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Everything posted by JAG18

  1. Fortunately (for me not you), that other reality is where my summer home is. I defeat you with a couple of the 42 Makuta powers and take the mask. My mask!
  2. Winner is Laval Master of Energy Round 114: Good luck everyone!
  3. Not too long ago I was re-watching (or watching for the first time more often then not) all 5 seasons of the original run of "The Twilight Zone" (I talked about it here when I started) and while making my way through I was reading A.V. Club's reviews of each episode. The recent talk of Jordon Peele's reboot (which I haven't seen) made me think back to the review of "To Serve Man" mostly a point the author made about how the episode was basically a plot twist in search of a story, which lead to the following discussion in the comments section: I'm just wondering if this would be a good idea for a zero budget "Twilight Zone" adaption made by a bunch of broke high school/film school students. You know, 5 minute or less minisodes uploaded straight to Youtube, with the whole point being to get to the twist as quickly as possible. Now, I'd be the first to argue that "Twilight Zone" was more than it's twist, but as a cheap spin-off it might be fun to see. I'd watch it.
  4. Winner is Master Inika! (With Super Fighting Pahrak being a close second) Round 113: Good luck everyone!
  5. Sure, I'll add it to the list. I don't know it's not impossible to get everything to fit together. Although, I guess at the end of the day the AVP movies add more to the Predator continuity then the Alien one.
  6. Alternate Title: The Tommy Westphall of Sci-Fi Alternate Title #2: Take It Off Predey Boy! A while ago I was watching the kill count video for "Alien Vs. Predator" and after doing some reading on the AVP wiki I got the idea for this entry, but decided to wait until I had watched all the AVP movies at least once. That meant had 5 or 6 movies to watch; well, last Monday I watched "Alien vs. Predator: Requiem" so here we are. Note: I will not be spoiling any movies worth seeing, but if for some reason you want to watch all the AVP movies then in that case spoilers below for "The Predator" (2018), "Alien Vs. Predator", "Alien Vs Predator: Requiem", "Alien 3", "Alien: Resurrection", and "Alien: Covenant". Although honestly, if you haven't seen most of these movies then this won't make any sense. Main Movies: "Predator" (1987) - 1987 Bunch of muscular special forces dudes in the jungles sprout off action one liners while being hunted something that ain't no man. Predator 2 - 1990 The Predator moves to the city and some weird stuff goes down; stuff a BZP Lovers organization would rather not anyone know about. Please note, Aliens and Predators had already crossed over before a Xenomorph skull appeared in this movie. AVP and AVP Requiem - 2004 The CEO of a company called Weyland enterprises, Charles Bishop Weyland, leads a team to Antarctica to investigate some strange happenings and get caught in the hunt of three Predator young bloods (Celtic, Chopper, and Scar). In flashbacks, we learn that the Predators taught humans how to build pyramids and used them as hosts for the ultimate sport, xenomorphs. After the battle, an alien/predator (Predalien) hybrid bursts out of the chest of the last surviving Predator of the last film (Scar) causing the ship to crash in a small town on earth. Another Predator (Wolf) now has to go to Earth and preform one of the worst cover ups in history and this three way war ends with the secret government agency nuking a Colorado town. Ms. Yutani appears in the last scene. Predators - 2010 A bunch of killers and warriors get kidnapped and dropped on a Predator game preserve. Doesn't establish anything new except maybe that they're super Predators, but whatever just get to the choppa. The Predator - 2018 So many stupid things happen, but the stupidest might be the "revelation" that Predators hunt in order to collect the DNA of the best warriors as opposed to, you know, cause of the fact that they're sport hunters. Also, this is why Predators have an obsession with ripping people's spines out (what's Sub-Zero's excuse?) Also that BZP Lovers organization is back with the actually props from all the previous movies. Finally, the humans get a secret weapon--an Iron Man suit, which might help explain... Blade Runner - 2019 Yes, tenuous evidence suggests that "Blade Runner" and "Alien" share the same universe; the only important thing established is that androids exist although they're not on the best terms with humans right now. Also, this creates the biggest plot in this whole thing, which is trying to explain the biggest tech jump in all of human history. Soldier and Blade Runner 2049 - 2036 and when the heck do you think? These both exist in this timeline, but I don't have anything to say about them because I haven't seen either so we are leaving. Promethes - 2092 First, I'll say up front that I think this never should have been an alien movie, but that being said this does give us a lot of back story. In flashbacks we see a new Weyland was running the company in the early 2000s (probably the son of Bishop Weylind who died in AVP) and we learn that another race of aliens The Engineers created humans (and maybe Predators and Xenomorphs?) And fun fact, Elien Ripley was 1 year old during the event of this film. Alien: Covenant: 2104 Um, android David recreated Xenomorphs (but we are trying to keep things consistent, then Engineers, Predators, and David all re-created the Xenomorphs from the same black goo) and before this movie he used The Engineer's ship to destroy a world of aliens created by The Engineers. I want to say that Ridley Scott will fix the timeline with the next Alien prequel, but if this movie is anything to go off of then probably it will only mess the timeline up more and suck at the same time. Alien: 2122 A bunch of space truckers find an old Engineer ship with a xenomorph on it. Aliens: 2179 Ripley and a team of Colonial Marines fight xenomorphs and Bishop shows how far androids have come since "Blade Runner". Alien 3: 2179 You know, Ripley killing the last of the aliens isn't all that important if it's true that xenomorphs exist elsewhere in the universe. Also, we meet a scientist named Bishop who, no joke, is theorized to just