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Everything posted by Ghidora131

  1. Granted, they have triple the nukes as everybody else and destroy the world. I wish Ungluedbike had a wish.
  2. Is actually an invasion front made by Vezon to allow the aliens SETI, the UN and HASBRO accidentally declared war on to slip past the government and take over the world using atomic death rays to vaporize us in the most painful way possible. Lollipops
  3. Not-so-good artistry, likes atoms, wears glasses
  4. Toa, because then I may actually have a destiny, rather than nothing at all. WYR go to Daxia for life, or go to Teridax's quarters for a day?
  5. On a TV. WYR be stuck in an alternate universe with a piece of bread that talks, or would you rather be me?
  6. I believe it meant a mask along that power level, that there were no other light-based masked up to that point.
  7. Considering the perfect time for placing this with Bionicle's return, this should go to the front page.
  8. With HERO FACTORY's webpage closing down, I remember all the hecklers who laughed at us, insisting that BIONICLE was lost forever, and I wonder how they would respond in this situation, knowing that we were right all along.
  9. You are............................................................................ Lol XD
  10. All yourbase are belong to us... NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

  11. No, he hides in my bellybutton. And don't think this just happens, either. He also makes himself look like lint.
  12. Call the cops! They'll track the siblings on radar! Anyway, back to reality. Nice job, it looks very sturdy and properly designed. If only LEGO made sets like that.
  13. Granted, but they go to me, not you. I wish Avmatoran's bohrok form was epic.
  14. Bionicle heroes is good on the GBA, you say? i'll have to check that out. Anyway, Bionicle: the game for the GBA is hard, hard, hard. You couldn't beat that thing even if you had the strategy guide sitting right next to you(there was no strategy guide). Bionicle heroes on the home console, however, is a masterpiece. It takes a while to beat, but the game itself is amazing. In the realm of 3rd person shooters, you usually get bloody, hack & slash close combat, insane plotlines, and bad language like there's no tomorrow. But Bionicle heroes for the home console is too good to be true, with no gore-filled scenes, a reasonable plot line even non-Bionicle enthusiasts can figure out very quickly. It has to be the best Bionicle game ever made, and in my opinion, even beating MNOLG.
  15. It seems there are some overpowered things placed there, beyond your intention: The Lovers: The person who wields this item could instantly teleport themselves to every item's location and win the game. Chariot: No way, no how. That kind of combat is important to RPGs, especially this one. Justice: I think you know. And with that on the line, no one will put it down. The Tower: Basically, almost all the items are super, meaning the person would use the above listed to shatter the game. And, a name change is due for the item: The wheel of fortune Just for copyright issues, and less confusing for players(Some companies track people down and sue them just for the smallest infringement)
  16. This is not supposed to be here. This is the Bionicle sale area, and only Bionicle items being sold should be present.
  17. Mask of incineration, activate!

    1. Jakura Nuva
    2. Ghidora131


      Oh, I didn't use it on you. (looks at your wrecked couch)

  18. Is actually flesh-eating, and is waiting in your kitchen to kill you. Mustard
  19. Granted. I drink it. Oops. I wish I had my missing wallet back.
  20. A brilliant idea. I completely forgot what that was even like, and I'd love to see it again.
  21. No, that equals MY cavity filled tooth.
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