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Art Vandelay

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Everything posted by Art Vandelay

  1. The Circuit of the Americas course in Austin is pretty sweet. If you can get tickets, I would go if I were you. I might be going to the Formula 1 race there next year. Either that or the one in Montreal. Are you an F1 fan?
  2. I think this is the weirdest post I've ever seen. Joking aside I would have to agree with TNT about that recent post in the Elemental Versatility thread. I haven't been on here long enough to see anything more weird.
  3. Dang, thats a pot of gold right there. That must have taken a long time and a lot of hard work to compile. My hat off to Tolkien for creating it.
  4. Well Aanchir, you sure have given this topic a deeper meaning than I originally intended, but that's not a bad thing. True, you could if you wanted to, but it would be absolutely preposterous, like you said. I guess a better title for this topic would be, "if you had to change your name to that of a Bionicle character, what would it be?" Oh well, I just couldn't think of a better way to put it at the time I created the topic.
  5. You can get it on BL for a decent price. I asked this same question on here not too long ago, and that's what everybody told me.
  6. That's a really amazing project! I don't think anybody has made a hydrogen fuel cell truck yet! I wish him luck with that, because it is a very convoluted and difficult process.
  7. It has to be canon characters. Tiribomba is the best name ever.
  8. So if you could change your name to any name of any Bionicle character, what would it be? I would change my name to Tahu, of course.
  9. Ruru in Maori means owl, shake, or "Morepork" (apparently a location), and is also an incredibly common word part in words meaning anything you can imagine pretty much. (Akaku doesn't seem to exist except as part of various words.) It's possible "ru" itself means night vision in the sense that Onu-Matoran have naturally, so "ruru" would mean unnatural night vision granted by a power; "night vision with emphasis". That would make a lot more sense. I'm forgetting that TLG added its own meanings to some words and prefixes and didn't solely use Maori definitions.
  10. I don't have any VMKK actually, and I still have a Matoro left, so you've got it! Just PM me with other info such as your shipping address and all that. I have added a new prototype to the list. PROTOTYPE TAKUA The prototype Jallers came with Takua masks, so the prototype Takua could be created from them. Now you can have everyone's favorite Matoran in prototype form! Please do not double post. -B6
  11. I am definitely entering that race at some point in my life. The competition is hilarious. There was one guy racing a Cessna plane in it! (On the wheels obviously) It on my bucket list for sure. I haven't heard of the Ford Tremor. I'll have to check that out. EDIT: I looked it up. I bet sport trucks will catch on. It looks pretty cool. The improved fuel economy is a good step forward. Its pretty sad though, that it gets the same fuel economy as my dad's 2001 Audi A4 did. Sad for my dad's car, that is, because a big Ford truck gets the same fuel economy as it. But that car just died, and I convinced my dad to get a 2014 Mazda 6! He needed a midsize sedan, and that is definitely the best affordable midsize sedan on the market currently. It gets 37 MPG highway. Thats a big improvement over the 22 he used to get!
  12. Vo-Matoran. (Metrutoran) Lightning is my favorite element. Also I could become a Toa of Lightning if it was my destiny.
  13. I think in Matoran repeated syllables add emphasis (as in some Native American languages), not necessarily completely new words (although your example with "extended dive" is effectively what I'm getting at with emphasis). Kakama may mean "very fast transport." I'm a little stuck on Ruru however. If "ru" meant, say, "sight," emphasized sight would be more like the Akaku. Perhaps you're right with repetition being different-but-related words. Interestingly enough, I can't find any repeated syllables past 2001, so syllable repetition probably was taken from Maori. I would think that Aka means sight rather than Ru, but then what would that make Ru? They both give the user enhanced sight in different ways. I will look it up in a Maorian dictionary if I can find one. I think this theory is excellent and very well may explain the reasoning behind the nomenclature of Bionicle in the early years.
  14. In Ko-Wahi, Kopaka could turn a large block of ice into water by draining its "cold energy" to use against an enemy such as the Bohrok perhaps. He could also use this anywhere else where there is a large amount of ice as well of course.
  15. I've always thought Master Chief's voice would be fitting for Tahu. I could see Antroz having his voice as well though.
  16. Very well then. I would be willing to trade you my Kanohi Nuva collection, which consists of a full set (including the Protodermic ones), minus the ones that came packaged with the Toa Nuva sets (e.g. Lewa's green Miru Nuva). I had actually forgotten I had these to trade when I made my first post, but to my understanding the Protodermic Kanohi Nuva are quite valuable (about $30 apiece?). With the rest of the Kanohi Nuva in addition to those, would it be possible to trade the set for three Tohunga? Deal! Just PM me with some more information like what Tohunga you want.
  17. I've always imagined Makuta Teridax having Megatron's voice. (Michael Bay movies, not animated series.) Same with me!
  18. 20+? Wow, you must have been a hardcore collector back in '07! I had maybe 10, and I lost a few. You probably have a full set with that many Zamors!
  19. Brickshelf is now back up, so everyone can check out pictures of the prototypes in my topic in the Bionicle Sets and Collectibles forum. Sorry guys, but I am already getting a WMKK in another trade. I don't feel the need to have more than one. Sorry again. I do want to acquire a full set of VMKK, so if you have any of those, I would be willing to trade one Tohunga for each of those. Also, if you have full sets of Protodermic or powerless Kanohi Nuva, I will trade for those. Or if you have full sets of Kanohi, Kanohi Nuva, Noble Kanohi, or Krana, I will accept those as well.
  20. So have you tried iRacing yet?
  21. Prices have been reduced for the prototypes I have for sale!

    1. Kanakalackin



    2. Art Vandelay

      Art Vandelay

      Buy/Sell/Trade XD Are you interested in them?

    3. Kanakalackin


      Too expensive for me, sorry.

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