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Everything posted by Wazdakka

  1. My problem is how instantly you die and the sparsity of checkpoints given the difficulty. An Elite Ultra with a plasma rifle will kill you in less than a second given a clear shot. I've watched the videos on youtube, but my Elites always dodge plasma pistol blasts, ignore grenades, and murder me in a blink of an eye while I'm thinking "Two frags and a few rounds would have killed a warthog, but you are still kicking...."
  2. The first thing that I noticed was that I did not feel that this was Brutaka's species. I'd have no idea unless you had mentioned it in your description... sorry. I think the legs are a bit too thick and the arms a little too long, but you make up for it with the wonderful spine. I'd say you struck a near-perfect balance between bright translucent orange and the black.
  3. No. The next Halo title will run at 60 FPS and be part of the Halo saga (not trilogy) established by Halo 4. Very little besides this is known to anybody outside of Microsoft, even with the power of Google. Terminus: You said that Ghosts runs at 1080 on PS4 and 720 on Xbox One - are you saying that the PS4 runs better graphics, or that the 720 on Xbox is equivalent to 1080 on the PS4?
  4. I tried Halo 2 on Legendary. Bungie had no idea what they were doing, I'm sorry. However, Heroic is palatable. Delicious, even. Anyone excited for Spartan Assault to come to Xbox 360 and One? I definitely am, but only if it stays at the $7 price point... maybe at $10 due to the Co-op, DLC, and added missions, like with the Flood. Speaking of which - is anybody buying an Xbox One? My friend pre-ordered the Day One Edition, but I'm going to wait, as the only games I'm interested in are Destiny and Halo 5. And Halo 2 Anniversary. I'd prefer to buy a themed Xbox One, like a Destiny or Halo-themed one, like my current one.
  5. Hmmm.... To this day, I still cannot remember if my first Bionicle was Pahrak the Bohrok, or Toa Onua Nuva. However, I do remember exactly (more or less) how I got Onua, so I'll describe that. It was Christmas of '02, methinks. Within my large crimson stocking, as I took it from hanging above the fireplace, I noticed that there was a conspicuously cylindrical hard object giving it form. Well, I took out the various candies from inside, but nothing garnered my attention more than this black and grey cannister with some mechanical character SURFING DOWN A ROCKSLIDE ON TREADS ON HIS FEET. Well, I assembled him - which at age 5 or so, was quite difficult - my fingers were not used to snapping ball joints, I didn't know the general idea of how they were supposed to be built, and was unfamiliar with the whole thing in general. When fully assembled, I adored his sleek, shiny, silver, black, and grey color scheme. I loved how he wielded chainsaws that could then be put on his feet. I loved that you could make his arms swing around without touching them. I loved how his name slid off of my tongue, resplendent with delicious vowels. I don't actually recall when I really got into the story, but that happened when I got the original Bionicle Guide that came out just before the Mask of Light. I learned about all of the different inhabitants of Mata Nui and the conflicts that occurred between them. However, as great as Bionicle was on its own, I don't think I became truly passionate about it until two of my good friends got into it as well, somewhere in late 2003, I believe. Now, we could make our own adventures together, share our opinions on who was "the best", and be part of a whole new world. I'm somewhat curious - where exactly/how/(just give me general information) do parents become so opposed to toylines that "slightly imply violence"? What is the big deal? One of those good Bioncle friends had parents who wouldn't let him get games above E10+ though still permitted (and purchased) loads of Bionicles. My parents were similarly hostile to video games (especially violent ones), but liked the creative aspects of Bionicles. I mean, duh, some parents don't want their kids to be negatively influenced, but can someone who has been in that position give me some more information? I don't want to seem stupid or insensitive, but I adore franchises that condone violence, like Halo, Warhammer, Transformers, Star Wars, etc. so my perspective on this is perhaps more skewed.
  6. If you look closely, his legs and maybe his arms are simply pegged in with black axels through the pumpkin.
  7. You do realize that Kohlii is basically a crude, tribal version of lacrosse and hockey. I couldn't play it because I'd be crushed like a soft biscuit.
  8. The forearms are especially appealing to me...I like the chunkiness and the originality of using Mahri shoulderpads, as Tahu mentioned.
  9. I like how you combined mechanical and organic. I guess that's sort of how I imagined bionicles, but this is just a really new and interesting way to portray that.
  10. Hi guys, This Halloween, my dad and I carved a rough approximation of the Kanohi Hau. It's not that fancy, but it looks nice enough and I'm proud enough to display it here. I invite others to show their Bionicle-O-Lanterns. Pumpkanohi Hau by Relicblade, on Flickr" If this picture doesn't show up, then I'm sorry, but here's the direct link. I've linked Photobucket before directly without any problems, but if this is against forum policy, well... do whatever. Pumpkanohi Hau by Relicblade, on Flickr
  11. Are those supposed to be sort-of shuttered lenses? If so, awesome!
  12. Bionicle: The Game - I love it for the nostalgia, hate it for the gameplay and the fact that I can't beat the second level. Same goes for MNOG: 2. But Bionicle Heroes, tearing up the Piraka at my friend's house.... that's fun.
  13. Well, all the games and memories are right here, and there's even a backup of BIONICLEStory.com. There's a backup of BIONICLEStory.com?!?!?!?!?!?! Dish me the link, bro.
