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Madu Cabolo

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Everything posted by Madu Cabolo

  1. Before I get started on the legend-y stuff, I'd like to give a word about this creation. I recently acquired the Protector of Earth and the Protector of Water. This creation is built exclusively with pieces from those two sets. If anyone asks, and I am in the mood, I may post instructions for this built. I only left out a skull spider mask, a few red pins, a couple small black ones, and a brain. All other pieces have been used. I'm really quite happy with how this guy turned. So much so that I invented a legend behind him. Long ago, in the Time before Time on the mythical island of Okoto, legend speaks of the Guardians. Eons before the two mask makers, Ekimu and Makuta, set forth on the island to bring the three virtues, the island lay in chaos. Strange creatures bearing elemental powers tormented the defenseless villagers. To defend themselves, the wisest of the six tribes chanted a potent spell, engineering a combination between villager and beast. These new half-breeds they called the Guardians, for the Order of Protectors had not yet been formed. A hundred of these beings were formed, and their elemental power and brute force drove the creatures into hiding beneath the earth and in the deepest forests. The villagers rejoiced, thinking they were safe. They celebrated too soon. The Guardians, programmed to defend could not acknowledge a time of peace. Thus, they enlisted the wisest villagers to engineer weapons of mass destruction from the island's elemental forces. With these, the Guardians began to lord it over the villagers they once defended. They built a great fortress at the center of the Okoto, from which they ruled the island. The enslaved villagers cried out under the whips of the Guardians. From across the sea, their call was answered. The two brothers, Ekimu and Makuta came bearing the great masks of Creation and Control, from which they forged the elemental masks. The villagers, equipped with their new powers, overturned the citadel of the Guardians, burying them deep beneath the rubble. Above the ruins, the Mask Maker's built their own metropolis above the fortress, from which they forged the Great Masks. From the six wisest villagers, they formed the Order of Protectors, to whom they entrusted six masks of special power. “When times are dark,” they said, “Gather at the Temple of Time to call forth six heros from the stars. Until then, hide these masks far away where no one could ever find them.” The Protectors returned to their home regions and did as they had been instructed. What they did not count on, however, was that something would be coming to look for them I hope you all enjoyed that. Those of you who were able to watch the 9th episode will see where I was going with this. I really like what I did with the feet. Thanks to Nescent and his awesome use of Protector masks in his Wildlife of Okoto thread inspired me. Check it out here: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/17041-wildlife-of-okoto/ I plan on making some more of these combiners as I acquire the rest of the Protectors. In the meantime, stay cool.
  2. Well, the protectors have some kind of astrology or prophecy knowledge, as revealed in Episode 1. Also, it seems they're not called "Toa" anymore, but "Masters." They're called Toa multiple times in the animations. I stand corrected then! It makes me glad, too.
  3. Well, the protectors have some kind of astrology or prophecy knowledge, as revealed in Episode 1. Also, it seems they're not called "Toa" anymore, but "Masters."
  4. Just took a bunch of screenshots of Onua from different angles. I'm really forward to the instructions to this, as I have the Protector and will be getting Onua pretty soon. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/77wkjvpdg2h2t6q/AADvhuqNx3U0GldOtY8SyX_va?dl=0#/
  5. This theory is incredibly interesting. I'm sort of on the line as to whether I buy it or not. Skull Scorpio (and even Skull Slicer) must have been SEVERELY mutated to reach the point we saw in the toy fair pictures. Furthermore, the box pictures show that there is an army of the skull creatures, so they are probably not a toa team but more of army fodder. However, the melded masks reinforce the idea that they were some sort of Elemental Master being (since it seems they're not called toa anymore). Skull Grinder also has a rather Master-like stature. For me, the interest of the villains lies in the masks. Why are they seeking these masks? What are their powers? Have the masks been mutated, etc? Aside from the theory, I really like the symbolism of the Masters falling from the sky, while the villains crawl out of the earth. It's a nice juxtaposition whether the Skull villains are Masters or not.
  6. It was bad execution. If they can learn from their mistakes, I would be all up for a planetary location change. -NotS Maybe. But SIX planetary location changes? As I said in the post right above yours, there's no easy way to tackle that. If you do it all in one year, each change in setting will end up rushed, leading to a threadbare and confusing story. If you do them one or two per year, on the other hand, then by the second or third year of that the changes in setting will seem formulaic and dull, making people impatient for that story arc to be over. It could MAYBE be done if the story had the Toa split up and head to their respective elemental planet, a la the Hero Factory Breakout storyline. But as far as I'm concerned, I feel Bionicle tells a more compelling story when the Toa operate as a team or as sub-groups of a team, rather than tackling their quests completely on their own. I think you're probably right Lyichir. And I wasn't necessarily thinking of the planets as a long term location. Perhaps visits to them could be part of a subplot or even sped up and visited over the course of a single year. I don't think it likely at all that they will be a long term location, but perhaps we will get to see some of what is going on there.
  7. We hope indeed. There really hasn't been any mention of other landmass so far (which isn't to abnormal, seeing the line is a couple months old), but I suppose it's a possibility. Of course, we don't even really know that Okoto is on a planet. It could be some sort of moon (again) or something new entirely. I personally wasn't particularly displeased with the Bara Magna arc. Thus I think it might be cool to have some sort of intraplanetary stuff going on. Space is an environment Bionicle really hasn't explored, and the exploration of new islands, oceans, and even planets is one of the things I liked best about G1. You may be right about the artistic liscence, though, in which case I can only hope the story goes beyond Okoto.
