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Sergei Rahkmaninoff

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Everything posted by Sergei Rahkmaninoff

  1. Bullseye is being Captain Redundant again:
  2. IC: Vlad / The Gym Vlad watched hopefully as Ivan toppled Hashan, but when Hashan grabbed Ivan, ripped the staff from his claws, and thrust him aside, the hope was replaced with anger, at not only Hashan but himself. Ivan was his only friend in the world. If he were harmed trying to make up for his master's shortcomings, Vlad would never be able to forgive himself. Time slowed down. Pounce on him now - he von't be able to respond, he's to busy with Ivan - rip open his suit and sink your teeth into his Kraata! Leech zer life from him! No! I vill not regress! I am reformed - avenge Ivan - Reformed! Do it do it DO IT!!!! I must get out of here before I breakkkkk - break! DO IT!!! No. I'll concede. This fight is lost anyvays. Vlad swallowed his pride and said, "I concede. Just, do not hurt Ivan." Good, now vhen he lets up, attack! Be qvuiet.
  3. IC: Vlad / The Gym Vlad stumbled backwards, just quick enough to escape all but a grazing by Hashan's staff on his chin, but as he stepped backwards his injured leg gave a brief unhappy little muscle spasm or something and Vlad found himself collapsing. He reached out his free hand toward the ground to steady himself. Meanwhile, behind Hashan, Ivan had had enough of seeing his companion thrashed. He picked up the half of Hashan's staff which had clattered to the ground in his small claws, and with a mighty heave of his wings, lifted it, then flew towards Hashan, aiming the point at his back. Hashan was facing Vlad, so there was little chance he would even see the Ice Bat coming. Seeing Ivan's manuever, Vlad would have stifled a smile to prevent alerting the other Rahkshi to Ivan's presence. He was in enough pain, however, that he didn't have to - his jaw was already clenched in pain.
  4. IC: Vlad / The Gym Vlad knocked Hashan's staff down with his sword, but not enough - the point stabbed into his leg. Vlad grimaced, then grimaced again because his jaw still hurt and grimacing only made it worse, before finally grabbing the staff with his free hand and yanking it hard to the side - ouch - hoping to wrest it from his opponent's grasp.
  5. OOC: It didn't have to be that fast. Vlad rather overestimates himself. IC: Vlad / The Gym Vlad smiled triumphantly as his sword knocked Hashan on the head, but his smile disappeared when he heard Hashan's angry growl. Ivan screeched out - encouragement, hopefully - as Vlad took a half step back and clumsily thrust his sword out in front of him, hoping to impale Hashan with his own momentum.
  6. Granted, but parking at college is incredibly expensive. I wish the Bionicle sets were in stock.
  7. IC: Vlad / The Gym This time, Vlad was unable to dodge or block Hashan's blow, and it hit him in the jaw, knocking him stumbling backwards. His jaw aching, he managed to recover by going into a backwards roll. When he completed a rotation he shot up and lunged swiftly forward at his opponent, sword aloft, and swung it down towards Hashan's head with furious (supernatural, he complimented himself) speed.
  8. Okay. I've also got Jayar, Vlad, Ivan, and Short, so I'll post the pictures all at the same time as soon as I've got them ready.
  9. Heheh... Potato-Master of Stone... He can team up with Onya.
  10. From Wiktionary: So fan fiction is an actual work of fiction, headcanon is just an interpretation. If I write a story where Kopaka is female and post it in the Epics forum, that would be fanfiction. If I just decide that, from now on, when I read Bionicle books I'll envision Kopaka as female, mentally switch out 'he' for 'she' every time it's used in reference to Kopaka, then that's headcanon. So I don't see the big problem with referring to this sort of thing as headcanon, because until one writes an actual work of fiction about their interpretations, that's what it is. I disagree. SOME people do it for glory, but a lot of us are genuinely interested in knowing the things we have been canonizing (which, by the way, are not nearly as absurd as your post declares.) That's kinda what we've been trying to do by having polls for everything. Granted, they've not been perfect, but we're working on it. We've got a guideline topic and everything.
