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Art Vandelay

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Everything posted by Art Vandelay

  1. Wow, Turaga or Toa? Turaga. I wish I had the one from Toa Nuju.
  2. I have a prototype Matatu from a prototype Nuju set. I'll post pictures soon.
  3. I think you're right that the Mata Nui lava is somewhat cooler than the lava in Ta-Metru, but for a glow to be produced, I would think the lava has to be at least as hot as fire. The Mask of Light would probably have melted if it were in the lava for much longer, but it really was only in there briefly. Masks I assume are able to survive a brief exposure to lava. Also Ta-Matoran have remarked before that lava surfing is dangerous, and remember that Takua narrowly escaped death in the first movie when he was surfing across the lava back to Jaller.
  4. But that's a Toa. Also, Jaller could be wrong about that. Also the GBs could have made, like two thousand Av-Matoran and transformed them all at once. It's possible. Or they could have just made a few thousand Bohrok without making Av-Matoran first.
  5. Thanks for that explanation, Philippe! I realized once I started getting feedback on this topic that no one would be willing to pay the prices I set for the prototypes, even though it was what they were worth.
  6. I was basing the Takua's heat resistance thing off of the fact that he lived comfortably in Ta-Koro and lava surfed a few times. Other than there were no other apparent Ta-Matoran traits. This could be just because he adapted well, but I don't know. That's a good point. Its kind of like how when Matoran become Toa, they end up looking like what their own mental image of a Toa is. Only here its what the Av-Toran's personal favorite element that turns them into whichever Bohrok.
  7. I also wonder how it is determined which type of Bohrok the Av-Matoran transforms into. The Bohrok have elemental powers of course, and I wonder if each Av-Matoran also has a secondary Bohrok element that can be unlocked when they become a Bohrok, just like their Toa power is unlocked when they become a Toa. This would explain Takua's Ta-Matoran traits if his secondary Bohrok element was fire. (Increased resistance to heat) Just a wild theory of mine. Edit: Oh yeah, 180 posts! I've collected all the noble Kanohi!
  8. That's because of some kind of an error with the archives that HAZMAT explained to me, but I can't really remember what exactly it was.
  9. I don't think anyone could answer this question. But if anyone could, it would be Dimensioneer. He created BZP, so he is the person most likely to know.
  10. Australian Terry? Atlternate Universe Terry. In further case, Makuta do not have elemental powers aside from shadow (or light, as the case may be), which were artificially arrived at. Kraata powers would likely be effective against Marendar.I imagine that this threat would endear the Toa to Alternate Teridax, ironically earning him the respect that A Certain Terry would have loved to have had. "Yes, anything, get rid of that monster! You can have your own fortress! We will build free statues to your name! Please, pretty please?"Or they might just send Tahu out to finish him. The Toa has Kraata powers. The refugees have options. I just think that M might have mowed a few Toa offscreen that we never got to meet, maybe axing one of the less-than-noble TYQ characters to establish that he's a threat before getting blasted by Alt. Terry or Tahu. That seems to be his purpose in the story IMO - destroy a bunch of unknown Toa so Greg doesn't have to feature them and an excuse to put the spotlight on Tahu or Alt. Terry or both. So he doesn't have the "Toa turn off" power of Kabrua. Interesting. The "Toa turn off" power only works within a certain range. Its not permanent. So Marendar would need to ensure that the Toa would not be a threat when out of range of the "Toa turn off" power, and therefore would have to kill them. I suppose that is one way to interpret it. But the questioner specifically asked if Marendar had similiar powers to the device and Greg said no. Oh, I didn't know that was a Greg answer. I thought it was just speculation.
