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Everything posted by Wazdakka

  1. IC: "The Wanderer" Voulge turned his head sideways for the briefest of moments to hide the hint of a smile he had thanks to Barthel's panic. When he turned back, he immediately noticed something was slightly amiss. It took him a little while, but then he realized that the cloaked figure had disappeared - he'd been just a few feet from him mere moments ago, Voulge was certain. He blinked. The cloaked figure was back in the chair from which he came. The Wanderer smiled grimly inside his hood. Theriss cut his work out for him. OOC: I'm not trying to bunny your character, Voxumo. I just really felt that this was the best way to show it.
  2. IC: "The Wanderer" While Barthel had carefully hidden his little "sleight of hand" from Voulge, he had not concealed it from the cloaked Toa's prying eyes in the far corner of the restaurant. After all, he didn't have to worry about talking with anyone - he had simply been watching the restaurantgoers for the entire time. He rose from the chair and slowly, but moving with purpose, strode from his seat towards Barthel in his wannabe throne. OOC: I'm not clear on what this "sleight of hand" was ... unless it was supposed to be ambiguous, then that's okay.
  3. Whatever this is (it's really cool and detailed), is it an homage to The Arbiter from Halo? Abettor = Arbiter spoken with a British accent? He has a head that hangs down over his torso, backwards knees with hoof-like feet, and similar forearm armor. If this is not the Arbiter, then it's a crazily well drawn awesome coincidence. I like the forearm armor above all else, for some reason.
  4. IC: "The Wanderer" He watched as the Ga-Matoran medics swiftly carried off the fallen Toa. He hadn't gone to a restaurant in ages, but he felt that this was not quite the average day... Toa parties, poisoned people falling down on the floor... Weird. He also watched the Lesterin and female Toa leave, before the same Toa returned almost immediately, though with an expression slightly different than when she had left. He couldn't put a finger on it, so he didn't bother continuing that train of thought. He now watched a male Toa with his face literally in his sandwich. That was just disgusting. He extended a armored hand from within his cloak and gently exerted his power over Magnetism to push the Toa's head out of his sandwich to rest against the back of his chair. OOC: That's Crasaro, the Toa of Sandwiches.
  5. IC: "The Wanderer" He preferred to keep his hands inside his dark cloak, but he took an exception as he pushed open the door to the restaurant. He took a step back, startled by the raucous crowd of Toa who were eating and drinking together. A team. From deep within his hood, his eyes pulsed with a silent longing to be in a Toa team again. He had been flying from one end of the island to the other for quite some time now, so it would be nice to take a break. Sit down in one of the corner chairs, perhaps take a nice nap. He went to the far side of the restaurant and pulled up a chair. He hoped the manager would simply let him rest there for a little while without disturbing him. And as he sat there, he couldn't fall asleep. He couldn't take his eyes off of the Toa. A team. OOC: I'm not here to crash your Toa Party. Not yet. However, I would like to be in an area where I can interact with others.
