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Blair the Cat

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Everything posted by Blair the Cat

  1. IC: Fauna"I heal a little faster than most people, so I'll be okay." said Fauna, surprised at his concern. "It hurts like heck though."
  2. IC: FaunaFauna turned to go, but suddenly felt as if someone had jabbed her in the stomach with a railroad spike. She hurriedly pulled her shirt up a bit to find that her stitches were coming loose. "You would have thought that I could remember these."
  3. IC: Fauna"I haven't been here for very long, so I really only know one other student." said Fauna, more than a little embarrassed. "I wonder where he is, speaking of which. Do any of your kids happen to know Jeremy Wagner?"
  4. I live in Tennessee, so I'm not near a lot of cons either except Sweet Apple Acres.
  5. IC: Fauna Fauna took his hand and gently shook it as she said, "I'm Sierra Fleeting, a student here. I don't think I've met your children."
  6. IC: Fauna Fauna looked at Gemini for a few seconds before saying, "Your kids are lucky to have a father who cares for them. I sure wish that my dad thought I was worth something."
  7. 4/5 - I really like Owl City, and this was good. It just wasn't on the same level as Fireflies, in my opinion. Chinter's Will (feat. Sara Kay) The Shy PMV is the best version, BTW.
  8. I need Co-GM for this RPG I've been working on. Rough draft of story: My Little Pony FIM: Darkened Flame Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, two princesses were born. The whole kingdom rejoiced, for these particular fillies were daughters of the sun goddess herself. One was destined to be the princess of the sun after her mother's passing, while the other would become the princess of the moon. As they grew up, they were often kept far away from one another to ensure no probability of a sibling rivalry. But I'm afraid that they had been too careful, for when the princesses met for the first time, they took an instant disliking to each other. No word of warning, pleading, or threatening could get them to like the other, and time only fueled their mistrust. The fight escalated from petty arguments to full-out dueling eventually, and the last straw came when all other royalty vanished one day. The same dark power that caused their aunt Luna to feel slighted by her subjects caused them to believe that the other sister had caused this tragedy, and they each took on their true dark forms. The sun twin, Aurora, took on a body of nearly pure flame and all her peace and happiness burned away with her beautiful exterior. The moon twin, Selena, was nearly the exact opposite. Her body was cloaked by shadow, as was her loyalty and willingness to fight for what was right. Both tore the world apart that day, and the bloody war has spanned eons. Will you join a side, fight for peace, simply become a survivor? You decide in My Little Pony: Darkened Flame
  9. 2.5/5 - The lyrics and tune are OK, but the guy doesn't sound like he's really singing. More like talking. "Rainbow Factory" by WoodenToaster
  10. IC: Fauna Once Sierra had found some hydrogen peroxide and some bandages, she headed on her way up to her dorm. The sound of the doorbell made her pause however, and she hurried to open the door.
  11. That pokemon helped me through so many battles in black...
  12. This profile has already been approved by Tyler: Name: Selena Graystone
 Codename: Eclipse
 Age: (Around) 90 (Physically 17)
 Gender: Female
 Faction: None 
Power(S): None 
Appearance: http://s1280.beta.photobucket.com/user/catvks/media/Selene_zps25b25868.jpg.html
 Weapons: None 
Skills: As a vampire, Selena is exceptional at glamouring and is one of the best pickpockets you'll ever meet.
 Personality: Selena is somewhat shy, and gets down on herself very easily. She is confused and upset about the death of her creator, so she lashes out at people close to her and gets frustrated when others don't understand. She also struggles with what she is and tries not to hurt humans. Selena is mostly a good person, but tends to lose it quickly and then be really disgusted with herself later.
 Weakness: Selena has poor self-control when it comes to blood and is a little unstable. 
Bio: Raised in the 1840's, Selena's mother died in childbirth and her father was a drunk with a short temper. When she was seventeen, she was fed upon by a slightly wounded Katherine Callahan. The blood from Katherine's slight wound somehow got into Selena's system, a fact unbeknownst to either of them. Upon her arrival home that same day, Selena's father was very intoxicated and irritable. They got into a heated argument, which ended in Selena's death when their two storied house's wooden deck gave way under her feet. Her father then panicked and dumped her body in nearby woods. Now a vampire, Selena has never stayed in one place for very long. IC: Fauna Fauna finally threw her hands up irritably and said, "Apparently no one has heard of organization."
  13. IC: FaunaFauna entered the med bay quickly, ignoring anyone who could have been in the room. She than mumbled something about "bandages" and started to rummage through the dusty supplies.
  14. Snowdrop was adorable. It kind of reminded me of Clannad for whatever reason.
  15. I personally like Derpy best, but all ponies are love worthy. Except Blueblood.
  16. IC: Fauna Fauna picked up Mia and ran down towards the med bay to find bandages. She brushed past other students, not really caring if she knocked someone over. OOC: Open for interaction.
  17. IC: Fauna "What happened in here?" Fauna asked aloud after seeing her room. "Mia? Where are you?!" her voice was starting to rise. A soft mew answered her. Fauna spotted the shaking ball of fur and picked her up. "What happened to you?!" The tiny Bengal kitten was covered in scratches and a small chunk of her ear was missing. Fauna started to see red. "Whoever did this..."
  18. I can't quote because of my iPod, but Robo, Windigos aren't canine.
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