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Everything posted by UngluedBike

  1. Like I said, I only have a Ca. I would only sell it for a profit, PM with a price you WOULD be willing to pay Actually, I was asking wich masks you have of the ones I listed. It seems I only have a Tan Mahiki and Blue Ruru, the rest I only have one of But if you want the VMKK, send me a price you think is fair and reasonable, I can wait if you need to save up, the master chief collection isn't out for another few months
  2. Like I said, I only have a Ca. I would only sell it for a profit, PM with a price you WOULD be willing to pay
  3. I have a VMKK Ca, But I'm hoping to get $200 for it, IF I sell. If you paid this evening you could have some masks for free, and I'd definitely be willing to do it
  4. Hi everyone, Bike here, I've been constantly changing my mind as to what I want to save for, But I have decided to get an Xbox One. Why? HALO. MASTER. CHIEF. COLLECTION. Anyway, I want to do the reverse of the standard drill here, so instead of telling you what I have, TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT. Seriously. Tell me what you are looking for and I will get back to you immediately (if I'm not sleeping), I will let most things go ridiculously cheap *cough* $42 Toa Mata Nui *cough* Enjoy! I also Want Krana. In large amounts.
  5. I wasn't aware of that particular clock, I only knew of the original red ruru one. I think I'm going to buy one right now Thanks for going to the trouble of finding that for me, I will be sure to return the favour
  6. I guess they have nostalgic value to me. Any merchandise is good merchandise in my opinion
  7. Thanks dude, That puts me halfway there for a mere $10
  8. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I just opened a sealed Toa Matau! I had no idea how much it was worth?! On the bright side though, I did get a good old bit of nostalgia form opening it
  9. Well, I am contacting the man who calls himself 'richard' who seems to have written the article, and may perhaps have some more knowledge.
  10. http://www.ebay.com/itm/RARE-Bionicle-Lego-65757-SPECIAL-EDITION-Guardian-Toa-NEW-IN-BOX-/321408158108?pt=Building_Toys_US&hash=item4ad56b499c something very special.
  11. yeah you are correct. the article I with the only info I have is here: http://www.maskofdestiny.com/story/front/Toa_Nuva_Themed_BIONICLE%C2%AE_Toothbrushes_148496.asp
  12. Hey everyone, some of you may have noticed in b/s/t that I am trying to get a full set of six toa nuva toothbrushes. It was only this morning that I found out that the lewa, pohatu and kopaka ones were prototypes. Apparently a bionicle fan on another forum owns them ( take a guess as to which forum, but If any of you have any info of the whereabouts of these toothbrushes, and perhaps where I can find the owner, then I there may be something in it for you. If I successfully purchase all three brushes, then whoever helped me the most in finding them will receive a free MISB Vhisola, you only have to pay postage(which is £4 or less to most places in the world) cheers! http://www.collectinghq.com/im/0027437.jpg that's what they look like arrgh double post, my apologies
  13. Its funny because I have mountains of kanohi, but none you need lol however, I know someone who has tonnes of trans green mirus and copper komaus, pm me if want his ebay ID.
  14. Just to say Mc if you try and buy that Za then you are breaking the B/S/T rules also, I bought my VMKK Ca for $106
  15. Hey guys, Just wanted to say I have a bunch of cash and I am looking to obtain a full set of sealed Bionicle Toa Nuva toothbrushes. If anyone has any of the six, I will gladly buy it, just give me an offer. Also, I have some stuff available to trade (Bionicles from most era's plus some hero factory), tell me what you are looking for and I may well have it! That's all for today, Bike out! (but I will still be hanging around to respond to your posts and PM's for the next few hours)
  16. no offense man, but that price is insane for VMKK. I would buy them for $75 each, which is what they are worth to my knowledge. If you would be willing to do that, then I would buy the Za. I may also take some masks.
  17. I take it that means you are leaving bzpower then? That's a real shame There's a full set of protodermics in that listing: http://www.ebay.com/itm/HUGE-Bionicle-parts-collection-Almost-every-canister-set/221447167961?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222003%26algo%3DSIC.FIT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20131003132420%26meid%3D7189219711135044729%26pid%3D100005%26prg%3D20131003132420%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D161318203294&rt=nc
  18. and the relevance of that is......?
  19. We should probably get this topic locked.
  20. I have an idea. Put it on steam greenlight. And then if it gets greenlit then it could be an early access game
  21. I could push it to 17 actually, turns out I entered the wrong weight into the calculator
  22. lol I don't charge for handling, I'm just quoting the price that royal mail told me
  23. well, $10 seems reasonable. but bear in mind that shipping will be around $12( I'm in the UK). is that ok?
  24. how much would you give for a takanuva? It has box and instructions.
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