  6. Err gawd. Why did I not save my profile? 'Ere we go. Name: "The Wanderer" Species: Toa of Magnetism Gender: Male Alignment: Good/rogue Description: This black-and-silver armored Toa is wrapped in a dark cloak complete with a hood that casts his entire mask in a shadow. When normally seen, he is entirely wreathed in dark fabric, with little visible besides his hands, feet, and glowing eyes. Personality: Mute. He does not prefer to work alone, but that's difficult, thanks to his muteness. In addition, he is having difficulty in letting go of his traumatizing past events. These events have also given him a skewed perspective on the world, as he views the world as being a bad enough place that he is more brutal and perhaps, on occasion, cruel, than most Toa. Abilities and traits: All of the powers of magnetism outlined in BioSector01. He wears a Kanohi Huna. Weaknesses: Mute. This makes working with others exceptionally difficult, as he cannot shout "Look out!" or "Change of plans, we're doing _____" in the midst of a fight. Also, Magnetism is rather weak against other elements - i.e. a fire-wielder could block an ice-wielder's ice bolts by melting them... a magnetism-wielder couldn't. In addition, while he can fly far and fast, he is not very agile. Weapons: He carries a variety of small cylindrical protosteel chunks around his waist and inside his cloak. By making a motion similar to drawing a bow and arrow, he can launch these projectiles great distances at a frighteningly large fraction of the speed of light. However, it takes all of his concentration and a little while to charge up this attack. He can also use these as miniature clubs in melee combat, or form them into a larger object like a mace or shield. Unfortunately, these constructs are not as effective as a tool forged directly for the task (his cylinder-shield is weaker than an actual, well-forged shield). Background: Once upon a time, he was a member of a proud Toa team. They eventually earned Makuta's ire, so his servants captured and killed most of the Toa team. However, the Toa of Magnetism, his name now long forgotten as nobody has been able to hear it in years, was saved for last as a plaything for his captors. His torturers took his tongue. He took their lives. After killing other living beings, he became somewhat of a recluse, a rare sight for the Matoran. However, now, with tensions running high amongst the Matoran and other races, he feels that it is now time to attempt to leave his past behind to help forge a better future. Name: Torvoth (nickname Torph) Gender: Male Species: Vortixx Faction/Alignment: None - Rogue. Chaotic Neutral. Powers: Slightly stronger than the average Vortixx. Skills: Weapons engineer, good at building, fixing things. Equipment: Breathing mask/helmet crafted from a defunct Kadin, armor. Weapons: Chainblade and a metal one-handed launcher that can fire almost anything (compressed air balls underwater, rocks) - he calls it "The Judge". His chainblade can cut through almost anything that his foes would wear. Appearance: Black and silver, short for his race (not towering like Roodaka), the above mask, armor (like any decent Bionicle), always a bit dinged up and scratched. He's really nothing notable, you wouldn't pick him out of a crowd for any reason. Personality: Unpredictable, sometimes gruff, sometimes friendly. He can sometimes go a little bit crazy, swinging from one mood to another in the blink of a heartlight, first going on an adventure with some person who he just met on the street, the next minute swiftly retreating and watching how his companion is devoured by an angry Ash Bear. Weaknesses: Unpredictability can go both ways in battle. Sometimes crazy works, sometimes it backfires and you wake up on the hospital three weeks later with the nurse describing how it was a miracle that only one of your lungs was squashed like a soft biscuit instead of both. In addition, he has no elemental control or way to counter elemental attacks besides basic dodging. His helmet provides additional protection, but it can only give him about thirty seconds of air under water thanks to the damage it has sustained over time which he refuses to fix. The Judge, while able to fire almost anything, is relatively short range and relatively inaccurate. It also doesn't carry too much of a punch unless you load it with something actually deadly, as opposed to pebbles. His chainblade is only chainsaw on one side and is unsuitable for stealth or surprise attacks as it makes a loud roar when activated. History: Before the destruction of Xa-Koro, he was a lowly male of the working class on Xa-Koro, where among others of his kind, he forged weapons based on the specifications of others. However, his mind could not be constrained by merely constructing items of destruction, so in secret he began to craft his own equipment, taking the designs of others and making them better. Soon, his creativity blossomed and complete originals