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Sergei Rahkmaninoff

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Everything posted by Sergei Rahkmaninoff

  1. Yeah, Palma tried to save him and got the body into immaculate condition but the Kraata just couldn't pull through.
  2. Jayar is keeping vigil over Omega. He's not gonna let anyone touch the body. And if they try to fight him, he will calmly remind them that Palma is watching.
  3. @Av Only way everyone else would know would be if someone who knew them IRL made a separate account and posted the news, and even then it might be taken as a prank (especially is that were foolish enough to do it on April 1st). I don't think a grieving relative would even bother. As the recent news article has made clear, there are a lot of inactive BZP members. Who could guess how many have left not just BZP but the world? It's a solemn thought, much more so than even the death of the fictional Omega.
  4. Granted, you are a hermit in the Amazon rainforest and are never heard from again. I wish Omega wasn't dead.
  5. IC: Jayar / Gym-->Courtyard-->Infirmary Jayar followed Kat and Fang outside, feeling lost for words. What could he say? How could he comfort two Rahkshi be barely knew, on the death of another Rahkshi he barely knew? He looked at the two of them and decided this was not where he was needed, his presence would be no help. But where he was, he did not know. He returned to the Infirmary and looked with shock upon Omega, perfectly intact. For a moment he thought there had been some mistake, Omega wasn't dead - But there was no movement to Omega's armor, no light in his eyes. Jayar sat down and put his head in his hands. Nothing would ever be the same again. Of this, he was certain. He wished Hoto were around. For now, though, as he kept vigil over Omega's lifeless body, he began composing a poem on his head. OOC: Jayar open to interaction.
  6. @Toa of Dancing I would be honored.
  7. If Squid wants to fight the pyro he should get an ice gun.
  8. It's funny, really. By killing Omega, Exxan now has to face a threat far greater than Omega ever was. ToD, I posted a MoC of Short a few pages back, if you want to check it out.
  9. I made a MoC of him too though Dane. I was saying that now I can dismantle mine. Though I'll probably keep it actually.
  10. Well guess I can dismantle that Omega MoC. Don't worry, Omega will not have died in vain! His death will gather support for Fang and emnity for Exxan. You could say he's fighting Exxan even in death.
  11. @Sil To a lot it is. Jayar, Vhaalku, Fang, Kat, Melody, and apparently Chekquars to name a few.
  12. Granted, you're paralyzed from the neck down and can't feel your back. I wish I had telepathy.
  13. For irony's sake I think Exxan needs to be put on trial in the Library, just like he did for Torch.
  14. I hope Exxan doesn't just go ahead and try to kill Fang after that declaration of war Fang just made.
  15. IC: Jayar / The Infirmary "Visorak, on Nynrah? I suppose that makes sense," Jayar replied to Kat, as he pulled up a chair. He was wondering why exactly they had felt the need to seek them out. Before he could say anything else, Omega's broken body was dragged in. Life was beginning to make it very clear that it was very dangerous here at Corpus Rahkshi. Jayar stared in shock at it for a moment before Fang leapt up, grabbed his sword, and rushed out the door. Jayar followed Fang out, trailing him to the Gym, where he found him leaning against the doorway. His speech was stumbling, panting, but it held great fury, directed at Exxan. Jayar stood back, prepared to help Fang if anything... went wrong. IC: Vlad / Hallways-->Nynrah As Vlad stood in the hallway, a broken body was carried by. He looked at it with shock. That was probably the only appropriate reaction to such a terrible sight. Thus far at Corpus Rahkshi he had seen terrible injuries, to himself, his prey, and random others, but nothing this bad. And, as a complete misfit, Vlad had to fear he was next. Probably it would be wise to get a good weapon after all. "Come, Ivan. Now ve go to Nynrah," he said. He walked to the courtyard, trying to keep his calm, keep the image of the broken body out of his head. When he finally arrived he leapt into the air, cloak billowing, and took flight, headed for the mainland. Ivan followed close behind.
  16. Ouch. I wake up and Omega's all but dead. If Exxan made any progress in coming to terms with Fang in the Infirmary, it's all lost now.
  17. IC: Vlad / The Infirmary-->Halls Palma having given him the brief care his minor injury required, Vlad was feeling much better. He rose from the bed and strode out of the Infirmary, Ivan following close behind. Once outside, her came to a stop. He hadn't really decided what he would do when he left the Infirmary. He was considering going to Nynrah for a weapon, bit he feared empowering himself as a warrior might make it easier for him to... slip... and attack another student. OOC: Vlad open to interaction. Hey UltimoScorp, I think you missed Jayar asking Kat where everybody went. I shot you a PM hours ago but you haven't read it.
  18. You literally said 'great job guys.' I'm thinking you weren't really telling us how wonderful we did to let Torch get away. I speak sarcasm just fine... I'm just no good at reading it . English really needs an irony mark.
  19. Granted, but your Internet isn't. I wish the following post does not grant this wish.
  20. @Roman There you go again, telling us how disappointing we are. It's almost comical how little attention Torch actually gets despite the fact that he's a murderous pyromaniac.
  21. No. Abyssium suggested a guard schedule, Jayar suggested a single Rahkshi watching and rehabilitating him.
  22. I'm going to assume that was a joke.
  23. Indeed. Vlad's pretty lonely. But with who?
  24. IC: Jayar / The Library-->The Infirmary Jayar rolled his eyes as Exxan declared how proud he was of the student body. Did he think he was above them? (Well, he was, but just by a single level.) That they participated in the trial to prove themselves to him? Gaining a level, and the reputation that went along with that, seemed to have gone to his head. Though at least he had a noble goal of proving the students were capable to the Staff. Leaving the Library, Jayar returned to the Infirmary, only to find Hoto, Era, and a bunch of other Rahkshi had left, and a certain Vacuum Rahkshi had arrived in their place. Jayar mentally facepalmed, but did not interfere, at least for now. Exxan looked like he had come in peace. If Fang wanted him gone, probably not only Exxan but the entire Infirmary would know soon enough. He walked over to Kat and asked her, "Where did Hoto and the others go?" IC: Vlad / The Infirmary "Oh." said Vlad sadly, mostly to himself. Of course there was no one else like him. He was, as before, all alone. Except for Ivan, his faithful companion. He lay in bed, unmoving, for a while. OOC: Vlad open to interaction.
  25. What do you mean, ignoring? It's not like everyone who made a suggestion except Abyssium was rewarded or something. Jayar suggested the rehabilitation thing that Melody volunteered to carry out, and nothing special happened to him. I don't see what you were expecting to happen. As for Torch, it's only fair that he ignore us, after we ignored him so much . you'd have to ask Sil.
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