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Nato G

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Blog Comments posted by Nato G

  1. I often find myself feeling the same way. I've been engaging with the roleplay forum on this site for about ten years now, but it's hard rereading old games. I was a terrible player, and not a great writer, either. 

    It's the same with my personal writing projects (I'm a similar boat to what you described, wanting to become a professional author but often feeling like my work isn't good enough). I feel great about most of my work when I first finish it, but rereading it even a few months later can be a real jarring experience.

    At the end of the day, I think that's just the nature of a creative mind. We're doomed to always be our own worst critics. 

  2. Here’s my entry.

    I’ve been toying with this design on-and-off for a few days. Originally I had a much more elaborate idea in mind, with a whole bunch of different hands, vines, claws, etc. coming out of the Kanoka segments to represent the many different enemies seen during the 2004/2005 story arc.

    That ended up looking far too cluttered, so I decided to just keep Vakama and Makuta’s hands and put in the Vahi to make it a tribute to Time Trap specifically. The Metru Nui arc arguably started and finished with the Vahi, so I felt like it was a fitting inclusion to represent that period of the storyline. 

    • Like 4
  3. Reading all of this makes me wish I'd be around for the good old days of BZP. That said, I feel like I've been here for the best parts of what you've had to offer us, and I eagerly await The Final Season to cap it all off. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. ...That's the Rahkshi symbol.

     Oh dear.

    I wouldn't be so cruel as to pit players against the Rahkshi and the Bohrok-Kal in the same season. Besides, I think I implied last season that the rahkshi were already dead. I legitimately just threw that symbol in because it looked cool, and fit nicely into that spot.

  5. Name: Nato

    Loadout: Baleful Sky - a Kusarigama made from ionalloy, giving it the same properties as a regular morican blade. He has also recently acquired a Mask of Calix. 

    Facet: Cirrus.

    Play: Bolt From the Blue - Upon striking an object or person with my weapon, he can 'mark' them. Five seconds after a mark is placed, a devastating bolt of lightning is called down from the heavens to strike the location of the mark. However, if the marked object is in motion, the bolt may miss. 

    Appearance: A villager of lightning, Nato has armoured himself in light, overlapping plates of marbled silver-blue steel, with highlights of transparent material grafted onto the edges of some of the plates to give him a more ethereal look.  

    Personality: Nato is something of a free spirit, rarely staying in one place for very long. His desire for adventure, coupled with his habit of journeying around, has earned him the title of 'Nato the Traveler'. He also has a penchant for bad puns. 

    Backstory: Due to the rather chaotic weather of his home island, Nato relishes in any opportunity to travel to other shores, often spending months at a time exploring the wilderness of other islands, chasing rumours of treasure, seeking out new foes to test his skills against, or simply immersing himself in the beauty of nature. Consequently, he has few friends, and enjoys his own company more than anything else. 

    Cultism: Considering that little scene after the tournament, I'd say he'd be pretty curious about this whole Pridak thing, so I'd put his potential cultism at 6 or 7.  

  6. I was going to say that the safest position in this game is dead and buried... but then I remembered that Kulta and co. can resurrect people to serve as zombie slaves.


    So I guess the safest position to play would be dead and cremated

    • Upvote 3

    Some players, such as myself, Smoke, FF, presumably Nato-- will get to retain our jobs from last game, as well. 


    Nah. Let's face it, while I accomplished a lot during Season 1, I was truly awful at my actual job of being a diplomat. This time around, I'm probably looking to be either General or Guardian, a role where I can put the knowledge I gained last game to good use, and have some loyal men to watch my back. 


    While I'm giving role preferences and some very minor concessions to survivors of Season 1, the players will all be starting off on as even footing as possible 


    I assume this means that those of us who forged masks last game won't be starting off with those masks? We'll have to waste an episode or two to make some new ones?

  8. Never been part of one of these before, decided I'd throw myself in for consideration. 

    Name: Nato
    Gender: Male
    Element 1: Ice
    Element 2: Stone
    Other: His weapons of choice are a crystalline cutlass with matching dagger. He is extremely pragmatic, and prefers to make his decisions based on logic rather than emotion. 

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