came from his workshop, which by now wasn't so secret considering the cash flowing to him. From where? He didn't care, be they bounty hunters, Brotherhood Members, or a half-drunk Skakdi, as long as they paid him. When the what he called "The Cataclysm" arrived, he didn't hesitate to take with him his best designs and book it. He originally believed he was the sole survivor, floating amongst the wreckage of Xa-koro, but soon discovered that there were others. Some offered him membership to their various groups of scum and villainy, but he elected to be on his own, roaming the sea to do as he sees fit, periodically mingling with others if he so chooses. Since Makuta's defeat, he has now taken to Onu-Koro, where he runs a back-alley weapons business to any who want a nice weapon and have the widgets. However, he has had a hankering for adventure lately and would love to get out of Onu-Wahi to do something different. Name: Agrathal Gender: Male Species: Toa of Sonics Faction/Alignment: Pure evil. Powers: He has all the elemental powers as described on BioSector01 for Toa of Sonics. In addition, he can detonate certain explosives with special fuses remotely with a sonic signal. However, distance or too many obstacles can block the signal. Skills: He is an expert bombmaker and can craft any variety of explosives with even the simplest materials and smallest amount of time. Equipment: Kanohi Akaku. Weapons: Explosives. Lots and lots of explosives. He carries a belt, 2 chest-crossing bandoliers, and a small rack on each forearm of various explosive and incendiary devices. These range from smoke grenades, to small firebombs, to large explosive charges that take some time to prime before tearing a new hole in a landscape. He also carries a dagger hidden away on his person. He constantly changes its location in order to ensure that it remains his secret, last-ditch weapon. Appearance: He wears a dark grey Kanohi Akaku and armor plating of the same color over his frame. He sometimes cloaks himself in order to conceal the bandoliers and explosives from prying eyes. Personality: He is slightly crazy, noticeably so but not anywhere near actual insanity. He has an insatiable desire for people to respect, accept, and understand him, but doesn't know how to go about doing so in a non-criminal manner. Weaknesses: Also, he is weak to loud noises, which are unfortunately all to common in battle. Even the simple clanging of swords makes him wince and flinch, so anything more could seriously weaken him in a fight. His most powerful explosives take some time to prime and ready. In addition, while capable of using his Sonic powers, he prefers to use explosives first. In addition, while he is not a weak Toa, his grasp over the elements is not notable or more impressive than the most average Toa. History: Once upon a time, Agrathal was a De-Matoran who did De-Matoran things all day long. Specifically, he worked as the village chemist, creating dyes, fuels, and doing research of various sorts in his plentiful spare time, as nobody really went out of their way to interact with him unless they needed something. However, eventually, his village was attacked and a number of Matoran were killed and injured, including some of his closest friends. He somehow became a Toa shortly thereafter. He put together all of his chemical knowledge to build several crude bombs, with which he fell upon the attackers of his village in an ambush after tracking them for many weeks. This counterattacked resulted in the fiery deaths of more than one aggressor, so when he returned to his village with what he thought was heroic news, he was shocked when he was shunned and ostracized. The Matoran were fearful of his violence. He liked this. For once, the Matoran were giving him the attention he rightfully deserved. Eventually, a number of villagers had had enough of his tyranny, so they attempted to evict him from their village. An unamused Agrathal tore them apart. However, he realized that he couldn't fight his own village forever, so he left shortly thereafter, never to return again.
  7. Name: Talos Species: Modified Toa Gender: Male Appearance: Easily the size of a burly Skakdi, this denizen of the cosmos wears a full suit of dark blue exo-armor. It once had a gold trim and white lightning markings, but years of battle have scarred and faded it. His helm has a pair of bat wings extending from the temples and the faceplate is painted white in the likeness of a skull. Powers and Abilities: Pretty strong (especially for his size of about 7.5 feet), endurance, can run faster than average, sealed armor can provide a few minutes of protection from vacuum, can self-repair to a limited degree in battle (he's not going to regrow an arm though), night vision (can be reduced if helmet damaged/removed). Equipment: Mark IV Maximus-Pattern Power Armor with boosted vocabulator (can send temporarily-disorienting sound waves). Talos carries both his old Toa weapon, a