  11. Awesome MoC of Hoto, Click! I made one of her as well, since she's probably interacted with Jayar more than anyone else so far, but yours is much better. (In my defense I don't have any of the new CCBS piston pieces yet .) ArcticFreeze I feel your pain. I was in similar circumstances for years until I ordered about 3 heads each color, and an array of other Rahkshi parts, off Bricklink.
  12. IC: Vlad / The Gym Vell, that did nothing, thought Vlad. There was no time for further musings as Hashan swung his staff towards him, and he threw up his sword, point down, to block the strike. He followed up by angling it outwards, crouching, and bringing it, and with it Hashan's staff, over his head. He continued the motion fluidly, bringing the sword down, hoping to trap his opponent's staff against the ground.
  13. IC: Vlad / The Gym Vlad swiftly (and slightly clumsily) leapt aside of Hashan's attack and swung the Cloak of Umbra at his opponent's face. Since an average Rahkshi was far more light-intolerant than Vlad himself, Vlad figured getting the lightstone-covered cloak wrapped around Hashan's head might well leave him blinded for a moment or two. Even if it didn't, getting hit with what was essentially a cloth filled with stones might hurt a bit. Vlad hoped.
  14. Having a pet might get in the way of Wraith's personality changing act, though, since each personality would have to take care of the same pet.
  15. IC: Vlad / The Gym "Vunderful!" It occured to Vlad that he had no weapon and would probably need one. "Allow me a moment to grab a veapon," he said as he strode over to the armory, and looking over the available armaments, found nothing that really suited him. I vill have to go to zer mainland and purchase a veapon from zer Ghosts. For now, he took up a thin, dull sword and returned to his sparring partner, taking up an elegant but probably rather impractical battle stance. "I am ready, attack me vhen you are," he declared.
  16. 'Son' was used in the old storyline in MoL, in referring to the Rahkshi as 'sons of Makuta.' That was used much less figuratively than 'brother,' was, though. I think having a small protector (referred to as 'son') implies at the very least that upon coming into existence protectors are not full-size, and grow over time. This points to them being organic, but it doesn't prove it. It could just as well be that they are robotic and are rebuilt as normal Protectors, similar to the 03 Matoran, after a set period of time has passed or the adult protectors feel the child is ready, sort of thing. I'm going to guess that they're organic, however. The new story seems to be intended to be as open to newcomers as possible, without any specialized terms aside from Okoto and Toa, so it makes sense that the Toa and Protectors won't have a very alien biology.
  17. Good thought, but what is the difference? As soon as Tahu lands in Episode 2, the Protector of Fire tells him that he is "Tahu, Master of Fire." However, the character animations say "become Master of [insert element here]. So there's a bit of a contradiction that obscures things somewhat. Anyway, getting a bit off-topic here, this debate might fit better in bonesiii's video findings thread.
  18. *checks* You are correct. Think we could convince Tridax that we need an aquarium to effectively learn?
  19. Can I make just one morak? Come to think of it, might a hydruka make a good pet for someone?
  20. Takanuva and Tahu are on here twice. Lucky guys. I vote Takanuva Mistika. I didn't have him, but he looks really freaking awesome.
  21. Perhaps more Toa were produced. But with the other information presented I think it's probably erroneous as well.
  22. I think we can reasonably assume Toa means Master in Gen2. Tahu, Toa of Fire = Tahu, Master of Fire.
  23. There could easily be a species of tree squids in the MU. Those would be able to ride around on Squid, if Ultron approves it.
  24. IC: Vlad / The Gym "Good evenink!" responded Vlad with a bow and a flourish of the Cloak of Umbra. "Um... it is evenink, no? It is of no matter. I am Vlad, and this is my pet Ice Bat, Ivan. Ve vere lookink, for a sparrink partner. Vould you oblige us, vith a duel?" OOC: This will be fun. Jayar is still open to interaction in the Library.
  25. It's Bionicle. Sense need not apply.
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