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Art Vandelay

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Everything posted by Art Vandelay

  1. I got this... Its not a very good Photoshop, but hey, its the thought that counts, right?
  2. I can imagine Jerbraz having James May's voice.
  3. I believe you have the best username in all of BZPower. XD

    1. Eyru


      aw, thank you!

  4. I guess this one is considered the "official" news topic. But thanks anyway for linking to my topic.
  5. Ok, here we go. what was your favorite bionicle from the toa and turaga of 2001 - Tahu / Turaga Vakama who was your favorite mctoran (including hafu, and nuparu) - Nuparu what was your favorite rahi set, and which rahi was your favorite from the 10023 master builder set - Muaka / Kewa what was your favorite bohrok, bohrok va, and bohrok kal - Lehvak / Nuhvok Va / Tahnok Kal which was your favorite, the exo toa, exo raptor, boxor, standing boxor, red bahrag, or blue bahrag - Boxor who was your favorite toa nuva (not including takanuva) - Tahu Nuva who was your favorite, Takanuva and ussanui, makuta, gukko, pewku, or one of the combiners from 2003? - Jaller and Gukko which was your favorite 2003 matoran (including jaller, and takua) - Jaller who was your favorite rahkshi - Lehvak who was your favorite toa metru, vahki, '04 matoran (including dume), hordika, visorak, rahaga - Vakama / Bordakh / Nuhrii / Hordika Vakama / Keelerak / Rahaga Norik and lastly, who was your favorite, nidhiki, krekka, nivawk, sidorak, roodaka, keetongu, toa iruini and norik..... - Roodaka
  6. Happy 12th Birthday BZPower!

    1. Unauthorized Autobiography
    2. Art Vandelay

      Art Vandelay

      What, don't you like BZP, Guu? :P

    3. Unauthorized Autobiography

      Unauthorized Autobiography

      Better just get online on the GDoc. XD

  8. Yes, that's what I meant. lol I should have said that. I have the Nui Rama that went along with them as well. I wish I had the prototype Manas. That, the Nui Jaga, and the Tarakava are the only prototype Rahi I am missing.
  9. Click on the member's name, and you will find a button on their profile that says "send user message". Alternatively, you can click on the little "open envelope" icon next to your username and then click "Compose New" below that.
  10. At 200 posts, I am now a seeker of something. Maybe Great Kanohi... :)

    1. ToaN


      Wow, you're at 200 already? Congrats!

    2. Art Vandelay

      Art Vandelay

      Thanks! :D I've been on here very frequently for the past couple months.

  11. You're going to need to deep link those pictures, because your Brickshelf folder isn't publc yet. Sounds promising though.
  12. Sure, will do! Sorry, what do you mean by that? Awesome! I also bid on the 5 hole Kraakhan.
  13. I'll take the tan Kanoka. Could you PM me your Paypal?
  14. I could email you pictures of what all I have if you'd like. That would be even better. Thanks! I'll PM you my email address.
  15. This looks really fantastic! I have been toying around with the idea of creating life sized Kanohi for some time now, but I don't know how to do Pepakura, and making it out of metal is of course an unrealistic dream. I look forward to seeing any future work from you.
  16. I'm glad that they are starting to do accessory packs, like BIONICLE did with the mask/projectile packs. I'm by no means a Hero Factory collector (one set), but this is good to hear nonetheless.
  17. How much would you want for the mask holder? I really need one of those. Also would you be able to list all the masks you have? I want to complete my collection of 2001-2002 masks. Thanks.
  18. I Googled "MNOG" and I wound up here back in 2003. I lurked until 2006 and finally joined, but abandoned that account about a year later for reasons I cannot remember. After the Great Datacylsm and the downtime, and all that, I lost interest in BZP a bit, and back some months ago, I thought I'd join again to connect with fellow Bionicle fans and enjoy being a part of the Bionicle community again.
  19. For BIONICLE to return, Lego would really have to be careful about their choices in order for it to succeed and not ruin it for the old fans. If a reboot was going to be done, I think a prequel set in pre-Shattering Spherus Magna could be ideal, or maybe a storyline set in the very far future. Either way, there would have to be a new set of characters, but the old ones shouldn't just be forgotten. Perhaps the current serials could be continued and finished up in parallel to the new storyline for the old fans. Another option would be to go to another BIONICLE world, similar to Bara Magna of 2009, but even further separated from the Matoran Universe so all the characters would be new, and they would have to change up the feel of the storyline more to go back to the mysterious feel of the early years. As for the sets, Lego would need to return to the unique function based designs from pre 2006. I agree with a lot of other people that say the whole Inika body "monopoly" was a great downfall for BIONICLE. Also, I agree with what Aanchir said here: I think Lego would still keep BIONICLE's central theme of biomechanical heroes fighting villains to save whatever, although what they are trying to save would be different of course . I think it could still work though. New characters, new world, old mysterious feel. It just seems like a good recipe. But who knows what would happen. All we can do is speculate, make theories, and hope that we may see what really would happen in the future.
  20. I think this would be better suited for Lego Discussion, but correct me if I'm wrong. Edit: See my short story for a look into my BIONICLE "kingdom".
  21. I remember my Dad bringing home MoL from the video rental store, and I was absolutely enthralled the first time I watched it. I loved that movie, and it got me even deeper into Bionicle than I already was at that point. I have a few gripes about it now and like others said, its a bit cheesy, but nonetheless I still love it.
  22. I spent way too much time on it when I was younger, but I got tired of it after the Bionicle campaign. (Which I liked)
  23. I have lots of prototypes and several copper Huna.
  24. I have the prototype Rurus in that picture. I completely forgot about the trans blue noble Raus. I really want them though. I have a prototype Rau, but in solid light blue.
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