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Everything posted by UngluedBike

  1. Well said! I was unfortunately jumping up and down in my chair in excitement last night, before realizing that the images were not definite confirmation. But yes, if Bionicle comes back they need to keep it like the originals, that means collectible kanohi, more functions and technic style builds, and a new, mysterious story line. (IS this post ok Makaru?)
  2. I hear this opinion a lot. My opinion is slightly different. Considering how much more difficult a successful BIONICLE revival would be than creating a new theme from the ground up, I am confident that BIONICLE wouldn't be brought back unless the LEGO Group were prepared to devote the appropriate thought and care into doing so. How is your opinion different exactly? You're both saying you wouldn't want it back unless it had a good story. Something I agree with entirely. Whereas Unglued Bike left the possibility open that Lego could bring Bionicle back badly, and he would like to preclude that from happening. I'm sorry I don't recall myself saying that. Could you possibly quote? I never keep track of things these days.
  3. The return of Bionicle? How excellent. LEGO YOU ARE 5 YEARS LATE TO THE PUNCH!

  4. The second lot does no look like 22 pounds, but the first lot looks like great value! I bet with the sets built from it you could easily make a profit
  5. You may as well just open them. I did the same a few months ago. Some of the masks can worth more than the pack.
  6. I just bought one for roughly $12 in a bundle, so yeah. Also the seller on ebay who offers that £27 kaukau is highly overpriced.
  7. I'm not getting rid of my main collection, just my odds and spares Anyway from your list I have Brutaka(will need to rebuild), Karzahni (unsure of his state but I should probably have all his pieces) , Lesovikk (as previously said, needs rebuilding, and I think I need to buy some replacement parts for him seeing as he cracked so much, I barely even touched him after building him and it still happened), and finally I have a blue hydruka (requires rebuilding). PM me if you want that as a bundle, or add me on skype: charlie.fountain51 -Bike A message for everyone else: I have some of those items but they are for my own collection, sorry! I was asking on the behalf of a friend; considering your response, I'll redirect you to him. Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen should be PMing you shortly about possible purchase options. -Mesonak ok I'll wait on his message then
  8. I'm not getting rid of my main collection, just my odds and spares Anyway from your list I have Brutaka(will need to rebuild), Karzahni (unsure of his state but I should probably have all his pieces) , Lesovikk (as previously said, needs rebuilding, and I think I need to buy some replacement parts for him seeing as he cracked so much, I barely even touched him after building him and it still happened), and finally I have a blue hydruka (requires rebuilding). PM me if you want that as a bundle, or add me on skype: charlie.fountain51 -Bike A message for everyone else: I have some of those items but they are for my own collection, sorry!
  9. Anyone here like Muse?

  10. Welcome to the empire that is BZPOWER!

  11. That's a shame, I just sold a bunch of 2001 kanohi to my friend
  12. Sorry buddy, That's not a prototype, there are lots of yellow Kaukaus around Even I have one.
  13. Can you hold that spare set of krana please? Ill message you when I've finished school.
  14. Like a man with no legs. ;DOh well, had to ask. Ill come back when its done
  15. I'm not in the U.S, but Postage is relatively cheap from where I live. (and quite fast, too.) EDIT: I do have pohatus mask by the way.
  16. that kaukau listing is ridiculously overpriced, have a look on bricklink. the hau price is fair. Also, I don't really need the other kaukaus, could you not just sell me that clear one individually? I'd give you $40 for the 2 kaukaus and the haus. how about usd 45? $40 + shipping and we have a deal.
  17. that kaukau listing is ridiculously overpriced, have a look on bricklink. the hau price is fair. Also, I don't really need the other kaukaus, could you not just sell me that clear one individually? I'd give you $40 for the 2 kaukaus and the haus.
  18. How much for the 4 haus, the misprint kaukau and the clear kaukau as a bundle? If the price is good id like to reserve them.
  19. how much for the hau set, out of interest?
  20. I have all of those, but only doubles of: -Turaga Matau -Toa Nuva Lewa -Toa Nuva Pohatu -Toa Nuva Onua (possibly) -I may also have some rahkshi complete, but I'll check on that if you end up being interested So yeah, PM me if you are interested in that lot, I can ship it for around $6-12 I have all that but not doubles. Sorry PM me if you want a link to a £4.99 Jala MISB though
  21. lol no sorry I was referencing to the one I sold a few months ago just to give you an idea of my pricing
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