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Blog Comments posted by Underscore

  1. Rating someone based on their looks is not the only variable you suggested in your original entry. Even if that was what you were suggesting, that's a big problem unto itself.


    Also, if I interpreted the entry different than you intended, that is not my problem. I saw nothing overtly humorous in the entire entry. It all looked very serious to me, and I'm not the only one who interpreted it that way. If you want it to be recognized as a joke, maybe put a "/s" or a little note at the bottom so that people who don't know you or people that don't regularly read your blog don't have to leave its meaning to their own interpretation.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Why do you claim to write this entry in 'humor' and then continue on with defending the point of the original entry?


    Rating someone is on the same concept as putting people in "good" and "bad" categories. If you average out anyone's actions, appearance, personality, intentions, etc and then dismiss someone as that number, you get a number that probably says nothing about that person. To use an example that you used, say there's a single mother that abused her children. Now that's obviously a bad thing, but take into consideration her most likely abusive upbringing and probable drug and drug addiction. You can't fault her for being abused as a child, and the drug/alcohol addiction was probably a result of that upbringing and childhood, and possible peer pressure or other situatuonal factors. Ultimately, ff she tries to do the right thing but her reality has been so skewed by those factors, does that make her a "bad" person? Should she deserve a bad rating because of things that were more or less out of her control?


    I personally find that if you look for the potential in someone, then you can see the world from a less cynical way.

    • Upvote 2
  3. Uh. How do you not see anything wrong with this, why is rating people on a numerical scale not considered horrible? I mean, it doesn't even work that well for rating products like video games and movies, and you want to boil everything a person is, in their entirety, to a number?

    Why is that okay?

    I have to agree with this =/

    There's so much more to people than their actions, looks, background, personality, etc etc that you can't just boil it down to and dismiss the entirety of someone as a number

    • Upvote 3
  4. do you have any opinions regarding the nocturnal presence of animals commonly found on farms

    They are an abomination and something should be done about it on a global level.


    Have you watched any interesting movies recently?

    I think the last movie I watched was either Rent or This Is Spinal Tap. I see about 1 or 2 movies each year =P
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