  11. The Good -Sidorak- : Great communications, item was exactly as described, and he shipped it fast. If I could give an 11/10, I would definitely do so! (10/10) Tazakk: Truly a pleasure to trade with. Great communications, item was shipped fast and in very secure packaging, and a very reasonable trade value overall. I'd highly recommend trading with Tazakk. (10/10) DeeVee: I mean, it's not like I could say anything bad about Deevs anyway... But really, what a great trade. Awesome communications, we worked out a great deal, and shipping was fast, even though there was a bit of a mishap with the trade exchange that was completely my fault. (Hope I didn't leave you waiting for too long at Brickfair. :S) (10/10) Mask collector: Not enough can be said about Mc to do him justice. Definitely one of BZP's top traders, and absolutely deserving of the Trusted Trader title. I've completed two huge trades /sales with Mask collector now, and they've both been characterized by very friendly communications and fast shipping. (10/10) UngluedBike: Pronto payment, excellent communications, go sell something to him right now. (10/10) Voxumo: Awesome communications, quick and generous payment. Don't hesitate to trade with him. (10/10) Toa Lhikan Hordika: A legend for great transactions, and this one was no exception. Immediate payment and fantastic communications. (10/10) Gonny: One of the best people I've had the pleasure of dealing with! Pronto payment and great communications! (10/10) The Bad None have fallen into this category thus far. The Ugly Shadix: I really want to believe that there's a legitimate reason why he took my money and ran- I mean, he had other deals pending that he could have similarly taken advantage of, but he seemingly disappeared from the community before even pursuing those further and taking other people's money. I don't really know, and I hope he will come back one day and I can give him a better rating. For now, though, the facts are the facts, and the fact is that I paid him and never received my item, nor did I ever hear back from him again. So it's gonna have to be a 0/10, unfortunately.
  12. Australian Terry? So he doesn't have the "Toa turn off" power of Kabrua. Interesting. The "Toa turn off" power only works within a certain range. Its not permanent. So Marendar would need to ensure that the Toa would not be a threat when out of range of the "Toa turn off" power, and therefore would have to kill them.
  13. The Baterra and Bohrok are robots. Come to think of it, the Baterra are a reasonable argument against it just because "that worked so well, right?" But due to being "uninteresting and uncreative"? Well, who says robots have to be either of those things? I certainly had in mind something incredibly interesting and creative, something like what the sounds of the LOST monster tended to evoke, and the off-screen actions, without actually being really magical smoke. Note that they made Bohrok after Baterra, so really the "robots don't work" argument wouldn't fly anyways. It would be ironic, entertaining, and maybe even touching, though, if it turned out Marendar has a soul and freewill, and decides killing Toa is wrong. That would be a nice way to conclude that emergency. But that's unlikely... Short of that, though, not sure I see why it being alive versus a robot would be inherently more interesting? I didn't think of that. Never mind. lol It would be pretty cool if Marendar decided to abort the mission because he doesn't want to kill Toa anymore.
  14. It might mistake them for a new kind of Toa... I highly doubt Glatorian with elemental powers were a variable that the GB's accounted for when creating Marendar. Mata Nui endowed select Glatorian with the same elemental powers Toa have, and called them Toa, so yes, it would work on Glatorian as well. The Toa design is loosely based on the Glatorian body, with a lot more bio-mechanical parts, so they are actually more similar than you would think.Well, obviously, but it could be argued that the Toa have inorganic mechanisms which operate their Elemental Powers. Since the Mask of Life doesn't seem to work as much in inorganics (metallic bones aside), it would then follow that the transformed Glatorian would have organic equivalents, which may or may not be vulnerable to any disabling effect that Marendar may possess.Also of note is the fact that the Mask of Life apparently enacted a change in the Glatorian through their weapons. Though it's confirmed the Glatorian themselves were changed, the Mask has only ever been shown transforming the weapons - this would seem to be a major difference between the Glatorian and Toa.Not to mention that I get the feeling that Greg would've left the Glatorian unaffected, or at least shown them to be a lot more competent than the Toa when dealing with Marendar. I'm not sure about this, but I always thought that the elemental powers were just reserves of energy that could be released through the willpower of the Toa. I doubt there is a controlling mechanism for this. I also think the GB's method of shutting off elemental and Kanohi power is simply a mental block. That's why this ability is not exclusive to the GB's. (e.g. Bota Magna Vorox.)
