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Toa Imrukii

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Everything posted by Toa Imrukii

  1. Ask Lan: So, how much do you know about your families history? I ask because I myself have find records and history on my dad's side going all the way back to the time of the height of Rome.

    1. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      (Brah. You accidentally posted the question on your own profile feed again.)

      Honestly, not that much. What I do know about my family history has just been word-of-mouth from my parents and grandparents. I'm hoping to get into some family records soon, though.

    2. Toa Imrukii

      Toa Imrukii

      (I could have sworn I was commenting on yours. I sware sometimes my utter retardation is renowned for being so bad.)

      Anyway, to be more spacfic I was able to trace my last name back to the year 300 AD. That's kinda insane. But not the las name spacifically, rather the group that migrated into Ireland that eventually came to hear my last name. Through my research I have found that I may be realted to a few irish kings, but also I am the last of my kind as of now.

  2. Thanks. I didn't mean to come off as snapping, I meant to come off with a but of sass. I see that wasn't taken how ot was meant to be, darn. Well sorry for seemingly snapping.
  3. Okay, so you call my character Imrukii instead of Andekas, but you call Iaredios character by his characters name? 'Kay.
  4. Maybe get into it, maybe not, who knows. Be stoked!...what's ARA?ARA is a shortening of A Rude Awakening, you can go directly to the topic from the link in my sig, since I am the main artist of the project, or you can go to the wikia. Here: http://ara01.wikia.com/wiki/A_Rude_Awakening_Wikia Anyhow, if you saw a Bohrok riding a Rahkshi, whilst the Rahkshi was on a unicycle, you would...
  5. Would hope ot was as good as ARA. If a story of yours related to bionicle became canon, you would...
  6. Vulcanus? What a lame name, maybe if your name was based off of an ancient horde than maybe the name would be cool, but no, you lamely named yourselves after the word Volcano. Or rather the word Vulcan, which is where the word Volcano is derived from. Vulcan wasn't even the god of war.... We may not all be warriors by nature, but we are all the guardians of this world's beauty certainly. Tesara, Tesara, the Twin Sisters Tes and Ara, this Green in this Dead Desert World, Beauty Isolated amoungst a sea of sand, where fruits are bared upon trees, and streams of water chern through soil. Oh Tesara, Tesara, the great green in a sea, a sea, a sea of sand and death, the Green Emerald glows brightly. Oh, Tesara Tesara, the Green of Life, glowing bright in the dead desert night, Tesara Tesara, survivor of chaos, divided sisters, United in Element, this Beautiful Gem in the Wastes. Long Live Tesara!
  7. I hate to say it, but on some level I kinda agree, I guess...? Just barely kinda, though. Now, know this that I am in no way sexist, in fact I think both men and women are equally as capable, however when it comes to BIONICLE, at least in it's initial run, though we did have female characters, and though technically there were a lot of them, not many of them had much in the way of development, on one hand you can basically count all of them. So my view on the matter is, either have a decently sizable amount of well written female characters, or have none at all, as well as no male characters either in that case, hence why I said on some level. Eitherway the whole topic of Gender in the MU is a bit redundant, seeing as they are biologically infertile and therefore have no reason to have gender outside of making them more relatable. But if I had my wish, I would want there to be more female characters than we had in G1. I would count G2, but since it was so short-lived we didn't get to see a lot of characters.
  8. Out comes a Python named Monty. In goes a piece of metal and a small vile of Carolina Reaper extract.
  9. Well, now we're down one. I can't seem to imagine why it is that Quin left us, other than for balancing reasons.
  10. I feel like I'm missing the joke... The joke ws that I made a reference to how hard cropping on mobile is, how it is like trying to break open a coconut with only a spoon, than that somehow later got attributed to the skrall. I guess to say that even with the most ridiculously ludicrously handicapped of a set of weapons they may have they'd still win. And that they'd be the ones who'd be able to open up a coconut with a spoon.
  11. Oh, Onkoo, I see your sig flag is animated, where can we find flags of the other tribes like it? It may have been posted already, but if it has I guess I missed it.
  12. I second this. As much as I enjoy star wars, I have to admit that appeal for the theme isn't very popular comparatively to BIONICLE on these forums, for obvious reasons. I like variety in contest themes as much as the next guy, but keeping things primarily to BIONICLE is probably most reasonable. Not to mention I myself am not as involved in star wars to really care about making a MOC.
  13. OOC: Sorry I haven't responded this round, someone mind telling me the situation?
  14. Geez, Imrukii, learn to crop. basicallyI'm on mobile, give me a break. Cropping on mobile is like opening a coconut with a spoon, it ain't happening, not without siginifact damage to the spoon and causing great pain to your hand. On the note of the banner, it feels a bit Vorox-like in a way. Than again, the Iron Tribes I suppose are moreso scavengers than an origanized society, so something akin to a pirate flag I guess fits.
  15. Orange Hair, Fedora, White Coat, Long Black Gloves, Cigar, and whatever else, that fella be style'n.
  16. What could that even accomplish, besides not being able to take advantage of the strength of the Bionicle brand name? Of all the conceivable weaknesses of Bionicle G2, being called Bionicle wasn't one of them. I don't see any advantages to changing the name if you're creating something so fundamentally similar. To be fair, it is debatable as to whether or not BIONICLE in some way or another were to come back if store would even stock shelves with the sets, given how poorly G2 apparently sold. Not calling it BIONICLE with said regards in-mind isn't too farfetched if this is taken into account. As to if it would actually work as a theme I think is dependent upon the atmosphere, ascetic, and feeling that the theme initially brings, and to evolve it on from there. Intentional or not, that's kinda how BIONICLE G1 was successful partially, other than the story and interesting sets of course. The overall atmosphere was surreal and enchanting. But that's just my two cents.
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