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Everything posted by UnderscoreChronix

  1. Me like. I am already creating people I know as Protectors. Due to the animation style, recolouring them is way easier than it is with many Matoran maker sheets.
  2. I think Haxorus is right, I've never heard of a metru red komau. And if you're referring to something on the list it clearly isn't a bootleg part or... well you know, it wouldn't be on the list... The OFFICIAL list A while ago someone turned up with a Metru red Komau which looked like a prototype similar to the White Huna, Metru Blue Matatu etc.. But eventually it turned out to be from a bootleg set or something.
  3. Does anyone know where I could get one of those bootleg metru red Komaus?
  4. Except we see Morro at the end of "The Corridor of Elders" That episode hasn't been uploaded yet so I have not seen it. (I know about the low-res videos of people filming their TV's with video cameras, but I choose not to watch those since they ruin the experience) Better? Still don't want to watch it until I have seen episode 43, which is not yet uploaded.
  5. Ekimus mask is gold and blue actually And I kinda like skull scorpio, My order 1 to 5, 1 being the best 1. MM vs SG 2. SB 3. Skull Scorpio 4. SW 5. Skull slicer His mask has a bit of green on it.
  6. Pretty much. They seem to be making a lot of mistakes with Gen 2 stuff.
  7. Yes. Adults also have jobs which allow them to get access to more parts than younger people.
  8. It's a good set, but I dislike the random yellow pieces put there to break the colour scheme. I also don't think the name is very fitting - He isn't a lord, he's just a Rahi. I saw a revamp someone did where he was half humanoid with spider legs like a centaur-spider-thing, and wearing the gold mask which I think could have worked pretty well actually.
  9. Best: Ekimu vs Skull Grinder. Both Ekimu and Skellington man look nice, with consistent colour schemes. The set also comes with three masks so that's cool, including the Mask of Creation. The green on Ekimu's Protector mask is a little weird though. Worst: Skull Scorpio This set is a mess, that's all I can say about it. The legs are stuck in place and can't move at all, and the "tail" looks like a big lump of scaffolding got glued to the back of a spider, even if it does have an interesting function.
  10. If you made a business out of life-sized Kanohi, I reckon you could make some money. I'd totally buy a life-sized plastic or metal mask.
  11. As cool as that would be, I think we're going to be stuck with the DUNDUN DUNDUN DUN, DUNDUN DUNDUN DUN, DUDADUNDUN DUN, DUN DUNDUN DUUUUN DUUUUUN DUUUUN for a while. Seriously, that music is being used in literally everything. It's epic music and I really like it, but after hearing it so much it gets a little stale.
  12. 1. Stone - Pros: Good articulation, weapon is nice and complex and looks good. Cons: Armor on legs is weirdly positioned but can easily be fixed, and he has no back coverage due to all the parts being put into the weapon. 2. Earth - Pros: Good articulation, shield is nice, looks really cool. Chest-gun is slightly strange but awesome, and he also has a custom torso build. Cons: Yellow bits on weapons and weist is a little open. 3. Jungle - Pros: Nice colour scheme, good articulation, overall very pleasent to look at. Cons: Weapon is cool but a bit odd. It's a gun with green fire randomly sticking out the sides, looks nothing like a bow at all. 4. Water - Pros: Cool weapon/vehicle thingy, good colour scheme. Cons: Propellars on turbines are trans-light blue for some reason, and the arms look a bit open, and torso armour sticks out. 5. Fire - Pros: Good colour scheme, good looking custom torso build. Cons: No elbows, translucent hands for some reason, and the bones in the arms are grey while all the others are black which looks slightly odd. Also, what are his weapons supposed to be? They're little stick things which are on fire, and he holds them extremely awkwardly. 6. Ice - Pros: Good colour scheme. Cons: No elbows similar to PoF, and also has translucent hands. Are his hands made of ice or something? The arms look very short and stubby, even more so thnan PoF. Weapons are also a bit clunky, especially the gun which is held slightly awkwardly.
  13. Yes. I've already made a way for Kopaka's spear to go on his back, and in case anyone didn't know, Tahu's huge fire blades can also be stored on his back while he is using the smaller swords.
  14. Except we see Morro at the end of "The Corridor of Elders" That episode hasn't been uploaded yet so I have not seen it. (I know about the low-res videos of people filming their TV's with video cameras, but I choose not to watch those since they ruin the experience)
  15. Wait. I just figured out the summer 2015 story. The ninja go to the cursed realm to look for Garmadon but they find evil ghost people and they have to fight them to save Garmadon and get back to Ninjago.
  16. Couldn't Chen just modify Fangpyre venom or something instead of holding a fake tournament and eventually stealing the power of the elemental masters to do the spell? Or couldn't he have just taken everyone's powers right there and then when they were all gathered in the room before the tournament began in the first episode?
  17. Either Jay's Storm Fighter or Jay's Electro Mech, I think. Or perhaps the Thunder Raider.
  18. I don't know if it will happen. Some guy in Finland posted a moc with it and I was like, dude lots of $ for the mask and he's thinking about it. I'll think about selling it but not soon if I get it. Letagi said its worth 100$ but that still seems high... I'm gonna start at 40$ and see of he knows what he has... I'm prepared to do 100+ if necessary. But not over 200$ as I'm saving up for other things and half my money is put toward college.White Huna's are worth way more than that. if anything goes wrong, help a guy out and refer me to him I might be able to afford this After, I helped you out before Haha, found the guy you are talking about Lessovikk, he states it's a grey one He's not on bzp and it's a site I'd never heard of. If that's still what your talking about than okay but he hasent responded to me yet so I don't think we have the same guy.Oh and toa chronix, I'll tell you when the deal is over Ohhhh, I see what you mean bike, okay I misunderstood re guy. I thought he was saying he had the white huna, my bad. I just read that little disclaimer that after he talked about it he said he wants one. Ah that's painful ;_; If you end up getting a White Huna, PLEASE don't break it, lose it or damage it..
  19. It's funny, because the villagers literally are copy-paste two-dimensional cutouts. They didn't even bother giving them different poses or making them move.
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