  15. Well I am Trydeltix, for now at least. In case you didn't know, I was MX5Miata before. :)

  16. Hello, I am Makuta Trydeltix, the Makuta assigned to watch over and protect the southern region, the island Occidus. Occidus is a very secluded location in the Matoran Universe, and it is in its most southern point. It is an oddity in the universe, as it is home to an abundance of tropical flora. It is a beautiful place. An island paradise. The Matoran of Occidus, a combination of Ta, Bo, De, Su, and Vo Matoran, always liked to keep to themselves, and I found myself wanting to do the same. What more could we need? We had everything we could ever want on Occidus. There was no need to communicate with the rest of the universe. After tens of thousands of years with no contact with any beings outside our home, most of the inhabitants of our universe have forgotten about the island's very existence, and myself along with it. I had no friends in the Brotherhood of Makuta, since I found most of them to have simply toxic personalities. They too, eventually forgot about me. With all my connections to the outer world severed, I had the opportunity to break away from the Brotherhood after Teridax's revolt against the Great Spirit Mata Nui unnoticed. To ensure that they would never find me, I destroyed all their records of mine or Occidus' existence. I was finally free from the tyrannical leadership of Teridax, and free to lead my people in peace and harmony. I never thought Teridax would succeed in his plans to wrest power away from Mata Nui, but in the end, shadows prevailed, and Teridax fulfilled his evil plan. The Great Cataclysm struck Occidus hard, and many lives were lost, and cities destroyed. I survived, though, and pledged to lead my people through the darkness and hardships ahead. We rebuilt our tropical island back into the paradise it once was, and we continued to thrive. We watched our Universe die, and be saved by a great and noble heroes, and we watched lived through its final destruction, and the long overdue death of Teridax. In a mass exodus of the universe we had lived in for as long as we could remember, we emerged onto a place more beautiful than we ever could have imagined, and even though we had never seen it before, it was immediately our new home. The three was once more one, and Mata Nui had blessed the reformed world with beauty and hospitality. Against all odds, my people and I had slipped away from the darkness, and we would be ever thankful to the Great Spirit for that. With a final goodbye and look back upon our old home, its corpse sprawled out on the land behind, we embraced our new home and our new life on the world of Spherus Magna.
  17. Read the other topic, sorry. I accidentally double posted.
  18. I am also amazed by the fact that you have added that function into this MOC. The thing I loved about the 2001-2003 sets were functions, and this one is really reminiscent of the 2001 Rahi sets. (I know that there was a Kahu combiner model.) But this is even better than that model, I think. Too bad they didn't release this alongside the other Rahi in 2001. It's really that excellent. I am working on a 6th Rahi set myself in the 2001 style, with functions and all. It is going to be frog-like creature. You can guess what the function would be.
  19. Knowing is always good. So... are you saying "living" probably means it's not a robot? And might therefore have emotions and all that? Which would make sense, I guess. I doubt the GB's would create something as uninteresting and "un-creative" as a robot. It doesn't seem in their nature to do that. They had to give it a soul and personality. It's probably biomechanical actually, and it may even have a mind similar to those of the MU.
  20. Mata Nui endowed select Glatorian with the same elemental powers Toa have, and called them Toa, so yes, it would work on Glatorian as well. The Toa design is loosely based on the Glatorian body, with a lot more bio-mechanical parts, so they are actually more similar than you would think.
  21. I think these could be modified to work well as representations of their former bodies, albeit with different heads of course, and less of an aquatic appearance. They are both fantastic MOCs, and I must say they are even better than the originals as sets overall. I agree with Taipu that these wouldn't work too well as storyline representations of them, however. Like lots of others said, Ehlek is a bit too bulky, and parts of Kalmah could be slimmed down. Overall great job though!
  22. That seems almost too powerful. I don't know that a even a Toa would have the mental capacity to do so, at least not in the heat of battle against several opponents. True, it would have to an ambush on an unmoving target if it could be done at all.
  23. That is an interesting method of murder. I wouldn't have thought have that before. It would be a very effective tactic indeed.
  24. Awesome! I look forward to seeing them. I will also take pictures of the Austin Grand Prix. BTW are you a fan of the Hotwheels AcceleRacers, World Race or Battle Force 5 series? and have you ever heard of AccelePedia?
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