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Everything posted by UngluedBike

  1. got MISB Toa Iruini, Pohatu Nuva and Toa Matau for £5 in total. already sold Iruini for £24.
  2. UngluedBike will be distraught xD aggh. I guess I wasn't watching close enough. Lhikan, is that Bandolim's Hau, or does he still have his? It doesn't appear to be Bandolim's. I was under the impression that he lived in the UK and this one came from the US, so you're still good if you want to message him some more. - yay. congrats on getting yours anyway. I wouldn't have been able to acquire $5000 that quickly
  3. UngluedBike will be distraught xD aggh. I guess I wasn't watching close enough. Lhikan, is that Bandolim's Hau, or does he still have his?
  4. You wouldn't happen to possess a sidorak would you? Really want one >.<
  5. Wow, I reckon you could sell that for way more when it is still in it`s box. http://www.bricklink.com/search.asp?itemID=4712 On Bricklink at the moment the most expensive one is $71 dollars CDN, and it isn`t even in it`s box. The cheapest one on Bricklink is about the same you got that for, and yours is sealed. If it were me, I would hang onto the factory sealed box and just go buy a used one. You could easily turn around and sell it for triple what you got it for. Are you sure? I'd like a second opinion because the link you showed me does actually have sealed ones for £33, £41, and £46. Some Kanohi here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lego-job-lot-of-Bionicle-masks-and-heads-from-Toa-Turaga-and-Bohrok-Krana-/310917117379?pt=UK_Construction_Toys_Kits&hash=item48641ab5c3 Edit: Double post merged. -Wind- Those Kanohi are now property of me.
  6. Epic. For everyone's information, I currently have no leads on a gold Hau. All the sellers just stopped replying to my messages....Anyway, on that note, I will now be treating this as a general trading topic. I will quickly list a few items in this post: -MISB Vhisola -MISB Toa Hagah Iruini (£25 to thatgamingguy) -MISB Mata Nui Pohatu Nuva -MISB Toa Matau (opened for nostalgia reasons) shoot me an offer, and if you pay this evening, you get: Red Kakama OR Tan Mahiki OR Light Blue Komau (all sold to thatgamingguy). Post on interest!
  7. I'll put a link in this post in like 2 minutes. Its a guy from Latvia who charges £30 + £5 shipping for a full set of McToran NEW. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=181337531271 select '6x Bionicle sets'
  8. I have to resort to remaking the world AGAIN, and this time I share the fortress with Kayn, Onaku, and myself. our mask.
  9. Yeah I think I will wait on the reddit guy but I think he saw my initial offer of £300 as a low ball XDTry going for something like £1000, that bigger number sounds more enticing sounds like a good idea! things aren't looking good, The Reddit guy hasn't responded, but I know one other thing I can do before resorting to the £10000 guy. I'll keep it to myself for now
  10. I snatch the mask and put it in a realm outside reality. I then destroy the world again, and leave no knowledge of the mask.
  11. but bones are blunt. still our mask
  12. I have the realization that this universe needs to be recreated, so I summon God. He kills everyone except me and Toa Kayn. The new universe is fabricated, and God creates a heavily fortified castle on the new earth, in which me and Toa Kayn then throw a party and share the mask. Our mask.
  13. Yeah I think I will wait on the reddit guy but I think he saw my initial offer of £300 as a low ball XD
  14. has he already made an agreement with you? Not quite, but we're working on it. - ahh, nevermind, looks like £10000 is going to be my goal after all >.< Imagine all of the other Bionicles you could get for that, you should totally wait and find someone selling for cheaper. well, considering that 4 out of 5 owners have confessed themselves on the internet, 1. belongs to Mc, its not going anywhere 2. is probably going to be bought by TLH 3. The £10000 guy 4. Kjaffa (joined here a while ago and then became inactive, no other means of contact 5. Unknown so those are my only options
  15. has he already made an agreement with you? Not quite, but we're working on it. - ahh, nevermind, looks like £10000 is going to be my goal after all >.<
  16. has he already made an agreement with you?
  17. reddit, I think you contacted him already judging from his post. anyway, I changed the offer now, I'm currently negotiating a new price.
  18. I bet you would have been happy with 2 Haus! anyway, do you know of any other owners? I may purchase from 'the guy', but I wanted to see if anyone else is known of that owns one? EDIT: I now know of three owners, 2 of which haven't gotten back to me. I'm currently waiting on responses and as soon as one clears, then I'll list everything. ok another guy says £3000. Is that reasonable?
  19. How likely it be that I get a SSKK? It's my next plan after the Hau
  20. well I found the guy on 'the next best bionicle forum' he told me that Mc was after it (peculiar?) anyway if I can lower the price I will, but to be honest opportunities like this, no matter how expensive, do not come often enough for this to be thrown away. If he agrees to sell then my quest shall begin!
  21. but I am wearing a heat proof suit. my mask
  22. Peculiar. My new status disappeared......

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