with Magnetism pulling in the opposite direction of the punch the split second before impact, but even his power couldn't overcome physics, and he only managed to cushion the blow. That said, Hakann's aim was straight and true and knocked the Toa off of his feet. Thankfully, he had weakened the blow enough that there was no serious damage done. "The Wanderer" now knew that facing this Skakdi at close range rhymed with suicide. Mid-tumble, he managed to pull his feet below him and turn his haphazard fall into a roll into a crouch facing his foe. His hood had been knocked off by the impact, revealing a battered Huna covering a pair of defiant, vibrantly glowing eyes. However, he tried to search through the smoke that had now magically returned to cover the beach. It seemed that his other companion was still kicking. Unfortunately, he was more concerned about where the other Piraka were within the smoke. OOC: Is this within my power? Cushioning a blow by pulling the incoming object other way with Magnetism? In addition, I'm following Aurora's statement that he has once more flooded the beach with smoke, so all combatants' distance vision will be impaired in future fighting.
  23. People of Ta-Wahi: Is Hakann shooting at "The Wanderer" or "Forerunner"? I was under the impression that "The Wanderer" was being shot at, but Aurora's post has lead me to think the opposite. Clarification?
  24. Spartan Assault's release date has now been announced: December 24th! I know what I want for Christmas. Also, I just realized today while at school that I missed 343 Day and was terribly upset. Is 343 Day and Fiesta Slayer by some fluke still happening today?
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