  14. IC: Torvoth Ignoring Gariar's advice, Torvoth took advantage of the fact that the beast was focusing on his Sai-wielding companion, and carved through the tentacle with his chainblade. He promptly turned tail and began swimming down towards the Razor Whale's Teeth-looking rock formation. Over his shoulder, he called, "Come at me, bro!" before firing a series of compressed air blasts towards where he believed the squid's eyes should be (it was really dark). "Look at this succulent, well-toned, delicious bio-mechanical dinner*!" he cried as he continued diving closer to the massive rock spikes, trying to lure the Rahi into them. *= He meant himself.
  15. Let's see: Today, I played Team Fortress 2, Spiral Knights, and Halo 2: Vista (penultimate level now, High Charity!). Yesterday, Team Fortress 2, Halo 2: Vista, and Minecraft for the first time in weeks. A while ago in the recent past, I played Halo 4. I'm now -bent on getting that new DLC.
  16. or a Cordak blaster. Though my next choices may not be practical, I've always thought that Tahu's Firesword (Mata) and Kopaka's are possibly the finest looking implements of sharp metal death in my opinion. And Lewa's axe. And Chainsaw rollerblades, as noted above.
  17. Ooook. I have next to no collectibles, but loads of sets: '01 - Tahu, Lewa, Onua, Kopaka, Gali, Pohatu, and Onua (again) - all missing gears except for Tahu and Onua 1, Pohatu slightly reassembled due to missing axels. '02 - Pahrak, Onua Nuva (my first 2 ever!) '03 - Rahkshi Tuurakh, Rahkshi Vorahk, and I used to have Guurak, Makuta, Matoro, Kopeke, Hahli, Macku, Hewkii, and Hafu. '04 - Vakama, Nuju, Whenua, Matau, Onewa (used to have Nokama), Nuhrii, Zadakh, Nivawk and Turaga Dume, Lhikan and Kikanalo (first Titan). '05 - Rahaga Norik, Hordika Nuju, Keelerak, Toa Iruini, Toa Norik, Keetongu. '06 - Jaller, Nuparu, Brutaka '07 - Pridak, Mantax (minus hand and one spine), Ehlek, Matoro, Nuparu, Hahli (minus a foot), Jaller, and Kongu. '08 - Tanma, Solek, Kirop, Chirox, Pohatu, Lewa, Kopaka, and Pohatu (again), Onua, Tahu, Onua (again), used to have Krika, Icarax, Supercharged Jetrax T6, and Takanuva. '09 - Malum, Tuma, used to have Tarduk. '10 - Tahu, Gresh, Skrall, Takanuva, Rahkshi, and Piraka. I count 66 sets. EXECUTE ORDER SIXTY-SIX!
  18. IC: TORVOTHOnce more, Torvoth was in a pickle, a list of problems. 1. He and his buddy were bring dragged down into an abyss by a titanic squid-Rahi.2. He couldn't hear anything.3. His chain blade was pinned to his belt by the tentacle, where he had resheathed it in his attempt to swim away.4. His eyesight was still messed up. He scanned the dark waters with his still half-blinded eyes to look for aid. He then realized that the Rahi was dragging them to the bottom of the pit, as he saw the sea floor. In one location directly below them, he noticed a rock formation of jagged points, resembling a Razor Whale's teeth. He had an idea - the Rahi was huge, far bigger than any of their weapons could handle... But those rocks were like massive blades meant for a massive foe...He began frantically motioning downwards and shouting, "Down!" at the top of his lungs. He only hoped he could convey the message to Gariar.
  19. IC: Torvoth "Umm... Gariar?" he said slowly while unlimbering his chainblade, "I'm going to ask you to stay veerrryyy still, because, well, there is a really big tentacle slowly coiling around your leg..." Gariar looked down and blanched. Torvoth continued and raised the weapon over his head, "On a count of three, I'm about to separate this tentacle into a couple of pieces. Ok? Okay!" Gariar tried to say something, but Torvoth cut him off. "Don't worry, I've got this - I'm a professional. One... two...SWOOSH! ...Uh-oh! Gariar? Are you there?" he called into the blackness into which the Toa of Gravity had vanished. Perhaps he's only a couple bio away and I just can't see him in the dark, he thought to himself. "And then there was one. One brave adventurer-hero, who is now about to beat a very brave tactical retreat!" he muttered as he began swimming backwards as fast as he could. YANK! SWOOSH! Torvoth disappeared. OOC: Obviously, it's up to Gariar/Flaredrick what happens - perhaps Gariar really is a few bio away, when the beast lost interest.
  20. I'm not sure if we're allowed to do this, but I just bought : http://www.ebay.com/itm/181189222883?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649 Good seller, fast and affordable shipping, the usual. So for $20, I snared complete Matoro Mahri, Kongu Mahri, Pridak, Ehlek and Photok. I also got nearly complete (missing 1-2 parts) Pohatu Phantoka, Chirox, Mantax, Jaller Mahri, Hahli Mahri (complete w/ some broken pieces), and Kirop.
  21. I'm wondering why everyone thinks it'd be PG-13? Darker motifs, like finding the Toa Nuva's masks nailed to the wall? Graphic description, like scorched muscle tissue in the books? Of just the more sinister setting and general viciousness of the Piraka?
  22. IC: Torvoth "What do you suppose is down here? Buried treasure, shipwrecks, or a sunken city?" he asked Gariar. He looked around, observing the strange and mutated sea life that flittered around with apparent interest as well as the climbing strands of sea weed that seemed to claw towards the widget-sized dim light that was the opening of the Pit. He lowered his voice, "Do you ever get the feeling... that somebody's watching you? Because I have a feeling that everything is watching me... and everything is hungry..."
  23. IC: Torvoth "Those sharks are toast" he said, "let's go. Say, do you think you could use your gravity powers to make us descend more quickly? This hole is huuuuuuge!"
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