blade that can be sheathed with energy for disassembling foes at the molecular level when activated, but also an Tigrus-pattern boltgun. Developed by a now-extinct alien race, this large weapon fires 20mm gyrojet projectiles that can punch through most infantry armor and explode on the inside. Skills: Decent shot, decent swordsman, and scavenger of equipment. Specializes in terror and stealth/rapid-insertion warfare.Weaknesses: Difficulty accessing elemental powers, cannot reliably use a Kanohi. Essentially, he's not going to use a kanohi or an elemental power in a fight. He'll use strength, speed, and underhanded tricks. Personality: Talos is practical to a point of cruelty, often times silent, and brooding, mainly as a result of the loss of his brothers, glory, and his future. Alignment: Evil. Affiliation: Brotherhood of Makuta Bio: Some years ago, the Order of Mata Nui decided to engage in a program to build better soldiers. Certain Toa went through a rigorous augmentation progress (many did not survive) to make their bodies stronger, faster, and better than before. They were armored with a suit that could at best be compared to a smaller, more flexible, and less cumbersome Exo-Toa suit without built-in weapons. Thousands of these warriors were sent into the voids of space. For a time, where their booted feet trod, not a world was lost to the darkness. Nay, it was one of the first times that there was a unified, noticeable advance on the Brotherhood. But eventually, half of the legions turned traitor and the galaxy burned (or at least a small part of it) as brother fought brother. Talos was one of the surviving traitors, a member of the VIIIth legion. Ship Ship Name: Vengeful Spirit (formerly the Stargazer). Ship Make: Astartes-Pattern Strike Cruiser Ship Class: Frigate Appearance: This massive vessel is covered with scarring, craters, and asteroid micro-impacts to the point that the original dark blue is nearly completely gone, now a scratched dark, almost-black grey in most places. Strangely, only the massive bat-winged skull on the bow remains devoid of major wear. Systems: The Vengeful Spirit was not meant to go toe-to-toe with the Brotherhood's battleships in space combat. It was supposed to deliver dozens of legionnaires by drop pod combined with blistering macro-cannon orbital bombardments to quickly and decisively crush enemy forces on a planet below. Now, with so few legionnaires, the ship is mostly transport. Talos relies on the ship's size, toughness, and warp drives to avoid space conflict. If necessary, the ship still is equipped with a number of point defense arrays (but could be overwhelmed by concentrated starfighter assault) and the heavy planetary bombardment cannon can tear through the heaviest armor, but only at close range. Has decently strong shields. The Spirit still holds several hangers and a drop pod bay. Crew: Talos, several deceased members of the VIIIth Legion, NPC crew, have room for whoever else wants to come. Bio: As the modified Toa legions were sent into space to destroy the Brotherhood's footholds on the Order's worlds, they were given mighty vessels for transporting their deadly cargo, but also adequately powerful ones to fend off attackers. Astartes-Pattern Strike Cruisers were among the larger vessels deployed with the legionnaires, though certainly not the biggest. Many ships were destroyed by the Brotherhood, or their own brethren after the schism. P.S. His ship essentially is a shadow of its former self. It was once meant to be a powerhouse, but now, due to the lack of crew and legionnaires, is essentially a glorified heavy transport. Spock> Khan NOTE: This is my original profile. As of right now in the game, my ship is currently floating, uncrewed, in low orbit over Kal Dormus. In addition, there were no members of the VIIIth Legion aboard besides Talos. Talos is very tough and strong for his size (could easily go toe-to-toe with Reidak, the strongest canister set), has limited self-healing capabilities, but is often unable to pick up enemy weapons because his gauntleted hands are too large. He is currently serving the Order of Mata Nui under Cylen Tekert (captain of the Skies Beyond) in exchange for not being imprisoned. Shoutout to Silvan Haven for the saved profile.
  8. Hey, Silvan, can you please send me Talos' profile? Also, can I recommence still aboard your ship, with the crewless Vengeful Spirit still floating in low orbit?
  9. 1/5. Never seen you until today. Sorry.
  10. TF2. Spiral Knights. Halo 2. Halo 4. Marathon Infinity. Nothing has changed, really.
  11. ... You do realize there was a second (third?) dataclysm, in that the forums went down again?
  12. I really like the Gypsy-Dangeresque swords. How exactly are they attached to the forearms?
  13. I love the pumps. In addition, the bodacious chunkitude is awesome. I disagree that the rubber bands look out of place - for me, the look like power cabling or some kind of charging item.