  8. I don't know if anyone has started a discussion on this or not (I didn't see one), but I am intrigued by the planets that have been showing up in the sky through various places; toy boxes, story videos, magazines, etc. From episode 1 on the website, there is a fresco or mural that seems to show the Masters descending from some sort of celestial bodies. Furthermore, these "planets" seem to have a similar color scheme to the Masters. Could this mean that there are more Toa-like or villager-like beings living on the planets? Perhaps the story will move beyond the confines of Okoto at some point. Along the same line, what relation do the skeletal villains we saw at NYC to the planets and/or toa? I'd be interested in anyone's thoughts.
  9. Hmm. I like what I see. The Tarakava looks fabulous. You've definitely proven to me the versatility of the new pieces. I think another cool possible addition would be a replica of the Gukko bird from the MoL movie. Great work.
  10. The thing is, the story isn't simplified. There's plenty of important detail there, and there are mysteries and histories and all kinds of things. It just never has the time to focus on any of that for more than one episode, if that. Any illusion of the 2001 story being more complex probably comes from the Toa collecting six masks each (most of those being off-screen anyway) as opposed to one. Oh, but it is. Even the comics are all generic. We KNOW they have to get their golden masks now show us something ELSE,What's the LOSS? How did he gain control of all the other spiders? WHY is there a gold skull spider mask if it hasn't been seen in the animations?Not to be offensive, but the answer seems pretty clear. Villain origins and things of that sort are all going to be revealed in the summer wave, because let's face it, in Bionicle the story only gets real in the summer wave. This is what I'm thinking. I'm pretty sure come summer, we'll have plenty of story to talk about. Plus, has everyone forgotten about all the mask of time stuff, the six planets, and the cute little protector's "son" from episodes 2 and 3? There's still a lot of stuff we don't know, which is probably crucial to the ultimate plot, whatever that is.
  11. That was pretty darn awesome. I guess that was one way to go down in flames. Quite literally.
  12. "Fear" by Turahk Someone- Future of Forestry
  13. No Sleep Til Destruction- Beastie Bohrok Reign of the Hammer- Hammerfall
  14. Theory of the Revolution against Makuta- Takanuva & The Matoran Little Talks- Of Monsters & Men
  15. I'd actually prefer painful, Kopeke. It adds a manner of excitement.
  16. The Furnace Song by Morbuzakh Home by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
  17. Entry 1: Pakastaa was standing guard before the entry to a small village of absolutely no consequence in THE GRAND SCHEME OF THINGS. After all, everything was going to be destroyed anyway. Pakastaa was bored. The Author had created him to simply stand guard before places of no consequence for no good reason. Since Pakastaa was clearly the MOST IMPORTANT PERSON in the UNIVERSE, he ought to be doing things of greater consequence. Pakastaa looked up from his angry reverie to see a simple Av-Matoran with a blue mask atop red and yellow armor passing through the gates. Why would the Author give such a fool such as he the main story arc! He thought contemtuously. If it were possible for a PERFECT BEING to be contemptuous. He looked at Talvi, the other Sanctum Guard. He was asleep, snow covering his eyes. In a few moments, Pakastaa, clad in the Av-matoran's armor and mask walked through the gate to the village, while a confused, and memory altered Takua found himself standing guard before the the entry to Ko-Koro.
  18. Don't You (Forget 2001) by McDonalds Polybags Must Have Done Something Right by Relient K
  19. Prologue: Once, a demented being came up with an abstract concept called "reality." Actually, it's a little more complicated than that, because, of course, the being was demented. Call it a collection of realities, some of which are interposed upon each other in irrational order. In one of these strange realities, a race known as the Great Beings came forth. These Beings were the ultimate force of creativity, and thus began to (obviously) CREATE. Many works they created, giant robots, glatorian, makuta, and the awful plastic of 2007. Yet all of these culminated in one, the GREATEST CREATION OF ALL. His name was.... Pakastaa. Entry 1: Pakastaa was standing guard before the entry to a small village of absolutely no consequence in THE GRAND SCHEME OF THINGS. After all, everything was going to be destroyed anyway. Pakastaa was bored. The Author had created him to simply stand guard before places of no consequence for no good reason. Since Pakastaa was clearly the MOST IMPORTANT PERSON in the UNIVERSE, he ought to be doing things of greater consequence. Pakastaa looked up from his angry reverie to see a simple Av-Matoran with a blue mask atop red and yellow armor passing through the gates. Why would the Author give such a fool such as he the main story arc! He thought contemtuously. If it were possible for a PERFECT BEING to be contemptuous. He looked at Talvi, the other Sanctum Guard. He was asleep, snow covering his eyes. In a few moments, Pakastaa, clad in the Av-matoran's armor and mask walked through the gate to the village, while a confused, and memory altered Takua found himself standing guard before the the entry to Ko-Koro. [To be updated in a later point of causality]
  20. Name: Ilus Species: Toa Alignment: Neutral Good Gender: Male Appearance: Ilus is slight of build, but quite tall, even for a toa. His armor is white and dark grey. He has green eyes unlike most toa of ice. Weapon(s): Carries a spear of frost allowing him to channel his ice energy. Mask: Powers: As a toa of ice, Ilus has control over the element of ice. He is especially adept at disguising himself as a block of ice, or summoning concealing snowstorms. He also has indirect control over storms by control the cold fronts causing thunder and lightning. Traits: For a toa of ice, Ilus is quite friendly. He will sometimes say a whole sentence. Ilus dislikes most air toa, because he does not like their swift treespeak dialect. Biography: Little is known about Ilus except that he has been living alone in Ko-Wahi for many years. Weakness(es): Ilus is not very strong physically. He is also susceptible to strong heat attacks.
  21. Does the "My friend went to po-koro and all I got was this stupid rock" sign count?
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