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Everything posted by UnderscoreChronix

  1. Doing that the first few times.... ouch. I got several cuts down my fingers and a few times bits of my skin got stuck between the eyepiece and the head. It was extremely painful. I just went and did some "research" by stepping on a few pieces. The worst ones I found so far are: *Nuju Metru's weapons *Knights Kingdom heads *Tohunga/Matoran heads
  2. I know what the Vahi looks like, but why is everyone suddenly saying it's only half a mask? Also I bet that guy would sell a yellow Hau and say it's solid gold..
  3. Ooooh. I might be willing to spend my £40 on those (Not really... Just 12). lol Heres a gold Vahi (not particularly sure if thats expensive or not) http://www.ebay.com/itm/BIONICLE-GOLD-Mask-of-Time-VAHI-RARE-hard-to-find-item-/161449208090?pt=Building_Toys_US&hash=item25971f691a Yes. That is expensive for HALF a mask. What is all this half a mask business about? I'm not sure I understand.
  4. ON EBAY TODAY: Looks like Iron Man wanted to join the Hero Factory.. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lego-bionicle-Iron-Man-/221583436412?pt=UK_Construction_Toys_Kits&hash=item339766ea7c Look everybody, It's the seventh Toa Metru.... Makama! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lego-Bionicle-8602-Toa-Makama-/321548837389?pt=UK_Construction_Toys_Kits&hash=item4addcde20d Preston Stormer wanted to be Gali Mistika this Halloween. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lego-Bionicle-Hero-Preston-Stormer-7164-Complete-With-Build-Instructions-/311141547747?pt=UK_Construction_Toys_Kits&hash=item48717b3ee3
  5. I think that Ekimu's hammer is actually made of two of the new rapid fire launchers, just the animation style made the pieces look simpler. Missile hammer.....
  6. Oh and also, I think Ekimu's hammer has the pieces used on Iron Man's shoulder cannon. Piece: http://prntscr.com/4ym9up Hammer: http://prntscr.com/4ymaca
  7. I was expecting it to be another Visorak, like Suukorak or something.... But no. It's Toa Iruini. Build incorrectly. I mean come on! He literally has a canister with it showing images of what KEELERAK looks like!
  8. The 4th Toa of Ice is going to have dark blue eyes.
  9. About Vaku's eye color - I just did it to make him different from the other Ice Toa. Since there are four of them I wanted some variety, and also to ignore the whole 'Ice Toa have blue eyes' cliche. Thanks for your feedback!
  10. Sometimes I do feel that people say 2006 is the best year simply because of nostalgia. The Toa in that year got barely any character development and were nothing like their Matoran selves. The "gang" thing with the Piraka was a little weird, and we all remember the Piraka Rap. It was also the year that introduced the biggest plot device in the history of Bionicle - The Mask of Life. The Toa Inika also had really weird masks, don't even get me started on Kongu. I don't know what they were thinking when they made that head design. All the Inika had the same weapons too, Nuparu being the only one with something unique. The Piraka were pretty good but the asymmetrical arms look a little odd in my opinion, it makes them look like Toa Hordika. However I think we can all agree that the titans were pretty great that year, especially Brutaka. But no matter how good the Titans are, they will never beat the best Bionicle set of all - Good Guy
  11. I like how the guy claims that Vezon and Fenrakk are "COMPLETE" when Fenrakk looks dead on the ground and has loads of missing parts.
  12. It would be so awesome if these new Toa were actually from the Mataverse and need to get back to their own dimension. That way it could be a reboot AND a continuation. Sadly, it's extremely unlikely that this is the case. We can dream.... ;(
  13. Many people overdo it on MOCs. I once saw a MOC where the breasts were so huge you couldn't even see the shoulders. When I build female MOCs I usually just make the shoulders a bit more narrow, make the arms and legs slightly thinner (But not too much), and sometimes change the feet.
  14. Are you going to make the other Toa?
  15. NICE Edit: Please leave more specific feedback next time. -Wind-
  16. Kinda ironic that he doesn't use the Inika build.
  17. People feel entitled when they do things for the public.I don't feel entitled, I just think it would be cool to see them all together, I have put forth a lot of effort to get my collection this complete. I don't like thinking some random kid is gonna win this mask and mistreat it, I was just trying to make it clear that if someone here won one of them, that I would want it too, and if they wanted to trade it, I am ready to make an offer. just because I have a big collection doesn't mean I don't want the cool new stuff guys! Mc I thought the same thing... What if it gets won by an 8 year old who scratches it, damages it and perhaps loses it? Okay, I'm worried about these masks now. Please win them MC.
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