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Everything posted by Underscore

  1. Whatever. Should be fixed now.
  2. I've only played the original MNOG, and I think it portrayed the areas perfectly.
  3. I go to your house, make a forge out of legos, and forge a dud mask. I toss it through your window and you grab for it, and while your doing so, I steal your real mask. I have 2 masks...
  4. McToran Huki, McToran Matoro and a McToran moc (that I've named Tafu). Accompanying them on display in my room is the Rokho T3, Phantoka Kopaka, Lewa Nuva, Toa Iruini and Onua Mistika.
  5. I build a lego tower and jump of it and quickly grab the mask out of your hands. My mask
  6. I sneak up from behind, and throw a rock [edit: lego brick], which hits the mask and knocks it out of your grasp. My mask.
  7. I always buy Bionicles of eBay. I got... Onua Mata Toa Iruini Kongu Inika Fikou Tree Spider Several old masks More stuff that I can't remember.
  8. Quitting the BZPRPG. It doesn't seem that I tie in at all. Maybe I'll try it again in 2 years.

  9. OOC: Yeah. I'm thinking about quitting the BZPRPG. It seems that I can't tie in, or can't get anything right. IC: Tafu Tafu remained crouching behind the rock, well aware that the Toa had resumed fighting and was not paying any attention to the matoran. He couldn't blame them; he would be the first to admit that he talked too much and was quite annoying.
  10. IC: Guron As Guron got to the Drifts, he realized that he was standing in Ko-Koro. He could see Huts and Matoran scurrying around. Guron was lost.* The task seemed so simple. Find the shop get the supplies, then go. OOC: *And so am I. I recall there being a shop in Ko-Koro, but I need to find where it is before I can get the stuff I need.
  11. Wasn't the big scarabax giant in the shape of malum? I liked TLR; it had to be the best digital quality of all the Bionicle movies. Decent plot, decent characters, decent music (especially on the route to Tesara), decent fight scene, etc...
  12. IC: Kruka Kruka walked from the Ta-Koro gate to Lake Pala, then back to Ta-Koro again. This was not unusual, for him; Kruka was known to wander even to Ko-Koro sometimes. Today was different. Something was troubling him. As Kruka reached Lake Pala again, his suspicions were confirmed. The lake was one of Krukas' favorite places to hike and think. He had never seen it like this, though. He had never seen it...empty. Kruka sat bolt upright. He was in his hut, on his bed in Ta-Koro. It had all been a dream. A bad dream. Kruka got off his bed and walked to the door of his hut. Maybe I'll take the day off. He thought to himself. After all, being part of the Ta-Koro guard is stressful. And I can't help but feel something isn't right today, even if it came to me in a dream... Kruka turned around and lay down again.
  13. Thank Mata Nui! I want to enter, but don't want to go to Virginia just to go to BrickFair.
  14. Looks cool, Tor! Hope you win. I like the feet and the eyes.
  15. Oh wait, if you get in the finals do you actually have to go to BrickFair (isn't it in Virginia this year?)?
  16. What? I always search eBay for prototypes but never find any.
  17. Very impressive. Where did you buy them from?
  18. OOC: Well, better start now than 40 pages later. I haven't used all my new BZPRPG characters yet. IC: Nunuaka For the tenth time that day Nunuaka found herself wondering why she was spending the day swimming in Ga-Koro, and for the tenth time she reminded herself that she didn't have a clue. She sometimes spent time socializing with the Ga-Korans, but never swimming, which she positively hated (even though she was good at it). She looked over her shoulder at some strangers. From the looks of other Ga-Matoran, they had never had so many bizarre visitors. "What's going on?" She muttered.
  19. IC: Guron The Toa that called himself Ryzen was no help at all. Guron wondered why he had even bothered talking to him. Well thought Guron I can find the Matoran Village on my own. Guron started climbing the slopes of Mount Ihu. For someone as fit as he was, the assent took only perhaps 45 minutes. When he reached the top, he started scanning for the Ko-Matoran village.* The only thing Guron saw was snow drifts off to the north. Guron started the descent of mount Ihu. He would take shelter in the drifts (from the storm) and think. OOC: *Given his poor eyesight, he didn't see it, and the snow and ice storms only made it worse.
  20. Why does no one comment to "What's on my Mind"?

  21. IC: Nupa Nupa started wandering around. For a while, he walked one way. When nothing happened, all the walls stayed the same, the same gray stone walls, he turned around and went the other way. It's like a maze he thought except there's only passageway. Still nothing happened. Nupa soon grew bored. It goes on forever he thought. He decided to take a more direct approach. He used his pick and dug through the floor and fell right into Onu-Koro.
  22. IC: Nupa Nupa ran through the mines of Onu-Wahi. What he was running from was a particularly large Kofu-Jaga. The scorpion was right behind him, and he didn't exactly have much to defend himself with except for a pick. Time for plan B He thought. Nupa skidded to a halt and sidestepped. The Kofu-Jaga kept going until it collided with the wall. It lay on the ground, unmoving. With the scorpion out of the way, Nupa was able to check his surroundings. He was in a passageway he had never seen before. He started wandering around. Nothing extraordinary about this cave, he thought, Now if I can only find my way back...
  23. What do you think was the best year for Bionicle? I think 2001, 'cause there was no extremely complex storyline; it was just the Matoran, Turaga, Toa and Rahi. I think the sets were the best, also. Each set had it's own creative function (for example, on the Toa Mata, if you turned a gear on their back, their arms would swing). Plus that was the year they focused the most on the Matoran. It wasn't just Toa this, Toa that like in all the rest of the years.
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