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Everything posted by Wazdakka

  1. Halo CE: Magnum and Rocket Launcher Halo 2: Carbine and Rocket Launcher (but the sword is very comforting in flood levels, like a trusty old friend) Halo 3: Dual Brute Spikers and Missile Pod Halo: Reach: Needle Rifle or DMR and Grenade Launcher Halo 4: All the Forerunner weapons and the UNSC small arms, minus the magnum. Sticky Detonator and INCINERATION KANNON are my favorite power weapons by far. I don't really like the Magnum, DMR, and Battle Rifle, as I feel they are too mainstream. I prefer the Assault Rifle for close in and the Light Rifle for long-range. I miss dual-wielding. I'm also eagerly awaiting Spartan Assault on Xbox... It's December now.
  2. Hi guys and gals, I'm here with a bizarre request, but like any weird task, it requires backstory. My birthday is in January, and I would really dearly love to get my hands on an Evo XL Machine from the new Hero Factory line. Unfortunately, in the United States, there is no way to obtain one of these handsome fellers until March. However, in the rest of the world... Evo will hit shelves January first. So here is my humble request: is there anybody on these fine forums who is willing to help me out and buy Evo in early January, then send me the aforementioned set, who lives outside of the U.S.? Specifically, if anybody from Canada or Western Europe is up for the above task, please PM me. Shipping from the U.K. would be pricey. However, if it turns out that Canada is in the same leaky boat as the United States are, I would be willing to look for someone from the United Kingdom to aid me. I can pay through PayPal. I know this is a bit early, but I'm just putting this out there. If I'm violating some kind of forum policy, please let me know. Even though I've just had my one-year anniversary on BZPower, I'm no veteran. Your help is appreciated, -Waz
  3. Y'know, I never really imagined the Great Beings as physical entities. Basically like massive powerful spirits who manipulated worlds and created things. This was before I saw images of the cloaked humanoids in the comics. From that point on, I felt like that's what they are. Mysterious, silent, cloaked entities who wield the power of creation. I like to keep a bit of the mystery in these mythical beings.
  4. Great topic to have all the Red Star info in one place. Thanks bonesiii! I'm just curious - where exactly did we learn some of these details, such as the fact that it clips on like a backpack to the Great Spirit Robot?
  5. Personally, I see BZPower/BS01 (and BMP) as the last real homes of the BIONICLE fanbase online. I can see why you'd want that, but as long as BZPower can run without others, I think it would be best to preserve that. If you make it a hub for everything, it's loses that special aspect. Okay, but the bionicle fanbase doesn't really exist anymore. That's the whole point of this topic. There's nothing sustaining it and if we just stay stagnant the site will continue to dwindle. If there's no Bionicle fanbase left, why are you here? I agree with Aanchir... you've got to ensure a place for Bionicle fans, and BZPower should be such a place.
  6. Does anyone else look at this and see Jaw Beast? I mean, I understand this one has wings and claws and yellow (green? I'm colorblind) instead of blue, but the vibe they give off, at least to me, is near identical.
  7. I don't think we're likely to see any more Bionicle masks in Hero Factory, with the exception of possibly Hydraxon's again if Von Nebula returns. We don't know how many of the old molds still exist, and meanwhile new masks are shiny and flashy and make consumers fully aware that they're buying something new. Not many Bionicle Masks are quite as facelike as Hero Factory's typically are, and a lot of the Glatorian helmets wouldn't work well with the new "faceless" heads. I don't know which ones would be left that I'd be interested in. Maybe Tuma's mask? I thought of Tuma's mask as well. However, I think what I'd really like would be some of the Metru masks in more colors. Some of them could actually work, as they look pretty machine-like, such as Matau's and Onewa's masks.
  8. I approve of Battlefield 4. I think you'd like it. However... Ghosts feels old to me. It doesn't seem much more than a step up from Black Ops II. That said, I have not played much of either, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
  9. Oh. Yes. So glad to see that BZPower got one of these to review, as it was my favorite from the photos. It does not disappoint. Neither does the review, especially not the beautiful photos. Might even sell my Pyrox for this.
  10. Are there any decent mac games on sale on Steam right now? The only one I see besides Portal and Counterstrike is Borderlands 2. Or should I just invest in an actually good PC game like Skyrim?
  11. Definitely like this more than the Evo Walker. This is a mid-sized set, correct? Like Pyrox or the main-line figures? I like how beefy he is, but I get a simplistic playskool vibe - I feel that there are too many large pieces on him that could have been replaced with multiple, more complex ones .
  12. I suggest everybody who has a PC go check out Steam's Autumn sale. They have loads of games for great prices, like Skyrim for $7.49, alongside the Crysis series, Assassin's Creed, and more.
  13. IC: Torvoth The Vortixx-inventor recoiled, as if stung by Ardoku's request. "Daggers?" he coughed. "What are these daggers you speak of?" You mean, like, normal weapons? Not some fancy gadget designed to disassemble your foes in the most hip and modern way possible? You mean you think I'm some sort of barbarian who forges crude tools?" He spluttered out, gasping for breath after his indignant tirade. He glanced at the shocked Ardoku, then to the storage case, then back to Ardoku again. "Yeah, there's probably a dagger or two in there".
  14. Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary. At a friend's house. Co-op campaign. I highly highly recommend this game to anybody who owns an Xbox 360. It costs under $15 on eBay, give-or-take a couple dollars. Unless you have an innate dislike of pure awesome or science fiction or FPS games, there is no reason that you should not own this. It is a classic that was wonderful by itself remade with fantastic graphics, remastered audio, but the same exact gameplay. I will close this advertising post with the wise words of Sergeant Avery J. Blow-the-Zog-Out-Of-Your-Alien-Backside Johnson. "Buy one! Heck, buy two... that's an order, soldier!"