  14. Well. I definitely like the articulated hands, gorilla arms, Hordika footpieces, and silver/red (brown? I'm colorblind) color scheme, all of which homage Axonn. However, I feel that as much as I love chunk, and Axonn is supposed to be big, I feel he is too bulky in general, as opposed to Axonn's bulk being contained in his shoulders, feet, and torso. I like the cage - it's a bit like the cherry on top. I also approve of the double pistons in the legs and am glad to see the red/white Exo-Force-colored blades. I usually don't comment on MOCs, but yours are an increasingly common exception.
  15. Talos is still kicking. I approve of a timeskip to where we left off. I'm still on the Skies Beyond.
  16. 01: All Toa Mata, 2 Onuas, the Tarakava, and I need to pay for Muaka and Kane-Ra who I bought on eBay for $20.74. 02: Pahrak, Onua Nuva 03: Vorahk, Tarahk (used to have Guurakh), all Matoran, Makuta, 04: All Metru (but now minus Nokama), Nidhiki's parts, Nuhrii, Turaga Dume and Nivawk, Lhikan and Kikanalo, Zadakh, 05: Keelerak, Pouks, Onewa's parts, Nuju, Keetongu, Toa Norik, Toa Iruini. 06: Jaller, Nuparu, 2 Brutakas, 07: All Mahri minus Hewkii, Mantax, Ehlek, Pridak, 08: All Toa minus Gali, 2 Pohatus, Chirox, (used to have Krika) Takanuva, Supercharged Jetrax T6 09: Malum, Tuma. 10: All Stars.
  17. I just can't get past the second hangar room with half a dozen elites on Cairo Station. I think I'll play through the whole game on heroic to get a feel for it. A jump from normal to Legendary might be too much.
  18. It'd be "Les enfants" . Also, Draven, where/who is the character in your present signature from?
  19. I've seen a few episodes. The characters are pretty cool. I dig Yang. However, I think the trailers were probably better or as good as the episodes that I've seen.
  20. The quality of games, as The X said, is more important than the graphics. I play Halo 2 half the time I'm on the Xbox. And while Halo 4 wasn't very good in comparison to the other Halos, and my hopes for Halo 5 aren't that high as a result, you still can't state that the way you did unless you can see into the future. Now, if you can, I would very much appreciate it if you warned me of any impending doom. I agree. That's why hundreds of people still play Halo: Combat Evolved on the PC...graphics are terrible, but the game is great. Now, I'm a dedicated Halo 4 fan...yes, I have far more hours on it than any other, but I think it's the best... finest graphics, audio, sandbox, enemies... story is no worse than the previous ones. I really don't want this to dissolve into a flamewar of Xbox One vs. PS4, but I'm with The X, in that a console is best for what you want to play on it. For me, the PS4 is a dirty pile of banana peels in a rusted trash can because I can't play Halo on it. There's nothing that I really want there compared to the Xbox One. In addition.... 720p to 1080p isn't a titanic difference... my TV isn't even 1080p... Also- BF4 isn't out on the Xbox One yet... who knows if they make a last minute fix/tweak? In addition, my dad's a programmer, so he knows this stuff. He says that if something lags/doesn't work well, 99% it is that the program is poorly designed and using computing power inefficiently, so it may not be only the Xbox One's fault. That said, PS4 is clearly more powerful.
  21. I believe that the only PHYSICAL damage that Takanuva's light powers can do is heat/laser blasting things. Yeah... your searchlight is going to irritate Makuta the same way that pointing a penlight at your friend bothers him.
  22. Are there any rough pricing outlines? Y'know, just so we can gauge what we're looking at before getting serious? I.e. $7 for a 01-05 canister, $9 for 06-09, $20 for Titans?
  23. ...some dude with a big chin and baseball cap is mildly distressed by something off-camera.
  24. Well... Not encouraging news. At least Halo 5 and Destiny will run like dreams on Xbox One.
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