look a lot like the Weyland from AVP; yeah assuming this guy is who he says he is. Alien: Resurrection - 2379 (ish) I can't believe that in the two centuries that have pasted since the last film that humanity hasn't found any xenomorphs on other planets OR the Predators. But this is the end of the timeline so that's that. Here's the whole thing in (make sure to watch that video on 1.25 speed; trust me you'll need it). But we're not done yet. Crazy Comic Crossovers: Batman vs Predator: see for an epic animated version of this comic in which Batman defeats a Predator with his greatest gadget...the bat. Yep, Batman beats up an alien with a wooden baseball bat. This combined with "Batman vs. Aliens", "Superman vs. Aliens" and "Superman vs. Predator" (and others) means the DC universe is connected to the AVPverse (somehow). Judge Dredd vs. Alien: Incubus: see for how awesome this story actually is. Also, since multidimensional travel is a thing in 2000 A.D. this means that most of these shared universe can be explained as taking place in different dimensions that the Predators and Aliens keep stumbling into. Archie vs. Predator: Yep this is a thing and since "Archie vs. The Punisher" is also a thing that means that technically the DC and Marvel universes are connected. Alien vs. Predator vs. Terminator: alright I'm done (although this is obviously non-canon). This comic does include a hilarious bit where the writers try and sell the idea that Dutch was the inspiration for the Terminators. See here for even more crazy comic crossovers. Mortal Kombat: So, Jason Voorhees, Alien, Predator, Freddy, Kratos have all been guest characters in MK over the years, but I'll yet you figure out the implications of that. Plus, don't forget the DC universe crossover. Mortal Kombat (like Dredd) can make sense of all these connected universe using the idea of realms, but that is probably unnecessary because... In Conclusion: A Few Take Aways 1) I think Warner Bros and Dark Horses may have too many licenses on their hands. 2) I don't (and would encourage everyone) not to take all this too seriously. Like the Tommy Westphall theory, this all shows how ridiculous it is to assume that universes are connected just because of one guest appearance. Heck, it's an argument against making overly connected universes in general. But, whats more... 3) Making good art is more important than canon. Crossovers can be fun (and like some of the above realy good), but valuing canon over art can sometime be really dumb. Ultimately, Disney did the right thing with the Star Wars EU. And I think that's all that needs to be said about that. I hope you learned something important from this or at least got a good laugh out of some of those hilarious attempts to maintain continuity.
  7. I collected a few back then and remember spending hours gawking at their pages in the LEGO catalogs. Using Brickipedia to refresh my memory, they were three waves of buildable figures released from 2004-2006. 5 in the first wave, 6 in the second, and 6 in the last wave; of those last 6, four came in metal tins and 2 came in boxes with some kind of siege weapon.
  8. Winner is K I N G! Round 112 Good luck everyone!
  9. I have a Kanoka for your face and It's called MY FIST. I got 'em!
  10. So, I was reading my indie mixtape e-mail today and I saw them suggesting Grime's new demo "Pretty Dark". Of course, I didn't need them to tell me because I've had that song on repeat all week, but I also noticed them attaching a name to Grimes' new album that I hadn't seen before. Apparently it's called "Miss_Anthropocene". This necessitated a google search and I found that Grimes just did an interview with the Wall Street Journal, but since it's hidden behind a subscription wall I suggest everyone just do what I did, which is google it and go to news and read what everyone else is saying about it. Also, the new album is about climate change...which I guess means it's time to buy Marc Marano's new book. In the mean time, I think it's time to revisit "Oblivion"
  12. Out comes Bionicle's Aqua Man. In goes a self-driving car.
  13. With two entries this week that were too good to pass up the winners are: Super Fighting Pahrak: And Toru Nui: Round 111: Good luck everyone!
  14. Before announcing the winner, I'd first like to say that this past week this topic had its two year anniversary. I don't what's more surprising, that I haven't gotten tried of doing this every week or that my sometimes questionable choice in winners hasn't driven everyone away yet. Regardless, as long as people keep playing and as long as this site is still here, I can easily see us lasting another two years! Now back to business, the winner is Master Inika! Round 110: Good luck everyone!
  15. In my experience, pretty much everything Bane said in that movie became a meme.
  16. So, last month after "Green Book" won Best Picture at the Academy Awards I was made aware, through headlines like, "Green Book worst best picture since Gladiator", of the fact that people don't like Ridley Scott's "Gladiator". Now, my first reaction to this news, of course, was, "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!" Which, despite Zoey Deutch saying it in "Vampire Academy" (one of the most cringe worthy moments in any movie from the last 20-ish years) is one of the best lines in cinema of all time. After that, I did some looking to see what movies "Gladiator" was competing against and found that "Cast Away" is probably my next favorite film from 2000 although I can't say whether I like it more than "Gladiator". When I told my sister about this, her response was something to the effect of, "So it's 'are you not entertained," vs. "Wilson"?" That made me wonder, "What if movies were as good as the memes they inspired?" Then the Star Wars prequels would all be masterpieces! "Taken" would be worth watching more than once; "The Dark Knight Rises" might actually be better than "The Dark Knight". I could sit here and think of some more, but I'll let anyone in the comments work out the implications of living in such a world.
  17. I just got promoted to admin on another site today. Still in shock.

    1. TERIDAX941


      *resounding applause*

      congrats sir!

    2. JAG18
  18. "Monkey Eats Bananas" - Princess Chelsea
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