  15. I'll assume no game night tonight thanks to no responses?
  16. IC: "The Wanderer" Like Kaunis, he was somewhat perplexed and equally impressed with the Toa of Smoke who had decided to apparently, from what he could gather, abduct a being of the caliber of the one making trouble in the village. He disappeared into the cloud of smoke after "Forerunner", but quickly launched himself into the air and disappeared. Kaunis was left alone on the beach with her Kahu. OOC: I like how you made my character unsettle Kaunis. It makes him seem that much more mysterious and distant.
  17. I really like how much your artwork has progressed. If you look at your Axonn from either 2008 or 2009, I can't read the date, and then compare it to some of your recent work, it's just amazing to see how much you've grown artistically.
  18. I bet I can do it. Challenge accepted, Axilus. ... HAHAHA NOOOOO!!!!! I prefer to beat Halo games on Normal (2, 3, Anniversary), or rarely Easy (4), before trying the harder difficulties. This is mainly because it fits to my image of what Halo and playing Halo should be like. I want to tear a bloody path through my alien enemies, their rounds either missing or glancing off of my shield, before my allies arrive behind me to widen the gap, forming a wedge of violent awesome that cuts towards victory. I like how that feels. The power. The pure fun. The Halo-ness of it. That said, I will play on harder difficulties for achievements or unlocks, but I really don't enjoy it as much. With the exception of Spartan Ops... which is boring on non-Legendary. I'll have to agree with you, though, that LASO and SLASO are just insane. I could never do them (though I have not tried), perhaps even with the help of the best guides and tutorials. There are, however, a few hints and tricks that you can use to make harder difficulties more palatable. In most of the Halos, the noob combo (headshot-capable weapon + charged plasma pistol) can decimate most foes, routinely sticking enemies with plasma grenades, pulling headshots on weaker foes like grunts, and using co-op for your own portable checkpoint can really make it easier. Knowing the general layout of the level and enemies is also useful. You can also use tricks and glitches to skip certain portions of the level, as many speed-runners will do. But nothing tops practice and experience. I suggest you watch some videos on youtube to give you a start. As to game night #2 - How about Tuesday night? Same time? 7PM Central? P.S. Send me (PluggedSky51173) a friend request on XboxLive, Makuta Malignus.
  19. IC: "The Wanderer" The cloaked Toa of Magnetism landed with a dull thud next to the Forerunner and Kaunis. He tapped the Toa of Smoke lightly on the arm to get his attention, then gestured, and once more, dark characters swirled into existence. "What about the big blue Skakdi with elemental powers in the village?" He wasn't certain that they should attempt to do anything at all before dealing with the most immediate threat to the Koro - a certain big, bad, beastly, blue Skakdi.
  20. No idea. But for me, I've got a Thanksgiving break this coming week, which rhymes with a five-day weekend. I'll be able to play at almost any time, if you guys are able to. In other news, I've finally purchased Reach on eBay. For Christmas. I also played some Anniversary last night, and I have some conclusions between Reach and 4. Halo 4 has a larger sandbox and weapon variety, which in turn makes a greater number of interesting combat scenarios. 4 has a greater emphasis on close combat vs. ranged combat - you know, the light rifle is a pocket sniper and the boltshot is a pocket shotgun. 4 is significantly faster paced, for better or for worse. Reach feels more Halo than 4, but that comes with some weaknesses, such as the terrible assault rifle and overpowered magnum, especially evident in Anniversary. No matter what, 3 shot headshot is a bit too strong in my book. I love the maps, however, and the game is a lot of fun.
  21. The Legend Reborn. After four years, I've finally seen it. I loved it.
  22. Mobile gaming? GET OUT. NOW.(just kidding )I have... Some version of Nova, not that bad, but for me touchscreen controls are the only thing worse than mouse & keyboard, but friends of mine who don't mind the controls like it.Also, I like the Need for Speed games, one of the few racers (mobile or otherwise) I enjoy. Also, if you've got an iOS device, I absolutely must recommend Infinity Blade. Expensive for a mobile game (somewhere around $6-$8 I think), but well worth it. EDIT: Also remembered that the Marathon games are free (I think) on iOS, they're FPS games from the makers of Halo from the 90s. Okay from what I've played, but again, I hate mobile touch controls, so yeah. Yeah, I have all three of the Marathon games on both my computer and mobile device. I loves them very much, but they're showing their age. I've also beaten them all multiple times. Anyone else here play Marathon?
  23. Anyone here a mobile gamer? I used to be big on that, but stopped when I got a decent PC. Now I'm getting back into it... any games that you'd recommend? Anybody have N.O.V.A 3 or Modern Combat 4? Or both? Which is better? Or should I just wait for Brothers in Arms 3 and Modern Combat 5?
  24. IC: "The Wanderer" Beneath his dark cloth hood, he scowled at Voulge and violently pointed. With his other hand, he manipulated the last remaining bits of photothermic powder and formed some new words, which wavered in the fiery wind from the burning village. "Your brothers are already putting their lives on the line for the journey that was my doing. I am sorry for that. But someone has just torched a quarter of the village, yet you are content with simply watching as other Toa combat this threat? I have watched things for a long time, but I know that at times, one must act." With these caligraphy-words, he launched himself into the air and sped towards where the flames seemed to be thickest and where they appeared to have originated. It took him a few moments, but through the smoke and dust, he could see an armored figure fighting of elements of both the Ta-Koro guard and other beings. He considered activating his Huna, but it'd really just be a waste of energy, so he instead zipped closer, before looping around from whence he came. During his brief reconnaissance, he was able to identify one thing. There was a very big, blue, bad Skakdi in town.
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