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Everything posted by Ghidora131

  1. Bionicle returning? aww man, I was looking forward to no more toa ever. Am I going to be part of it? I already am! I'm the one coming up with all the artificial conformation pics on Lego.com! What did you think? Do I miss being fused to that pathetic excuse for a being? No, because I technically didn't exist then.
  2. I walk over and play the cruel "Look behind you, a zebra!" trick and steal the mask. My mask
  3. OOC: Wow, things heatin' up in the Makuta lab! IC Daltrahk Running as fast as his legs could carry him, Daltrahk suddenly stopped short. He glanced around the room, only to find there was a large amount of rubble, presumably from the roofing, caved in on the floor. "Makuta work, I assume?" he muttered, unaware of how manylost there lives in that "accident". Still, Daltrahk was confident he could slow the Makuta down, at least a little, and If anyone else was there... He then realized he was very unprepared. He had no one to help him subdue the Makuta, and no way to find him. So, daltrahk started bellowing at the top of his lungs, screaming off stuff about Makuta slime and etc., in the hopes to lure him out again.
  4. You got the scars when I punched you. What? don't remember that? I do. I remember everything....... Wait, what were we talking about? No, this is not bad idea. The letters at the top of the keyboard indicate the coded missle guideline for all nukes in the world. Isn't that happy? I can finally fuse a Toa to pure radiation!
  5. IC Daltrahk Daltrahk wished his legs would stop hurting. He had lost the guards, but seemed to be nearing the cave system that was restricted from just anybody entering. And with rumors of a makuta about, the worst place to go is where it is coming from. Still, nervousness crept up on him, and thanks to that, a thought entered his mind: What if someone was down there, and dying? Perhaps another Skakdi? It was just too much. Daltrahk bolted past the guards, tearing them out of his way. He was getting in there, one way or another.
  6. No.. I'm actually Vezon inside! (rips off Vezon rubber mask) Never would have guessed it, would ya?
  7. Not unless that war requires a chainsaw. Oh, and the Shadowed one's name is.... Now, i'll get hated for saying it, it's why he called himself the Shadowed one. It's... PNARGLESARP!
  8. All right, Triple Answer Time! 1. Yes, actually. I was a substitute chiropractor for seven minutes (The original chiropractor "completely agreed"), and I found out: Never use the stand on back=back relief when you are three times bigger than your torture subject Client. 2. No, but I did try to fuse a can of tuna to my head. Woohwee, that was something. Sudden waterfalls inside my obviously super intelligent brain of absolute fish thought- Owowoww, that hurt! I haven't eaten tuna since. Wait, what is tuna? 3. Oh yeah, I caught 'em all. All 368 crickets in the grass last night! I fused them together into my new pet bird, Charlie(Isn't he cute?) Okay, it was really a cricket avocado, give me a break. Not that earlier spinal cord break, I hope.
  9. Any more questions, anyone? My insanity only comes for a limited time, you know.
  10. This is a nice model, but doesn't it belong in Bionicle discussion? Please correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, about the model, how on earth did you find that!?
  11. OOC: I really have no clue what's occurring topside, so let me know if I'm wrong. IC Daltrahk: Some time had passed since the little incident with the artificial room. "Now that guy's probably going to get fired," He thought. Peering out from behind the dumpster, he noticed the large formation of guards moving. The Gunmetal Skakdi eased around slowly, hoping to hear something. "Hm," Thought Daltrahk, "It's cruel, but I guess I could. Hehehe..." A short while later, their "Captain" walked up, yet it was really just a realistic projection from Daltrahk's mind. Daltrahk faked his voice as best he could, yet the guards caught on to what it really was, and where it was coming from. "Sure glad I got those running lessons," Daltrahk half-joked as he began the second race of the day.
  12. If LEGO did that today, they would probably realize they had a brilliant idea, but too basic sets. So, they would make them be nuva in the second wave, and give them a drastic re-design.
  13. Pretty coincidental mistake, as MY Keelerak also comes with a white rubber band.
  14. VEZON: Well, what do you say when you see me? I mean, I could have been defused into a blue spike from Vezok. Uggh, I hate uttering his name. Another good description is if you take a Marshmallow Peep, and put it in the oven. Let it bake for 30 minutes. Then, gingerly place it in a Ziploc bag, and freeze it for 15 minutes. Who knows what it will be!
  15. Sigh. Well, I'm back again. Now, hold the rotten tomatoes for just a second, and let me explain. I come home from work only to find Vezon sitting on my couch, and he won't leave. I told him as long as he doesn't fuze anything together, he can stay and have an ask series on BZP. (Note: He's driving me insane. Please help!) Anyway, here are the rules: 1: One question at a time. 2: Only questions that are random count. (Why is the sky blue, What do you think about Kane-ra, Etc.) 3: Vezon is random. Don't trust him. Okay, ask away!
  16. I agree with Chro, Doon is something unique.
  17. Um, next wish please? Anyway, I wish the internet disposed of that terrible Google for all time.
  18. Granted, a real, working, life size The Joker steaIs them and kills you. There goes being more awesome than Av. I wish I had a non-working, completely dysfunctional Mask Of Creation.
  19. Were accidentally declared war on by SETI, the UN and HASBRO. Twitter
  20. Granted. Therefore we are too content to notice the aliens SETI, the UN and HASBRO accidentally declared war on. I wish that the statement above (mine) would stay In the other topic.
  21. Granted, but you are arrested for carrying a firearm. I wish i could stop making terrible puns.
  22. Granted, but it ends up on the Tangled side of Disney. I wish I could direct the next BIONICLE movie (2015).
  23. Link is now in the future, with a simulated reality to make you think it's Hyrule. The Claymation-esque Kirby game.
  24. Granted, you now have a Gnu in your head. I wish I had more ideas.
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