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Art Vandelay

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Everything posted by Art Vandelay

  1. The Piraka kicked some Toa Nuva butt, so I would say they were the most OP and dangerous.
  2. I had that as the wallpaper on my computer for a very long time as well. It was only when I got a new computer that it was changed.
  3. Sorry, I didn't really word that correctly. What I meant to say is that Makuta were not originally gaseous, and that they were biomechanical and later evolved into their current state.
  4. You would need a lot more antidermis than you would be able to extract from Kraata first of all (If you could extract any antidermis at all from a Kraata. We don't know much about the chemistry of antidermis or how it works, but I would assume that every sample of antidermis has a mind of some sort, and trying to fill Makuta armor with antidermis from Kraata would create a weird Rahkshi in Makuta armor thing. I don't think you can create a Makuta from any old antidermis. Only the Mata Nui or the Great Beings can create new Makuta. (But Makuta weren't originally made of pure antidermis.) But once the antidermis is created, it has a mind forever. Of course, Makuta can create new antidermis beings in the form of Kraata because it is a part of their essence, but again I don't think it would work in reverse.
  5. Oh sorry I'm forgetting we're talking about just backgrounds. Overall, the images on the Bohrok containers were very cool though.
  6. 2001 Rahi. They were some of the best sets ever. You just can't beat those functions! 2002 and 2003 were pretty much just as good.
  7. I think the Toa Mata had the best backgrounds. The Bohrok are in second I'd say.
  8. Usually they went behind things like bookshelves. :lol:Sorry about mentioning you know what. I wasn't thinking.
  9. Did you post a video of it on YouTube? If so, I may have seen it.
  10. Its the same kind of car as a Mazda Miata, which I have and is one of the most fun cars money can buy, so I would definitely recommend getting the Scion FR-S/Subaru BRZ. I have also heard very good things about the FR-S/BRZ.
  11. Ok so we all know how easy it is to lose Bionicle projectiles such as Rhotuka spinners and Zamor spheres. Which one have you lost the most of? I have lost more Rhotuka spinners than anything else.Kanoka Discs/Matoran DiscsRhotuka SpinnersZamor Spheres/Light Spheres Cordak AmmoSquid AmmoShadow LeechesThornax
  12. I saw a black SLS a couple of weeks ago. Its even more beautiful in real life. I hadn't ever seen one in real life before that. I think there are a good amount of tuners in the UK. I know there are a lot of Mitsubishi Evo fanatics who modify their cars just like we do over here. In Germany, I think the only people that modify their cars are those who live close to the 'Ring. As for the rest of Europe, I don't really know.
  13. That's what I thought at first, but then I read an article somewhere else to freshen my memory about the Egoista, and they said they made 3 of them. But you are right, that article I read is wrong. I remember reading the Bing article back when they unveiled the Egoista, and it is what Lamborghini made for their 50th anniversary. (And it was the only one they made.)
  14. This is really almost as sad as the day that Bionicle was ended. Bionicle.com has been my favorite site to visit ever since 2002, when i discovered Bionicle. I have anticipated this happening, however, and I have made backups of Bionicle.com. Everything is saved, code included. I will make a backup of Bioniclestory.com as well. I really like Zeene's idea about the Kanoka Club, BTW.
  15. I just discovered this idea on Cuusoo, and I didn't know if anybody here was aware of it or not. Somebody came up with the idea of having Hero Factory mask packs, just like the old Bionicle packs we know and love. I think this is a pretty great idea, and I'm not even a Hero Factory fan. What do you guys think? Here's the link: http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/18545# Sorry, I just realized I should have put this in Lego Discussion. Could someone move this over there if you see it? Thanks
  16. Lamborghini, although one of my favorite car manufacturers, has been making me puzzled to say the least as of late. For example, I simply don't understand why they had to make this one. The "Egoista". Even its name bothers me. Its not the greatest looking car IMO, it costs $3.9 million dollars, and even if you had that sort of money, you couldn't buy one because all three of them have been sold already. I understand that Lamborghini is known for their radical designs (Countach), but this one is just too outrageous.
  17. I got to sit in a Ferrari F355 Spider today. It is a special experience to sit in a Ferrari with a stainless steel gated shifter. I have only sat in ones with a sequential gearbox. If I ever have enough dough to buy a Ferrari, it will have a manual transmission with a stainless steel gated shifter. That also means that it will have to be a used one, because they don't make them with manual transmissions any more. The story of the Ford GT40 is one of my favorite car stories. That and the story of the Shelby Daytona Cobra Coupe. Two stories of Ferrari getting beaten badly by Americans. (I still love Ferrari though.)
  18. The last two Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.5-16 Evolution IIs out of the 502 made were painted in Astral Silver, rather than the usual "blauschwarz" blue/black color.
  19. You should get a less buggy version of MNOLG II. Go to the Biomedia Project's website and download it. I've never had any problems with the version they have on there. They're also streaming Nuparu77's MNOLG: The Bohrok Swarms, so if you haven't played it yet, I would highly suggest doing so. That happens to be the one I use! I've always gone to BioMedia for older games... Oh yeah, and The Bohrok Swarms is awesome! I played it before it became so popular! Maybe you have an older version than I do if you downloaded it a long time ago or something. I just recently re-downloaded mine. You can download the new one but still have your old game save by transferring the getstate over to your new folder.
  20. I might be able to buy the VMKK sometime in the near future. I'll PM you if I can.
  21. You should get a less buggy version of MNOLG II. Go to the Biomedia Project's website and download it. I've never had any problems with the version they have on there. They're also streaming Nuparu77's MNOLG: The Bohrok Swarms, so if you haven't played it yet, I would highly suggest doing so.
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