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Quisoves Potoo

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Everything posted by Quisoves Potoo

  1. I don't normally use this abbreviation, but I can't think of anything better to say. ROFL So, the Kylo Ren clue is obviously a bluff, of some sort. The question is, what sort? Could it fit someone else, as well? EDIT: Windmills! Where?!
  2. At the rate this has filled up, seven more spots should be child's play.
  3. Still hate you all for this, still going to be selfish with all my future roles from this point onward in any game. Other than that it was an entertaining game to watch. Given our motivation targeting you, this should prove hilariously counterproductive. Also, pardon my gaucheness. Many thanks, Nevermore for hosting this game. It was great fun!
  4. Telling us rather takes away the fun, doesn't it? Besides, that's not exactly calculus.
  5. Having read the OP, this looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. If nothing else, it stands a good chance of devolving into glorious chaos, which would certainly be !!FUN!!
  6. Spot 2, please. Also, Ehks returns! Yay!
  7. Huzzah! Congrats, fellow Scum! The funny thing about us killing the Detective is that Burnmad wanted to target a player with little impact on the game. He was deliberately trying to avoid the "Mafia kills all the active players"-scenario. So I suggested ToaD, since he's almost always a Type 2, and most of the other players were fairly active sorts.
  8. I have mixed feelings on the Av-Matoran build. Aesthetically, I find it works, though the wider torso is perhaps a bit misshapen. Mechanically, it does run into troubles, in that it's not readily compatible with any other constraction-build. The torsos are overly complex and the limbs use both balls and ball-cups. I think it can be used for MOCing, but it doesn't offer much of an incentive to do so. It's arguably the most interesting in an historic sense. On one end, it's the spiritual successor to, of all things, the McToran build. You can snap it together in a minute, but good luck MOCing with the torso and arms. On the other end, it's the second leg in LEGO's journey towards a simpler, more set-efficient, and more cost-effective building system, and the first attempt at adjusting the constraction system to this end. It's the feathered dinosaur to CCBS' bird. The monopiece torsos, the bi-connector limbs, the lack of Technic pins (save as weapon and mask connectors,) the ease of building, all these things have their origin in the Av-Matoran. Had it not been for the Extinction Event of 2010, we would probably have seen a more gradual transition towards a CCBS-like system. As Telluris demonstrates, cross-pollination between the Av-Matoran and Inika-builds was something the designers were open to, and I imagine that, by 2011, we'd have seen a number of parts designed for both. Speaking of which, I do hope that, one of these days, we get a detailed look at the original plans for post-2009 BIONICLE.
  9. It was suicide, obviously. Voting Pahrak.
  10. Hmmmm.... I'm not sure what to make of this one. There's nothing overtly wrong with it, aside from the buzzing (which I normally like, but was annoyed by here, especially with the clicking at the loop's end), and it is part of a larger opus, but it lacks, for want of a better word, pizzazz. There is no discernible pace, which isn't always a problem (see 2001: A Space Odyssey,) but made it harder for me to be immersed. The Ko-Koro ones, while a bit slow, had cool camera angles and a nice atmosphere, even when little was going on. This one is just... there.
  11. I'm too tired to critique this, but I'm definitely game.
  12. Nah, too mainstream. Click at your own risk i need sleep Edit: Spoiler tag converted to "more" tag; please use spoiler tags for storyline spoilers only. Also, yes you do. -Wind-
  13. What changed, behind the scenes? Because between this wave and the Summer one, I'm actually really liking Ninjago. It's actually bothering to do aesthetic pastiches, as opposed to the "Skeleton-thing! Snake-thing! Generic high-tech vehicle!" approach. I'm hardly an Otaku, so I could well be wrong, but this wave seems to be taking cues from anime. I believe that the last time we had anything like this was Exo-Force. Oh, and on a different tack, Ninja vs. Pirates! Also, that monkey...
  14. A group project? Ow. I feel your pain. I mean, I appreciate that it can help students improve their organizational and coorperational skills, but it also makes the group's grade dependent on its weakest link. If by "rhetorical lawnmower" you mean a bunch of bluster and bravado, I suggest you silently stare your uncooperative colleague down, next time he does it. Easier said than done, granted, but that sort of self-pitying intimidation only works if it gets some sort of response. You'll be in my prayers.
  15. I just watched the first episode of Broadchurch. Darned good. Seeing the various Who actors pop up was fun.

  16. *Realizes he hasn't checked his profile feed in nearly half-a-month, and pokes you*

  17. Apologies for not seeing your earlier profile-feed-message. While I've yet to read Atlas Shrugged (though it's on my list of things to read once I start feeling better,) I am indeed proud of anyone who reads a more than 1,000 page novel from over fifty years ago. Are you John Galt, by any chance? =P

  18. I am hesitant to say yes, but seeing as I've been doing scattered bits of writing lately, I think I can manage it. When is XXVII likely to end? I think Valendale said by next week? It's on the last page somewhere. Looking at the OP, I see that the Mafia has all but won. So yeah, I should get the intro typed-up.
  19. I am hesitant to say yes, but seeing as I've been doing scattered bits of writing lately, I think I can manage it. When is XXVII likely to end?
  20. In the words of a venerable Doctor Who tome, they say the first sign of madness is talking to your madness.
  21. I thought we already decided I was Portalfig when I referred to y'all as y'all back in XXV Quid? I refer to y'all as "y'all." oh my giddy aunt
  22. Goodness, Voltex is turning into Portalfig.
  23. Also, I forgot to mention, I was the Bully.
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