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Everything posted by UnderscoreChronix

  1. Probably. It's pretty easy to snatch things that in the open, even if people see, what are the odds they're gonna do anything? Besides post about it on Twitter or something. Someone on this topic actually thought it was me who stole Skull Scorpio's mask, just because I linked that one picture that everyone's seen lol. Well.... You are called The Bone-Snatcher.
  2. I don't know, it looks more like a dark gold one to me. The pearl gold one looks a bit lighter than that.
  3. Turns out I cannot afford it sadly.
  4. I might be interested in buying your WMKK, could you maybe reserve it? Nevermind. Ignore this comment.
  5. More like "Why Invasion from Below"
  6. This is becoming a popular question at the moment it's not for sale. Seems far too rare to me. And to answer your other question, yes I have the Kraahkan in both golds, but no way I'm coming off it. You sure there's nothing I could trade for it?
  7. What if someone sneakily stole Skull Scorpio's mask from NYTF?
  8. What you have is just the standard menu loops, end credits, and any parts of the movie that happened to not have many sound effects. We're more interested in the massive amount of material that has yet to be released, officially or unofficially. Eh, there's a playlist containing quite a lot of stuff, I don't think that much is missing.
  9. I built some out of parts from Bricklink and bought some sealed on eBay. Would any of you guys happen to have lots of spare Tohunga parts?
  10. The soundtrack is already released and available to watch and has been for years now. <-- This being just one of the ones uploaded.
  11. How much you want for it? Oh and also, do you also have a kraahkan (Makuta's mask) in that same gold?
  12. Not sure if this counts, considering it doesn't have any CCBS parts. (which was the whole point of the contest)
  13. I didn't know you did MOCs, this looks really good! However, as said above, didn't the entry period close yesterday? Did you bid on the Bo that was on eBay a while ago? (won by Craig I believe)
  14. They were supposed to be his tentacles. I thought the bright orange ones were a bit too, well, bright. I admit, I don't like him much either. I would have improved him but the photos were already taken and I was in a rush to get this topic made.
  15. http://i.imgur.com/dlTQnxN.jpg This one I believe.
  16. I've got the protodermic Miru Nuva, Copper Huna and gold Vahi spare, as well as many spare 2001-2003 masks I would quite like to get rid of.
  17. I got a black Toa Nuva leg. Was it from a store called magicbricks or something like that? Yup, I saw the black Nuva Leg but I wasn't really interested in it. The store is also where one of the silver great Hunas came from. How does he obtain all those prototypes?
  18. Not overpriced at all. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LEGO-BIONICLE-Toa-Tahu-Trans-Orange-Mask-Kanohi-2015-NEW-/121575495038?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item1c4e76d57e
  19. I got a black Toa Nuva leg. Was it from a store called magicbricks or something like that?
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