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Sergei Rahkmaninoff

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Everything posted by Sergei Rahkmaninoff

  1. Okay thanks UltimoScorp. I'm relatively new to this, sorry.
  2. OOC: Vlad approached Poly, but I edited it into a post as you were posting, UltimoScorp, so not really fair to you. Ignore it, I guess. Sorry, I'll post separately next time. IC: Vlad / The Refectory-->The Gym Vlad gave up on the Lerahk and returned to his seat. He forced enough of the pathetically disgusting sludge down his resisting throat to satisfy his nutritional needs, then fed the remainder to Ivan, who devoured it emphatically. "Vhat should ve do now, Ivan?" he asked. The Ice Bat rarely responded in a way he could comprehend, but he had an image to maintain as a bat whisperer, and thus interpreted Ivan's random squeals however suited him. This time, he decided Ivan was directing him to the Gym. "The Gym. Indeed, I vill go to the Gym." He stood and held out his arm in front of his face, hiding his jaw with the Cloak of Umbra in a vampirely fashion, and strode towards the door. "I vill strike a vhite fear into zer hearts of zer other students vith my terrifyink illuminated nature." Ivan fluttered along behind him and gave off a few squeals which Vlad interpreted as 'genius!' but were probably closer to a laugh. OOC: Vlad open to interaction.
  3. For some reason I feel Tube would do well with a Ghekula. Don't know why. I don't think GRoot would need a pet, given his personal garden, but if he did choose one I would say it would be...*thinks* a faithful Burnak, maybe, which would heroically fight at his side even in his darkest hour. Seems like that would fit his legendary-heroism personality.
  4. I say the Mohtrek. It's so powerful, and also so very, very confusing. For example, if you ingested a lethal poison, what happens if you summon yourself up from the point at which you swallowed it, and give yourself the antidote? The thing might as well be called the Great Mask of Paradoxes. Or you could take the time to briefly wear every Kanohi Mask, then in battle if you need one, summon up yourself wearing whatever mask would help.
  5. Exactly. New fans must be buying them too, thus the line has succeeded in gathering new fans. It occurs to me that the problem would have been even worse if they released the sets before Christmas, which is probably why they didn't.
  6. While that seems disappointing to those who wanted to order the sets, it's really great news, since it shows Lego that Gen2 is a huge success. If the high demand continues, we'll be likely to have more than 3 years after all ! (It also says 'will ship in 30 days,' in case anyone was wondering.)
  7. Granted, but the DLC removes all other playable characters. I wish for a pet Kraata of Quick Healing.
  8. You have your answer. With the power he currently revels in wielding, a little extra anger could lead to actions devastating to those he sees as enemies, and perhaps eventually himself. That said, last post of tonight. See you all next year
  9. Wait, just iOS? Are they just going to neglect the portion of the fanbase using Android? Why, Lego, why!?
  10. IC: Jayar / The Infirmary-->The Library Jayar nodded. Kat's words were what he should have said. "I think I may have preparations to make for or trip to the mainland. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the Library." He began to leave. "Oh, and if Suvak makes any announcements about the assignment, I'll let you two know." He walked through the halls to the Library and grabbed a book on healing. If he was going on a dangerous mission to the mainland a little rudimentary knowledge of the at might come in handy. He sat down at the same table he had written the essays... received a hug... and delved into the book. OOC: Jayar open for interaction.
  11. IC: Jayar / The Infirmary "I hope you don't hold it against us," said Jayar at Hoto's mention of 'the rest of them.' "I may not understand, but I do care." IC: Vlad / The Refectory Vlad noticed a Lerahk sit down nearby. Something in the way he carried himself reminded Vlad of himself, as if he were fighting his own mind... Or maybe it was an illusion. Nevertheless, Vlad walked over to him and said, "Good evenink. I am Vlad. Vould you mind if I sit vith you avhile?"
  12. That is the last thing anyone at this school needs. Especially Fang or Exxan.
  13. IC: Jayar / The Infirmary Jayar saw Hoto almost leap into the air. He held out his fist to her, smiling. "I get one from you too, right?" he said.
  14. Granted, but everyone else in Greenland moves away. I wish I had a Transylvanian accent.
  15. IC: Jayar / The Infirmary Jayar knew what to do - smiling, he gave Kat a solid fist bump. "Glad to be here," he said. At last he was among like-minded Rahkshi. Not overambitious or manipulative, maybe not perfect, but moral.
  16. IC: Jayar / The Infirmary "Well enough. I wouldn't claim to be undetectable, but at night it would probably be at least as difficult for a Matoran to detect me as any other Rahkshi."
  17. IC: Jayar / The Infirmary "I'm a Quick Healing Rahk. It's hard to keep me down. And if I don't go, you'll be more likely to be injured yourself," he pointed out. Jayar turned back to Fang. "It is an honor to meet you, Fang. I have heard of your actions on Nynrah during the last assignment, and admire you for them."
  18. IC: Jayar / The Infirmary "If you do return to Nynrah, would you permit me to join you? It seems you would benefit from an extra Rahk or two," Jayar offered Kat. He had been really hoping Hoto would introduce him to Fang, but that seemed to be not happening.
  19. Another Ice Bat. Vlad could help her get one. And bats (presumably even Bionicle bats) use echolocation, so she could just use its sonic waves - no need to create her own.
  20. IC: Jayar / The Infirmary Thank you, Captain Redundant, thought Jayar as Bullseye's shout echoed Hoto's almost exactly.
  21. IC: Jayar / The Infirmary Jayar breathed a sigh of relief and wondered why the Farahk had pointed out that he wasn't level 3. The thought that perhaps he was and wanted it secret (and didn't understand how to keep it that way) crossed Jayar's mind. "Thank you," he said to the Farahk. "I'm Jayar. Friend of Hoto's and servant of none." The way he said none might have implied Phogen if you were suspicious about that sort of thing. Hearing Hoto excited shout, he walked a few steps over to Fang's bed, beside Hoto.
  22. IC: Jayar / The Infirmary Jayar could tell Omega didn't trust him. How to navigate this thin ice? If he came out right away and said he wasn't Phogen's ally, it would arouse suspicion that he was. If he didn't, there would still be suspicion. Curse Phogen for making this school such a difficult place! He settled on, "I mean no harm. Kat trusted us to see Fang, surely you can?"
  23. IC: Jayar / The Infirmary Jayar noticed a Rahkshi of Magnetism, presumably a friend of Fang, glaring at Hoto and realized he was on thin ice here. To gain Fang's trust, he would have to express his opposition to Phogen... but doing so might risk his friendship with Hoto, the thought of which was unsettling. He decided on inaction for now, continuing to follow Hoto.
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